Surprise Score Today!

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In Dave Grohl We Trust!
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 31, 2008
North Florida
The local truckstop in town is being re-modeled, with new pumps and stuff. While getting gas in the wife's car with the family, I spotted an OLD mobile home next to the office/store. Mounted to this mobile home was a CM commercial dish! :D Needless to say, I asked the clerk inside (who we know) and he said "Have at it....8am Monday morning all that stuff over there is getting scrapped!" :eek: So we grab lunch, head home & back up there with the truck, and load 'er up! :D
All I need for this one is the LNB holder. The arms are hanging loose but not bent....and check out the length of the pole! droid2012 1967.jpgdroid2012 1968.jpgdroid2012 1970.jpg
Great find. Is it an optical illusion or was that pole only buried a foot into the ground (judging from the marking on the bottom of the pole)

Yes, but the bracket was mounted to the old office/trailer near the roofline just under the dish. It was still hanging on the side of the mobile home, but not in the ground anymore since the whole thing was dragged from another location on the property. Made it any easy score! If you look closely in the mess of coax near the dish you can see the bracket mount.
Congratulations! And yes, was it really just a foot? Hard to imagine that working out.

I see we have the exact same air tank. Good to see you've gotten a lot more mileage than me- I can look forward to many more years of service!
Congratulations! And yes, was it really just a foot? Hard to imagine that working out.

I see we have the exact same air tank. Good to see you've gotten a lot more mileage than me- I can look forward to many more years of service!
Actually I looked at air tanks today while we were out.
The one you see there I've had for over 10 years, the gauge quit working, and the valve leaks if you don't shut it just right, so she's just about due for retirement! :D
Great find. Must be luck I don't have. Got zeroed for about the 8th or 9th time Thursday at an Ed-Jones place. They all think someone from some company is coming for the dish. Even the year and a half old burned out gas station. Boarded up and they still think the dish going back to ??????

I just re-worked my old air tank too-shiny new brass parts and new guage, maybe it'll go another 10yrs or so.
That pole, whew, if you drove on the highway with many times did you get stopped , lol. Nice dish!
I just re-worked my old air tank too-shiny new brass parts and new guage, maybe it'll go another 10yrs or so.
That pole, whew, if you drove on the highway with many times did you get stopped , lol. Nice dish!

Just 2-lane roads home from where the dish was, aboout 11 miles. Had a bright red sock on the end provided by my daughter! :D
Great find. Must be luck I don't have. Got zeroed for about the 8th or 9th time Thursday at an Ed-Jones place. They all think someone from some company is coming for the dish. Even the year and a half old burned out gas station. Boarded up and they still think the dish going back to ??????

Now that one makes no sense to me.... they should just let you have the dish.
Great find. Must be luck I don't have. Got zeroed for about the 8th or 9th time Thursday at an Ed-Jones place. They all think someone from some company is coming for the dish. Even the year and a half old burned out gas station. Boarded up and they still think the dish going back to ??????


I am going through that with 3 Primestar dishes!
I cannot get them because they all believe that a Primestar truck is going to pull into their driveway sometimes soon. :facepalm
I've been looking for a 6 foot or bigger C-band dish around here. All the ones that I have asked, either are afraid you will mess up their yard or they are just too big for me to handle by my self. Guess I will just have to buy a new 6 footer. That would be small enough that I could install by myself. There is a company in Ohio that has the 6 foot solid panel steel dish for $119.00 plus shipping. Only problem is they are a wholesale company and I don't know if they will sell to an individual. I'm not a young squirt anymore(64) and not as strong as I once was.
I am going through that with 3 Primestar dishes!
I cannot get them because they all believe that a Primestar truck is going to pull into their driveway sometimes soon. :facepalm

Honestly, I doubt these people are really thinking that someone will come for the dish. They probably just don't want the dish taken for whatever reason (like Squid said... fear of a messed up yard, liability fears, don't trust strangers, or think the dish is worth something)...
Honestly, I doubt these people are really thinking that someone will come for the dish. They probably just don't want the dish taken for whatever reason (like Squid said... fear of a messed up yard, liability fears, don't trust strangers, or think the dish is worth something)...

Still a lot of .84 P* dishes in yards around here. I had one person tell me (about a year ago) they were still using theirs for Primestar programming ("we get ALL the movie channels with that dish")...:rolleyes::D
Driving up in a white pickup, in dark blue slacks and light blue uniform shirt.... "I'm from Pridestar and it does not appear you have paid for your subscription for over two years. I am here to pick up up the dish and equipment."

However, in an area just North of here, the cable company has been using Channel Master dishes for the "Cable System" services. So... those dishes might be in use.
A line one scrapper is using for the small metal dishes, "I am helping with the county clean up and will take down that unsightly dish, wires and pole and dispose of them for you." He says he is not going for the big dishes and did give me a 75E he collected. I think he may be the guy who advertises on Portland Craigslist with dishes for sale for $35 to $50!
I've been looking for a 6 foot or bigger C-band dish around here. All the ones that I have asked, either are afraid you will mess up their yard or they are just too big for me to handle by my self. Guess I will just have to buy a new 6 footer. That would be small enough that I could install by myself. There is a company in Ohio that has the 6 foot solid panel steel dish for $119.00 plus shipping. Only problem is they are a wholesale company and I don't know if they will sell to an individual. I'm not a young squirt anymore(64) and not as strong as I once was.

I installed a Fortec Star, "6 foot solid panel steel dish" by myself. It wasn't that hard. Its funny how my kids are never around when I need help. When they need money or something from me its a different matter.;)
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