Superdish with Sky angel??


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 23, 2004
I am an installer with little experience with hooking a skyangel up to a superdish. I have an install in the morning. The customer has an old dish 300 dish hooked up to two dish 301 receivers. The install is for a superdish so they can get dish programming and locals on 121. If the 44 switch was available i assume i could just patch the sky angel sat into the 44 switch. Since it is not I assume the only solution is to run two cables to each receiver through an a/b switch? Then they could toggle between the superdish and skyangel? Is this correct? They are an elderly couple and I may use a remote control a/b switch. The other question I had is is it possible to split the signal with a dc pass splitter from the old dish 300 dish to have it go to two receivers?...or should I replace the dish 300 with a dish 500 and run two seperate cables from the sky angel dish? Also a broader question: Is the reason I can't just use the 34 switch with everything because the check switch function on the receivers can only handle three satellites?
Thanks for any help! :confused:
You will need a dishpro lnb on the dish 300.
If they are not getting any programing from 110, just hook up 121,119 and 61.5 to the DP34 switch until you can get a DPP44 switch.
a dishpro single lnb? If I don't have one can I use a dishpro dual lnb with the 300 dish or a 500 dish? What channels are on 110?

thanks for your help. It looks like if they had the top 60 or 120 they shouldn't be affected too much by the lack of the 110 satellite. I will suggest that. Then they won't have to deal with an a/b switch.
Thanks again
I doubt that an A/B switch will work with a satellite feed. The switch matrix won't match up - you'd have to run a Check Switch every time you threw the switch. Not something the average consumer would tolerate.

I thought I posted something to that effect earlier, but I guess it was lost in the ether.
we use to just disconnect the 110 lnb with a skyangle/superdish setup.. but dish found out and said no more.

The issue was that if they switch some programing to the 110 from another satellite, we are going to have to go back and change it, then they will loose the sky angle. So we tell our customers, superdish or sky angle.
right but i found if your upfront with the customer and tell them the situation it is irrelevent what dish network says.
"I doubt that an A/B switch will work with a satellite feed. The switch matrix won't match up - you'd have to run a Check Switch every time you threw the switch. Not something the average consumer would tolerate."

Yeah I thought you would have to do a check switch each time too but tech support told me you wouldn't have to...but that means nothing as every question i asked they told me "thats a good question" and put me on hold.

p.s. i used to wash dishes at the imperial hotel in cripple creek back in cam link on your page.
strunch said:
"I doubt that an A/B switch will work with a satellite feed. The switch matrix won't match up - you'd have to run a Check Switch every time you threw the switch. Not something the average consumer would tolerate."

Yeah I thought you would have to do a check switch each time too but tech support told me you wouldn't have to...but that means nothing as every question i asked they told me "thats a good question" and put me on hold.

p.s. i used to wash dishes at the imperial hotel in cripple creek back in cam link on your page.

Simon's rule #37: Do the opposite of whatever the CSR says - you'll be right 80% of the time.

P.S. A buddy of mine (Bruce) used to run the kitchen there, but I think it was after 84.

darn...of course they want the hallmark channel which is on 110 so I'm back to square one. Are you sure they would have to do a check switch each time they switch from the skyangel and superdish using an a/b switch?

strunch said:
darn...of course they want the hallmark channel which is on 110 so I'm back to square one. Are you sure they would have to do a check switch each time they switch from the skyangel and superdish using an a/b switch?


It sounds more & more like you should just wait for the 4x4 switch to come out.
44 switch

ok thanks,
i ended up hooking superdish to one tv and skyangel to the other....and the switch can be easily swapped out when available....
I did see a 44 switch today at the shop i do installs for!

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