superdish question


Original poster
Apr 17, 2004
is a d34 switch or any switch for that matter neccesary to hook up just one 510 reciever to the superdish? Could anyone point me to a good location on purchasing a superdish?

Yes, you need a switch of some sort for the SuperDISH to function. The switch allows the receiver to see all three LNBF's as one.

Look up a local retailer, or call 1.800.333.3474.

A DP34 switch is necessary to see all satellites from a superdish purchased from E*. (one of its dealers if you can find someone who has them) A DP34 switch comes with the SD kit. You can build your own superdish as some have done and could use a SW64 with a SW21.
Iceberg said:
If all he wants is one receiver to it, all you would need is a SW21, 30" or larger dish and a KU LNB :)
And how do you hook up 3 lnbfs with a switch with only 2 inputs? To get the majority of the content he would need 119 and 105/121 assuming he just had AT60 and locals requiring the SD, but just saying he only needs a SW211 is misleading. Also if he had DP lnbfs already, a SW21 won't do anything for him.

OT: Is it more proper/correct to say lnb or lnbf? Both get used interchangably.
Parts needed for Poor Mans Superdish......I have one
-One 20" Dish 500 with Legacy Twin
-One 30" or larger Dish
-One Sw21 switch

Since the Twin carries both 110 & 119 on one line, one line goes to "1" of the switch, the superdish goes to "2"

The DP34 uses both lines off the Twin and the 121 or 105, which goes to 4 outputs. Since he only has one receiver, they would use a DP21 and hook up as I noted above.

Poor Mans Superdish cannot be DishPro and is not supported by Dish Network (but thats what we're here for) :)
thank you the responses, been of great help. One last question,
will a legacy dish 500 work with a dishpro capable reciever..for example a
fungiog said:
thank you the responses, been of great help. One last question,
will a legacy dish 500 work with a dishpro capable reciever..for example a


Legacy equipment will work with ALL receivers
DishPro equipment only works with DishPro receivers (all are 3 digit..301, 311, 510, etc)
Wrong, Legacy will not work with Dish Pro without a Dish Pro Adapter. Dish Pro will work with legacy.
Ok, let me see if I got this right.

Dishpro dish wont work with a legacy reciever, without an adapter.
dishpro reciever will work with legacy dish, no adapter.
fungiog said:
Ok, let me see if I got this right.

Dishpro dish wont work with a legacy reciever, without an adapter.
dishpro reciever will work with legacy dish, no adapter.
You have that 100% right.
Just note that even with a Dishpro adapter now all receivers can see the SuperDISH satellites (105 or 121) as their software does not support the SuperDish.

Such receivers include the Dish 1000, 2000, DVHS, Dishplayer and a small handfull of OLD Dish Receivers (Which I can not recall off the top of my head)
The left out board lnbf has two female type connectors. The one on the extreme left is exposed with no connection, should it be weather sealed. thanks

New Dish 5000 Receiver S/W

510 Buffer Question

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