Superdish problems


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 20, 2004
I bought and received a superdish 121 off ebay. Installed this pass weekend in between thunderstorms. Problem right off the bat, doing switch check on a 508 only get 1 connection. Switched to a 301 with same results.

I made up three cables (12' each) going from lnb's to dp34. I've made many cables over the years with good results. I switched connections on the dp34 and retried switch check. The good connection now moved to a different port.
I'm having 3 new cables made up by an installer and will put them in tomorrow. It looks like dp34 is good. How can I test the lnb's? If 2 lnb's are bad do you know where I can get them, other than ebayer that sold the dish to me? Price?


There's lots of equipment sources, but let's wait for that.

First things first: for testing, bypass the switch. Getting a receiver in-sync with a switch and 3 satellites sometimes takes a bit of a hammer. :)

Grab a cable, hook it to the receiver and see what ya get. Label the cable. Repeat until done. :) If you've got 3 good signals, then it's just a matter of getting the switch in-sync with the receiver via Check Switch. Sometimes you've got to reset the receiver's switch matrix by disconnecting all sat feeds and doing a power-plug reboot.
Grabbed the three cables from the lnb's and tried each one. Only 1 connection between the three.

Will replace tomorrow the 3 cables with 3 professionally made cables and try it again. If the same then I have lnb problems?

No - you might actually still be OK and have an aiming problem.
We didn't get into what LNBF types you have. I'm going to assume a Single (or Dual) and a Twin (or a pair). The Twin is for 110/119 and is wider than the single.
Looking at them from the back, I believe the order from left-to-right is 110, 119, 121.

Which of the 3 LNBFs is giving you a signal on which satellite?
I'll delete the other thread and stay in this one. I will take a picture of it tomorrow and upload it here.

At this point I beleive 110 or 119 is giving signal. Like I explained in the other thread I have 4 connections, 2 single lnb's and a (Dual?) with 2 connections. I have connections to each single and 1 on the dual. It will be easier to explain after seeing a picture. Tomorrow in between forecasted thunderstorms!


PS- I haven't even tried to aim yet. Just set skew, elevation and approximated azimuth. Wanted to make sure I had connections first.
This is a bit strange sounding configuration to me - definitely want to see the pics! Please upload both a view from behind the LNBs and in front (showing the eyes), and any other angle you think might be useful. Definitely looking for clues as to what satellites these things are setup for. :)
A type 1 superdish for the 121 location should have 3 LNBs. The 121 & 119 are in the same molding but have separate "eyes". Then there should be a separate single(I guess in your case a dual) LNB for the 110. Dish advises folks to peak the dish on the 110 first(outermost LNB).Then go back & fine tune the 121 signal,since it is FSS & has a lesser strength.

Type 2 superdish for 121 will have an oval type LNB in the center for the 121,with the 119 next to it & the 110 LNB off seperate.

For the 105 location the 119 & 110 are reversed.119 is the seperate LNB & the 110 is next to the 105.

There really is no use for the other port on on your dual LNB. One line from each LNB go to the 34 switch,making all three signals available for alll receivers hooked up to the switch.

So which one of the 3 LNBs did you get a signal from?
yeah thats it

I have the type 1 superdish (metal). Yes I have 3 lnb's just as you described.
I beleive I'm getting a signal on the dual lnb, 110. I'll have pics and better info tomorrow.


Ok heres some pic's of my superdish 121 LNB assembly:

121 LNB
FSS Stacked LNB
P/N 122677 Lot# P41

119 LNB
DBS Stacked LNB
P/N 122676 Lot# P43

110 LNB
Digital LNBF
P/N 151019 Lot# 0401



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I have installed the professionally made cables. Run cables to DP34 and to 301. Did check switch and now find 110 and 119 no connection on 121. Took cable directly from 121 LNB and hooked it into 301. Did switch check and says it only sees odd.

The 301 is at least a year old and has never been in the stream. So software doesn't show 121 satellite.

So I hooked up my 508 and get:

Switch: DP34
LNBs: Dual-2(1) Feed(2) N.C. (3)

Input: 1 2 3
Satellite: 110 119 X
Polarity: All All X
Device: Dual Feed N.C.
Status: Satellite reception verified

Under Point Dish/Signal Strength

110 West Transponder 11 Signal -107
119 West Transponder 11 Signal - 85
121 West Transponder 11 Wrong Sat - EchoStar 110West sig 107

Haven't tweaked anything yet...

Any ideas?

Sorry - in a rush - gotta go out for a few hours. Have NOT reviewed thread.

Quick thoughts for the moment - sounds like the dish is aimed right. You can double-check by directly connecting LNBs to you receiver one by one now that you know which should be which.

Clearing the switch matrix each time can be helpful - but even it it says "wrong sat", it tells you what it sees and the strength.

Clear matrix by disconnecting feed from receiver and pulling power-plug then power up and run check switch.

Anyway, we're on right track - maybe all you need to do right now is clear matrix in 508 and re-run Check Switch.

Sorry for the fragments - gotta go! Any other help out there?
Almost same identical problem with same superdish

Sorry for jumping in.... I have the same identical problem with my SuperDisk 121 - type I (metal) as mski the only different is I can only catch 119 on the dual lnb (where it suppose came from 110 lnb), cannot catch either 119 or 121. always just detect one connection.
As the installation manual suggested - I start out just using the outermost lnb (110) hook up to dp34 (dish1 port) then to dp301. can only detect bird 119 with strength 115 on the 110 lnb. Try to move side by side still cannot catch 110 bird. Spend almost 5 hr yesterday.
I am totally lost .... Simon and MSKI (Since you at least a step further than me to have both 110 and 119) or anyone else. Is my step right ?

After phyiscal hook up from above - I go to menu (6,1,1) select satellite 110 then check box - "Superdish" Then go to "Test Switch" and check box "Superdish/129" then hit "Test".
Chuck :no
ahhh crap


Now my 301 can't detect the DP34 or on my other setup a SW21. I've tried disconnecting sat In and powering off. Did switch check with no Sat IN too.

301 keeps going from checking switch to power off and then back to check switch screen. Is there a hard boot sequence to clear it?

I've tried your suggestions for clearing the matrix on my 508 with the same results. Still only 110 and 119 no 121.


If you are receiving the 119 satellite from the 110 LNBF, your skew has to be off or you mast pipe is not level and plum. I would check the skew first. Set it to the correct skew angle for you area and lock it down. After the skew has been set, leave it alone. Next I would check the mast pipe for level and plum. Make sure that you check 2 sides of the pipe (90 degrees apart) for proper level. Close does not count. Make sure it is dead on. Then set the elevation for you area. After you have all this done, install a cable from the 110 LNB to port 1 of the DP34 switch. Align 110 for maximum signal. Then disconnect the cable from the 110 LNB and connect it to the 121 LNB (This assumes your receiver has the software for the 121 satellite). Peak 121 for maximum signal. You can then install all 3 cables to the DP34 switch and run a switch check on your receiver.

Your signal strength for 119 is pretty low for transponder 11 which means you might not be locked onto 121. Use the procedure I gave Chucky above.
Align 110 (with your 508, your 301 does not have the proper software loaded yet), then move the cable to the 121 LNB and peak for proper signal.
the more the merrier


The more heads the better.

I set my skew and elevation before I mounted my dish. I just approximated the azimuth and got 110 and 119 right off. This is after I changed out my cables. I haven't been able to get 121 ever.

Do you have your skew and elevation set correctly? Is your mounting plumb?

I'm at a loss too. I'm not sure what the No connection means? Bad cable (just had new ones made), bad port on DP34 or bad LNB? Or does it mean I just have to tweak the dish until I get a signal? I'm lost right now too.



Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try those tomorrow. :)

Is there a way to do a cold boot to my 301? It won't do a switch check now? :confused:


Unplug your 301 from the AC outlet and let it sit for awhile. If that does not help it, you may now have a problem with your 301.

Thanks for the suggestion.... After spending 3 1/2 hours to modify 2 chimney mount to fit the Superdish and thinking may be the dish is block somehow and take it off and raise it higher. I am totally exhausted. I already souble check all setting such as elevation, and skew is correct. Come to think about it, I just check the level on top of the j pipe. Never check from the 2 sides - may be that is the problem. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully I had some times tomorrow to try it!!
Thanks for the suggestion too !! Hopefully, it is not the DP34 switch or the 119+121 combo LNB. I will make some new cables, make sure the J-pipe is plumbed. In my past I installed at least 3 kind of satellite dish (18" round DTV dish, DTV oval dish, dish 300, and DTV oval to Dish network) - never once have this much FUN !!!! The part I don't like is my neighbors think I am crazy... Keep take a portable 13" TV and equipments up to the roof for the past 3 days.

Probs with recording future shows

New Install without running more cable

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