SuperDish on HOLD?

It would be unwise to have locals at 105, and HD at 121 because there would not be a one-dish solution as there is now, and many would want HD and locals.
Stargazer said:
It would be unwise to have locals at 105, and HD at 121 because there would not be a one-dish solution as there is now, and many would want HD and locals.
Maybe the HD and locals will go to 121 since its pretty much ready NOW and the 105 slot will be saved for Internationals once the new 105 Sat goes up next year???
Scott Greczkowski said:
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One quick guess is that one of the Q4 promotions is so good (or gone) that it needs to be explained before any more customers get involved.

BTW: Has PQ dropped in the past few days? I seem to be noticing artifacts on national feeds - perhaps squeezing in a few more channels?

I just find it interesting that dealers are getting called and are being told to STOP installing SuperDISH's and to tune to tommorows chat for more information.
Considering the time of day it isn't too bad, although if someone had an install scheduled this evening or Tuesday morning there will be some explaining to do.

Showdown at Noon ...

Stargazer said:
A retailer from Springfield said on the retailer chat forums the following:

A lady from Dish just called. She said to stop using the superdish. Said we would no longer have to have a superdish, just the Dish500 for our area.

With confirmation from other retailers they were told to stop installing the SuperDish as well. Perhaps its good news instead of bad news.

That could be very, very bad news. If they decided to take the channels they were going to put on 105, and instead squeeze them onto 110/119, PQ could very well go even further down the tubes.

The HD channels are also the lowest-hanging fruit to steal bandwidth from. I guess we'll wait 'til tommorrow, but worst-case this could be bad.
I dont think they would decide to put all the locals onto 121 since they done started putting some on 105 and having the SuperDish installed pointing at 105.