Ok, I got the signal finder in the mail today. I hooked up a 4 or 5 foot cable (satellite RG-6) from the DP34 to the signal finder at one end and from the 105 lnb at the other end.
The signal finder didn't do a thing. At all. Then.. it beeped and a light came on for less than a second.
Confused a bit, I disconnected the DP34 and connected the cable coming from my receiver (was on the DP34) directly to the sat finder. The thing lit up like a christmas tree. After adjusting the sensitivity to read 1, I slowly turned my satellite again and pinpointed the 105 sat (signal reader said 10). I reconnected the receiver cable to the DP34 and reconnected the jumper from the DP34 to my sat finder and again, the light went off. It sparked on and off a couple times, but mostly just stayed dark.
Could be the jumper cable, could be the switch... don't know. But the satellite was locked for sure. So, I reconnected everything back the way it was after tightening the dish (the mast is now plumb and SET in concrete). Then I came back inside and ran a check switch.... 119, 110, N.C. STILL!
I'm thinking I have a bad DP34 switch, not correctly putting power to my 105 lnb. I wonder how the heck the 119 and the 110 work all the time, though, even after switching ports on the DP34 (as above, I've had it as 119, N.C., 110; N.C., 110, 119; etc). All the time the 119 and the 110 have come in fine, it's just the 105 that had a problem. So how can it be a power issue.. don't all the lnb's require power from the receiver?
I'm stumped again, don't know what to try other than to get a new DP34. Any ideas?