(using the order from USA Today's ad meter, not my order, and only listing ones I have a take on)
- The NFL anniversary. Solid, although you have to be old enough to get it. I watched the game with a diverse age group and most of the young folks clearly did not know what much of it was about. Like everything else NFL, it ignores everything that happened in the 46 years there was no Super Bowl.
- Alexa. Cannot go wrong with cute dogs.
- Microsoft handicapped kids. Could have been very self-satisfied and virtue signaling. Wasn't. Good job.
- Verizon first responders. See above. Also good.
- Budweiser wind farm. Preachy. Budweiser gets 99% of its electricity from the local utility company. Which gets it from coal, nukes, and natural gas, with %ages varying depending on the part of the country. The Bud I drink comes from Columbus, OH, where the local electric company is AEP, which is very heavy coal user.
- Audi. What? It is an ad for a car is HOPES to make, in 8 years, IF it can solve a couple dozen physics problems unsolved from dawn of man to date. Maybe they should advertise cars they make now?
- M-B say the word. Preachy.
- WaPo. Preachy, self-satisfied, inaccurate, incomplete, and biased. Just like the WaPo itself.
- Stella. Good, good to see the "most interesting man in the world" is now free to do other work. But the two main characters are from 20 years ago.
- Bud Light Game of Thrones. Again, I watched in a group and clearly more than half the people had no clue what Game of Thrones was.
- Toyota girl playing football. Every player I saw was a man, so what is this exactly?
- Pepsi OK. It again reminds us that after 40 years of SB commercial spending, most people prefer The Real Thing to The Imitator, and that it is sold on price alone. Pepsi is NOT OK and never will be.
- Kia - small town. GOOD AD! Reminds people where Kias are really made (Georgia) and the vehicle looks awesome.
- Bumble. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think 99% of people on hetrosexual lonely hearts sites are men, so good luck with the product. Women don't need lonely hearts sties.
- Weather Tech. Not particularly great ads, but I really like Weather Tech products and now they are branching out into pet supplies and other stuff, great.
- Bud LIght corn syrup. A-B is on a kick of listing its ingredients so as to point out that its two competitors have corn syrup, and in coming weeks, that a lot of "micro brews" are really made in big factories and have all sorts of odd stuff in them. OK, it was cute, particularly that the Coors castle was snow covered, but it is Bud. Bud is #1. Just like Coke, it should never mention those it has beaten for decades.
- Handmaid's Tale. Ads with a twist work, one time, and this ad worked. This one time. I have not watched the show, may try it.
- Andy Warhol BK. He was never a top shelf celebrity and has been dead for 30 years.
Nothing really stands out as all timers. Kia won, IMHO.