Sunday Ticket & Blackouts

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 21, 2006
San Jose, CA
So, when blackouts are lifted, as they were last week and are this week, shouldnt Sunday Ticket allow you to view all the games without having to watch anything on my local channel?
vedhead said:
So, when blackouts are lifted, as they were last week and are this week, shouldnt Sunday Ticket allow you to view all the games without having to watch anything on my local channel?
It depends on what type of blackout you are refering to.
ST blackouts are due to the stadium not being sold out by 4 pm the thursday before.
If not sold out, you'll be blacked out.
The other type of blackout is when a game IS available to you thru your local channel.
Anytime it's available locally, you also will be blacked out.

well, stadiums not selling out leading to ST blackouts sounds ridiculous if the reason they do it is to get fans into the stadium...that really only applies to local market coverage since those are the folks that could be attending.

what I'm thinking, is if the NFL announces that all blackouts have been lifted, ST shouldn't have to black any games out anywhere.

but if the reason they black it out on ST is to help support local stations, then I guess NFL blackouts lifted would mean MORE local blackouts on ST.

Either way, all Bengals games should be in HD and never blacked out :)
Local blackouts are just that and have nothing to do with ST; they refer to local TV being blacked out because of ticket sales being under the set threshold.

NFL ST / regional blackouts are exactly as stated above; because when your local affiliate has the broadcast rights, the NFL forces ST to turn off that feed to make you watch your local. The local affiliates & NAB fought long & hard to retain this right. They don't want anyone cutting in on their action.
Sorry vedhead,
I mis - quoted you on the ST balckout, I realized that after I re- read my post, but Charper jumped in and corrected what I mis quoted.

Thanks Charper,


What about the games on local, but not available in HD local? Is it still blacked out for SuperFanners? The whole point of ordering SF was to get my niners in HD. I'll find out the answer to that in the morning. Oh I'm gonna be mad if I can't get the HD feed just cause the local yokal network is too cheap to upgrade. Wish me luck! Last week, no one was carrying the niner game in HD so I didn't feel too picked on. We better get it this week! :hungry:
The 49er's game wasn't broadcast in HD last week. This week their game is in HD on channel 726. If you local station that is broadcasting the game can broadcast in HD you will be able to see it in HD.

There are no local blackouts this week as all 16 games are soldout!
The 49er's game wasn't broadcast in HD last week. This week their game is in HD on channel 726. If you local station that is broadcasting the game can broadcast in HD you will be able to see it in HD.

KTVU the San Francisco local fox station did show the 49er game in HD last week.
But it was not one of Super Fan HD games....
Joedog said:
KTVU the San Francisco local fox station did show the 49er game in HD last week.
But it was not one of Super Fan HD games....
All the HD games on the ST are available again this week, but SD are blacked out if your on locals

Interesting fact. In the Sacramento DMA, FOX HD is not available in MPEG4, so the game broadcast on the local station is available on the ST channels in HD, while the SD versions are not.
cal87 said:
Interesting fact. In the Sacramento DMA, FOX HD is not available in MPEG4, so the game broadcast on the local station is available on the ST channels in HD, while the SD versions are not.
For some reason, the last two weeks the HD feed has been available, ones that would normally be blacked out, but not the SD feed....

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