Yeah , How clever?. I just might have burnt/damaged the center of my retina in my right eye yesterday after watching the Sun on a particular very Sunny day with the naked Eye. Anyways it is all my fault , even with Sunglasses I would have damaged my eyes anyways. Only a welder mask would have somehow protected my eyes and I had none.
Now I guess I will have to sell the HDTV and in the process change my user name to SD Fan since at least for a very small spheric center of the right Eye I can not resolve it very well (I can see like a very small Sun when I look into a white surface). As a cuban at least I can see the positive side effect , more cash to pay off some debt , lol.
I still can not beleive how I could have been so stupid pretending to watch the Sun with the naked Eye knowing that even to watch Sun Eclipses you have to protect your Eyes. It has not been 24 hours yet but after so long I am more incline to beleive this could be permanent damage to the retina rather than just a temporary thing for the eyes to adjust back to normal light levels. Am I decreasing my inteligence after living in North America or what? Funny thing, I have asked my self this question , Why would someone put that object inside a Microwave? after reading about a microwave related accident in the news, guess what moron, the same applies to watching the sun with the naked eye.
After a week I will go to the eye doctor just to confirm of course since there is no solution to the problem. In the mean time at least let me adapt to the new SD vision , unbeleivable!.
BTW , It is funny that in some cases the Solar Outage does not affect completly the signal, one would assume that right behind the SAT , the RF Solar Radiation would be so intense that even the best aligned Dish would at least loose the signal for a couple of minutes. But that was not the case , or maybe it happened but I was not able to see it. During the week I was recording several shows from several sats to compare but maybe with Bell 82W & 91W it happened but I did not record the exact TP at the exact time it happened. who knows?.