Telstar-14 is not a new sat. It is one and the same as Estrella Du Sol
It was launched Jan 11 2004. SCETV has been on Telstar-14 since it became
operational, and their web page has always called it Telstar-14. It's just that
they were DCII until they recently switched to DVB.
If you look up the keps for either EDS or T14, you come up with the same sat:
1 28137U 04001A 09238.33632473 -.00000292 00000-0 10000-3 0 7704
2 28137 000.0565 270.1937 0000881 281.9102 200.5964 01.00270924 20832
About 4 or 5 years ago, I got into a discussion with one of the leaders of the
Satforums 4DTV forum (who is since deceased), wanting to post details about the
SCETV signals on their private forum, but he talked me out of it. It's since amazed me
how long that sat pretty much stayed under the radar. There has been an incorrect
entry on lyngsat for years for SCETV, but since the actual frequencies and SRs they were on
were not easily accessable to 4DTVs, I guess only people with commercial receivers found
the signals, and they didn't talk about it. It kind of annoyed me that a service funded by
tax dollars was kept secret, but I guess that they were afraid that PBS would get mad and
force them to take other PBS stuff off their guides or something.