Suits (USA)

they are showing last seaons shows now on fridays at 11pm est 10pm cst etc and they are showing them up to the season starts and they may show all the episodes from the start on june 14th keep eye out :)
Suits starts up again tonight "She Knows" Harvey entrusts Mike with closing a major lawsuit;Harvey must make a decision about guarding Mike's secret and im curious to see how Mike gets out of it and how Harvey handles it.Next weeks episode "The Choice" Hardman is back to stay;Jessica needs Harvey's help in drumming up support within the firm;Mike confronts Rachel :) should be a good season :)
They caught him too fast and easy I thought. I was hoping the season would have been more about the chase to find him and catch him.

Instead they decided to go down the "who is is father" plot ...

With that being said ... so far so good ...
They caught him too fast and easy I thought. I was hoping the season would have been more about the chase to find him and catch him.

Instead they decided to go down the "who is is father" plot ...

With that being said ... so far so good ...
Ummm, me thinks you are getting Suits confused with White Collar.
Oh ... duh ... embarrassed ... :o With that being said ...

Suits ... rocks!

Not sure what the writers or actors did on their break ... but this series has been AMAZING this year so far.
I'll have to rerecord it. My DVR only recorded 30 minutes. I started and was lost. I think it started in the middle.

Suits has been great this year and can't wait for final 2 episodes for this season to see what they have in store for cliffhanger :) I bet it has to do with Jessica and Daniel Hardman :)
Good Suits tonight and good to see Donna back on the show and the Season Finale with the Senior partner up for grabs between Jessica and Daniel and with Michaels Grandma dying and Mike dealing with it while Rachel is helping him and he is back on the pipe which they shouldn't of done that and looks like Daniel getting lead partner and Harvey punching Louis,Should be great Season Finale :)
The grandma dying was a twist. I really thought Michael and the grandma had a great chemistry. You felt that they were really grandma and grandson. She was good.
Great episode. I can't wait for next week's season finale. It's all down to the vote. Wo will Louis vote for? I think deep down there's some character in there, and he votes for Jessica.

Great episode. I can't wait for next week's season finale. It's all down to the vote. Wo will Louis vote for? I think deep down there's some character in there, and he votes for Jessica.


The Grandma dying was a twist and Yes but way it looks like Louis voted for Daniel the way Harvey,Mike and others acted on scenes for next week like Harvey either or about to punch Louis when he pushes Louis against the wall and the way Mike was packing his things up :) I hope he votes for Jessica but I can't believe they put Mike back on the pipe doing weed again but looks like they are trying to put Mike and Rachel back together amd hopefully Rachel straightens Mike out before Harvey finds out about the weed :)
My prediction is that Daniel wins and they spend the second half of the season getting rid of him, only after he spreads chaos and madness via Louis... Louis to Daniel will be like Harvey was to Jessica.
My prediction is that Daniel wins and they spend the second half of the season getting rid of him, only after he spreads chaos and madness via Louis... Louis to Daniel will be like Harvey was to Jessica.

Second half? Next week is the season finale.
