Suggestions on hiding a 1000.2 Dish?


New Member
Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Greetings from a Noob to this forum.

I have previously purchased a Dish Network 1000.2 Dish to use while I am at work. I work swing shifts and with so many games coming on Satellite, I got tired of missing them. The problem is I would like to leave the dish at work on the roof but am afraid someone will see it and ask questions. I have the mast foot mounted in an hidden place. I have ran the coax down to the room where the receiver will be through some existing conduit. I have been taking the dish off the mast foot and lowering it down through a roof hatch and putting it back in my truck after every 12 hour shift and that gets exhausting and also increases the opportunity to be seen.

Does anyone have any suggestions on something other than a fake rock or patio bench to hide it in. I still plan on removing the dish every day but want something sneaky or hidden to put it in away from where the mast foot is installed. The dish is about 27" X 29".

The only suggestion I can offer is to just have the service at home, and use either a ViP722k with sling adapter or an already sling-loaded VIP922 receiver, whichever one you're using being connected to broadband. If you have a smartphone (android, iphone, or blackberry), download the Dish Remote Access app, and you can watch your TV on your phone. If you have internet access where you work, use either the Dish Remote Access or Dish Online website. You'd be able to access your receiver's guide data, live TV, and your DVR recordings remotely. This page has more info.
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Seems like a lot of trouble on a daily basis to watch the games you are missing. I would go the DVR route and sling the games to a portable display device. You can watch the games live, record games that you may miss, and avoid the possibility of losing your job if you get caught installing a satellite dish on company property? I would not want to be in your shoes if a lightening strike hits that dish and starts a fire.
Greetings from a Noob to this forum.

I have previously purchased a Dish Network 1000.2 Dish to use while I am at work. I work swing shifts and with so many games coming on Satellite, I got tired of missing them. The problem is I would like to leave the dish at work on the roof but am afraid someone will see it and ask questions. I have the mast foot mounted in an hidden place. I have ran the coax down to the room where the receiver will be through some existing conduit. I have been taking the dish off the mast foot and lowering it down through a roof hatch and putting it back in my truck after every 12 hour shift and that gets exhausting and also increases the opportunity to be seen.

Does anyone have any suggestions on something other than a fake rock or patio bench to hide it in. I still plan on removing the dish every day but want something sneaky or hidden to put it in away from where the mast foot is installed. The dish is about 27" X 29".

Watching Satellite TV on the job, this is a joke, right???
what about painting the dish, change the color ... putting some other logo on there that might make it look like its not for TV but for Data or some such.. :)

for a moment I thought maybe you were a former coworker ... in VA ... we often joked about doing this since we were the only company in the building (basement thereof) and we ran RG6 to the roof for another customer's install that had since left.. leaving us with one of the cinderblock anchored masts ... and with Dish (or directv even) satellite dishes at the dump regularly ... plenty of extra hardware.. :)
TG2 said:
what about painting the dish, change the color ... putting some other logo on there that might make it look like its not for TV but for Data or some such.. :)

for a moment I thought maybe you were a former coworker ... in VA ... we often joked about doing this since we were the only company in the building (basement thereof) and we ran RG6 to the roof for another customer's install that had since left.. leaving us with one of the cinderblock anchored masts ... and with Dish (or directv even) satellite dishes at the dump regularly ... plenty of extra hardware.. :)

Love the profile pic TG2

Ok I like your idea about painting the dish. Have you heard of any problems associated with painting it? Would I use a flat or glossy paint? The words Dish HD stand out like crazy now.

I was also under the assumption that I wouldn't need a DPP44 switch with this LNB but I couldnt get it to work with more than one satellite without it. Without the DPP44 I couldn't get sat 110 or 129.

I added this 612 receiver to my plan and extended my contract for 24 more months.
I am determined to make this work. I think I will take the dish down after each shift and take the collector ( using wingnuts) off the bracket each time and store it in a foot locker or something similar. I just got to find a foot locker that's approx 27 1/2 "x 21 1/2" x 13 " then I will lock the locker to something on the roof. Maybe I will stencil HVAC rigging on the box to throw people off.
(Pic - Thanks .. my boy 7 years passed, now with 3x the hound, 3x the howls, 3x the fun)

most likely wont' effect it either way, though found someone that recommended against glossy because of the sunlight reflection (as well as metallic) could cause more heat at the focal point

Painting Satellite Dish

main reason to send you there.. :) the two pictures in the second post down.

as to reflective :)
Solar "Death Ray": Power of 5000 suns! - YouTube
Watching Satellite TV on the job, this is a joke, right???
Why is that? You don't know what he does. Maybe he works the booth at a parking garage. Or, security at a low-use building on the weekends and/or evenings. Plenty of down time to catch some sports.

Not everybody has a complex, mentally demanding job that demands one's full concentration at all times like, oh I don't know, a UPS driver.
To the original poster - You don't need to upgrade to a 722k and Sling adapter or 922 with built-in Sling. You can buy a retail Slingbox, and use it with whatever Dish receiver you have at home, or even Cable, DirecTV, or any other source.

Regardless of which Sling option you use, you'll be able to watch programming from your home Dish on a laptop or PC at work. You also have the option of straining your eyes, and watching on a tiny smartphone, as someone already mentioned.
I was going to suggest to spray it with invisible ink but then the satellite signal would pass right through it. :D
Not everybody has a complex, mentally demanding job that demands one's full concentration at all times like, oh I don't know, a UPS driver.

:) .... and I know not *every* UPS Driver is like the one we had for our route going on nearly 2 years ... but we always had to put on the "additional instructions" or in the 2nd address line "B1 is in the Basement" ... otherwise the guy was leaving the packages on the 2nd floor with a company there because their name started with B.
Why is that? You don't know what he does. Maybe he works the booth at a parking garage. Or, security at a low-use building on the weekends and/or evenings. Plenty of down time to catch some sports.

Then why worry disguising the Dish?
For a more legit reasons, this may may be a solution. Low profile Dish. Using some steel pipes you may lower the Dish even more, practically touching the roof. I would also drill a couple small holes to drain rain water, snow you will have to shovel or move to FL :).
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