

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 4, 2005
Can there be a seperate XM and Sirus forumns?

Right now I am trying to figure out if the issues have been worked out with Recast for XM, if there were seprate areas it would be so much easier.

I can't risk messing my setup installing something that is going to crash, but best I can tell, even for the XM radio, the bugs are still be worked out and it would seem better to continue using an old copy of TT.

Right now I leave a computer on for months at a time, recording one show. So I need something very stable and the older versions haven't crashed on me yet.
Well, it seems that there are 2 posts in the forums talking about the Beta release:

1. an announcement of the Beta itself:

2. an announcement of the Beta being out there to really help sirius users

Then on the Beta Link they suggest things that have been fixed:
What's new in 1.3.58

- Fixed problem with new XM Online (AOL) channels over 255
- Fixed Sirius problem with Kenwood tuners
- Fixed problem with schedule recording previous hours of music when SplitTrax turned off
- Proxy server support added
- Added "Don't check updates on startup" checkbox to "unable to find new version" dialog box
- Fixed crash with no Internet connection
- Fixed improper operation under Windows 2000

I know your suggestion was to help make this more easier - but this is what I noticed.

Hope it did not cause more confusion...
Rock does bring up a good point...

For the record, Where does TT want our beta test results posted?

I could see where splitting the two would allow more radio specific information to be accessed faster (by not having to weed through information that does not apply) and may cause less confusion.

In the forum it just looks like they are using 1 or 2 really long threads to read thru to see peoples experience with the product.
Guys... Just post where you want... we will read it all and document it.

No need to over think it.

dserianni said:
Guys... Just post where you want... we will read it all and document it.
No need to over think it.

I think our questions surrounded an idea that if it weren't organized then it would be chaos. I find it hard to beleive you rather have 5 or 10 threads about this where you could set up a seperate area that could handle the beta issues keeping them out of the main thread for your fully supported production version.

Again - just more thoughts & trying to stay out of trouble.

Timetrax "error connecting to radio" message

Dual Stereo MP3 (Timetrax 3.4.7)

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