I spoke too soon when I posted that I had successfully installed my sg2100 motor. At the time I was really only interested in AMC 4 for the great channels (which have gone
). According to my location, my true south satellite would be at 76 degrees west. That falls right in the middle of SBS6 and AMC5. So, after consulting with PSB, I chose SBS6. When I line up my dish and motor to SBS6, I can get Nimq1, AMC5, AMC3, galaxy11, and AMC4. I also tried to locate G10R, IA6, Ankif1, Anikf2, and Satmex 5; however, the dish could not pick up any of these sats.
My conclusion is that the further I move away from SBS6, I begin to lose the proper elevation and longitude coordinates. So as my dish scans the arc, I eventually drop below the actual arc. Is this a correct assumption since SBS is truly no my "true South" satellite?
Any thoughts on this or any suggestions on what I need to do with my motor to compensate? According to my Sg2100 manual. I need to first find true south and then adjust for magnetic deviation. My zip is 21001. According to the charts, I should add 11 degrees for magnetic deviation; therefore, I should point the dish at 191 degrees south for true south.
My motor should be at 51 degrees and my dish at 24 degrees. I have a fortec star 31" dish, and every time I try to set my dish elevation to 24 degrees I have no quality signal. I don't think I'm reading my numbers properly on the dish. if I move my dish to what looks to be 30+ degrees, I can get a quality signal on SBS6.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions on what I need to do to tweak my settings to scan the full sat arc.