I own a 211K used with a "carryout" automatic dish that we use in our RV. We subscribe to the latest RV pay-as-you-go programing that dish offers and am paid up through next month( Feb). We have not let our account lapse. I came close one or two times but always caught it in time. I started my pay-as-you-go programing this summer right after aquiring the "carryout" automatic dish. Since then I have had to call dish to reinstate my subscription EVERY time there has been a break in using and viewing the programing and EVERY time I am assured the reinsatement will not be nessecary, EVER AGAIN. I have just troubleshoot and fixed some problems encoutered on our last trip of 3 weeks. 2 of which the dish was unuseable because of technical problems. GUESS WHAT the program guide downloaded just fine and I can see the FYI channel but everything else gets me a messge PROGRAMING NOT AUTHORIZED. I go to look at my DVR external hard drve and I get the mesage thaT IT NEEDS TO BE SETUP. When I look at my dish account online it shows that I'm paid up and my hard drive DVR is authorized and ready to go. Can someone please tell me WHY this is happening? Can someone help me permenantly fix it?
Dave Harris
Dave Harris
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