Stupid question about PC stuff

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That sounds about right. It's this new Ubuntu. They just wrote it assuming everyone else will have a bazillion trillion jigabytes like they do. Idiots..

If loaded correctly and not with all of the extra garbage, 4GB of memory should be plenty for the normal user with Linux.

And the swap disk on here. Arrrrrrrgh!!! SLUG SLOW!!!!!!!!!! I need to put a very high speed disk in for the swap memory!!
That's where I'm thinking about getting one of those new electronic disks. But I also read that those burn out after you write to them X number of times.

The idea is to keep enough memory in your machine that you never need to swap to disk. The swap should only be used in extreme times.
I'll have to bite my lip after reading much of this thread and all I can say is more memory will not solve your problem :facepalm

It's 2011 and about time to leave behind decade old beliefs shouted from those on the Windows hate train.
I'll have to bite my lip after reading much of this thread and all I can say is more memory will not solve your problem :facepalm

It's 2011 and about time to leave behind decade old beliefs shouted from those on the Windows hate train.

It will solve at least one of her problems. Is this going to be the end all be all fix.... To hard to tell without being hands on with the PC.
Well I rebooted to check the memory settings on here and they are all on automatic defaults.

As soon as it started I ran google Chrome with only one blank tab open and nothing else. No other applications running.

I did the free -m thing and it says that 3gb of 4gb memory is being used. Just to have a single, blank page open in google chrome.
From there it just gets worse as I start going to sites or facebook.. Chrome is using up HUGE amounts of memory for absolutely no good reason at all. :mad:

Firefox does the same thing. :mad:
Well I rebooted to check the memory settings on here and they are all on automatic defaults.

As soon as it started I ran google Chrome with only one blank tab open and nothing else. No other applications running.

I did the free -m thing and it says that 3gb of 4gb memory is being used. Just to have a single, blank page open in google chrome.
From there it just gets worse as I start going to sites or facebook.. Chrome is using up HUGE amounts of memory for absolutely no good reason at all. :mad:

Firefox does the same thing. :mad:

You may get PO'd at me but Bob2011 already touched on it. I'm about to be cruel to be kind as a friend of mine sang. What you are wanting to do is beyond your skill level. I've been doing IT stuff for many years now and converting what you have to run Mac would be a nightmare that I don't even want to tackle. The mobo/CPU/memory combo you have will run fine but and you don't need to add more memory that is unless you go to Avid or Adobe Pro premiere editors. I've built those in the past at $1700 per machine including s/w and OS(that was wholesale BTW). The problem you have is the only Ubuntu that isn't up to the task and most likely the HDD is so fragged that it can access files on the system.
Now if you didn't understand what I just said it is PC geek speak. From reading things you have posted I know that you like to take on a challenge and do it. PC work like this is much harder than putting in an FTA system. In English you don't have the experience to rebuild a computer from scratch to run what you want. You could use a new operating system but putting Mac onto your system would be something that only a pro should do. Windows 7 pro is one of the best operating systems out there and is very friendly. It's nothing like what you are used to. Yes you need 1 good anti-virus program and maybe malwarebytes added to it. mobo is the term for for motherboard. CPU is central processor unit. Memory you already know. HDD stands for hard disc drive. Fragged is a term for an HDD that has all it's file all over the place w/ really bad organization. That makes accessing the file twice as hard and so the drive is setting there searching all over the place. No if you aren't to mad I would talk to you off the forum. Just PM me.
Since this machine all of a sudden slowed down after "upgrading" Ubuntu, to me the problem is obvious... It's funny how you criticize Windows as being so bad, so you use a "better" OS. :) I ran linux for almost 10 years but that ended 5+ years ago, so I've no clue what's out there now. Why not try a leaner distro and see how this machine runs. It's funny that your machine is worlds faster and better spec'd than my desktop, but I don't have issues like you describe.

As noted, 4gb of RAM is plenty !

Is linux "ready for the desktop" *yet* ?

Sent from my ADR6400L
I only have 2 gb of RAM in this machine running 11.04 Ubuntu with a Core2Duo 6320. I have 3 of the 4 desktops active...Thunderbird in 3, XChat in 2, Chromium in 1 running 4 and sometimes more separate website tabs, and everything else it installs as default, and I don't have any of those problems...the machine is as snappy as it can be. I have Linux and Windows on a dual boot as there are some Windows programs I can't replace with Linux equivalents.
sorry if i missed it... is ur operating system 64 bit?... if it is not then more ram will not help... the pc is not even using the ram that u have if its 32 bit..... its limited to 3 gb & change (this includes the vid card memory too)... also as stated b4 a core 2 duo & 4 gig ram is fast enough for what ur doing.... the new ubuntu installs have known bugs with with their desktops too (distrowatch . com)... if u want lightning fast run speeds get a copy of DSL (50 mb os) or puppy linux load it to ram & fly like the wind... also as stated b4 windows 7 is a good os, im running a similar pc with 7 & 4 gig of ram & have no poblems at all
sorry if i missed it... is ur operating system 64 bit?... if it is not then more ram will not help... the pc is not even using the ram that u have if its 32 bit..... its limited to 3 gb & change (this includes the vid card memory too)... also as stated b4 a core 2 duo & 4 gig ram is fast enough for what ur doing.... the new ubuntu installs have known bugs with with their desktops too (distrowatch . com)... if u want lightning fast run speeds get a copy of DSL (50 mb os) or puppy linux load it to ram & fly like the wind... also as stated b4 windows 7 is a good os, im running a similar pc with 7 & 4 gig of ram & have no poblems at all

FYI, the limit you are talking about is a windows only limitation. If you are running Linux a 32bit OS is capable of using 64GB of installed memory. You just need to enable the PAE kernel instead of the default one. This task is very easy to do and anybody with just a little bit of Linux experience can handle the task.
The problem you have is the only Ubuntu that isn't up to the task and most likely the HDD is so fragged that it can access files on the system.

The Linux filesystems do not need to be defragmented. They are designed to be efficient and do a really good job at managing the disk space. Fragmentation is more of a Windows issue that anything else.
windows 7 is a very good system. i did convert a dual drive to use apple software. the internet has the steps what to do for it but i went back to windows 7. however if you do the picture editing, apple may be the way to go. what is the speed of your cpu? and 64bit is the way to go. as for virus software, i have had excellent results with microsofts virus program. free and updates automatically. charlie
The Linux filesystems do not need to be defragmented. They are designed to be efficient and do a really good job at managing the disk space. Fragmentation is more of a Windows issue that anything else.
Sorry wrote it just before going to bed. Point being what she is thinking the problem is isn't it. Going to Mac would be a PITA for her skill level. She has other issues that isn't understood.
Since this machine all of a sudden slowed down after "upgrading" Ubuntu, to me the problem is obvious... It's funny how you criticize Windows as being so bad, so you use a "better" OS. :) I ran linux for almost 10 years but that ended 5+ years ago, so I've no clue what's out there now. Why not try a leaner distro and see how this machine runs. It's funny that your machine is worlds faster and better spec'd than my desktop, but I don't have issues like you describe.

As noted, 4gb of RAM is plenty !

Is linux "ready for the desktop" *yet* ?

Sent from my ADR6400L

In my opinion, Linux is the lesser of the three evils. There are trade offs for certain.

In my opinion, the newest Linux is bloated because the people that write it assume you want all the gee-whiz eye candy and they assume you have the latest and greatest and bestestusus hardware, that you play the upgrade every week game.

Linux USED TO BE really fast. But not so any more. I've had it for a few years as well and it used to be plenty fast. Since the version 10 stuff, it's gotten horrendously slow and bloated.
Ubuntu that is..

Why do I use Ubuntu? Because it's the only one that was idiot friendly enough for me to install by myself. The others are too "nerdy" for me.
I do not have the smarts or the patience to use the other super-nerd geek versions. I want and need simple. I need it to just work. Like OSX does.

Windows is never ending grief. I've had it with Windows, I will never, ever, under any circumstances go back to using it as my primary desktop. Period. End of discussion.
I have it on my home theater machine and I do not like it, at all. I also do not interact with it except when I pop out of the satellite app and do file maintenance or try to squish recordings down from their native format to mpeg4 so I can keep them for the long term. I didn't build that pc, I didn't install windows or the satellite app on it, it's not my baby, I simply adopted it as a stepchild of a previous marriage. Really...

If I could only get an Azbox that will record S2 and OTA TV in a single box, I would glady get rid of the windows pc. I really want to be rid of that pc completely but I can not find a satellite tuner that "does it all" in one box.
The Openbox tuners are an abysmal disappointment that fall far, far short of my needs. Not even remotely close. I won't go into the details but yeah, not even close.. So for now, I'm stuck with the windows pc.

Anyway.. Previously, for a few years, the Linux was fine. All I used ~this pc~ for is just reading webpages, facebook, email, etc. Simple, basic things. I think the term is "internet appliance"..
It did fine for that. But this Ubuntu, it constantly hounds me with notices to upgrade. Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade, upgrade, upgrade, and upgrade again. Do it now! Panic! Security patch! Important update! ZOMG!!!
So I have been doing that. And things really do not improve. Things just get more bloated and slower. Then things break and the PC quits working completely and I have no choice but to install a whole new copy. So then I see that the version 9 stuff is no longer supported. It's been abandoned and updates are no longer available. So I'm forced to update to the 10 point whatever. And the cycle begins again. Time goes on, more updates and eventually something breaks and I have to install a new copy. And here we go again, they are pushing the version 11 now. So I try that and it's HORRIBLE.. I can't use it. It STINKS. They botched it up so badly that it's unusable. So I go back and install the version 10 stuff again.
Now it hounds me to upgrade to version 11, every bloody day. I went in and changed the settings on the updates and upgrades to STOP notifying me but it still does anyway..

I'm guessing I could maybe go back to an old version and get some speed back but then those versions are now unsupported. Or I go go to a nerdy version like Fedora or something but those are too unfriendly towards idiots like me.

But now, here's where I'm really at..
I just spent a LOT of money on a very expensive camera. I bought a brand new Canon EOS 5D mark II. I'm going to spend a lot more money on the camera over the next year coming.
It's not unreasonable to project that I'll be into my camera and accessories for $20,000 before it's all done. I'm into it now for close to $5,000 just for my starter kit. I could easily spend another $10k or $15k on lenses and other goodies.
I want a BIG telephoto lens. And a medium one too. A fisheye. A macro. A tiltshift. etc... I'm getting into my photography hobby in a big way now. I'm stepping up from toy cameras to the big leagues. I bought the second best camera that Canon makes. The only camera they make that's better than mine is the 1D series and the bodies for them start at $8,000. I don't need a 1D though because I will never be shooting sports/action stuff. My 5D will do me just fine. :)

So I need to be able to process photo and videos. My 5D records video at 1080p and the quality is insane. Examples:




Be sure to view them in HD and full screen. These videos were all shot with a Canon EOS 5D mark II. The same camera I just bought.

I've looked at and tried ALL the photo processing and video editing apps available for Linux and none of them will suit my needs.
I need the Adobe stuff. I need the big league stuff.

I need speed, I need dependable, I need simple, I need tech support. I have to use Adobe. I despise their c**ppy flash product but for photo and video editing, there is nothing better.
So, it's time to go back to Apple. It works, it's simple. Or as they say, it simply works.

Eventually I will buy a Mac Pro that's all maxed out but that's going to have to wait until 2013. 2012 my focus will be on getting the rest of my wish list filled for my camera.

Microsoft, is not on my shopping list. Not at all. Not ever..

Dee i don't know ubuntu, never tried it, but I'm beginning to wonder if that distro didn't push a kernel-update on you, that you might not have needed. I've used mostly Slackware (the oldest, the firstest linux) for 10yrs or so and Never saw the kind of memory usage you were showing us. You might be well served to go over to the website and look through some of the 'other' debian-linux distros and see if any of them meet your needs. There are even a few linux-flavours now that are strictly compiled for multimedia use, though i haven't tried any of them either. You could just back up to original Debian, which is where ubuntu originated, I believe. They claim to provide access to the most software, FREE, of any linux distro. PS-I've used the G.I.M.P. program quite a bit, but I don't have the type/quality of camera that you do. "avidemux' might be interesting for your video editing , too, ubuntu should have it.
Dee, I am looking at a Canon T3i to replace my XTi, which is becoming somewhat dated. The 7D is nice as well, but I just dropped some big bucks on a 3D camcorder from Sony, the HDR-TD10. Most of my shooting is video, not stills, so the T3i is the best value for my buck.

For video editing, I prefer Sony Vegas, which is only for Windows PCs. It is used by post production houses and even feature film editors, and has a relatively easy learning curve.
any video processing (picture manipulation) will be done BEST in winows, mac is second best & then the linux (specialized) distros.... the best codec (mpeg2) which is CCE (hcenc is a close second, also windows based) is made for windows... windows will always have better & free prorams to use since it is the most used os (coders want their prorams to get the most use)
If you are happy using Ubuntu, there are several flavors out there that DO NOT INCLUDE ALL THE BLOAT that is included with the latest version.

Puppy Linux - Previously mentioned in this thread

Any of these should serve you well - if you dont have the latest and greatest hardware.

I agree that converting to MacOS/OSX is way beyond the experience level of most people. If you want to run Apple's OS, then the fastest, easiest, and METHOD LEAST LIKELY TO INDUCE MIGRAINES, will be to buy a Macbook or desktop with the memory you need.

I have over 35 years dealing with computer hardware and software and I have only gotten ONE non Apple machine to successfully boot using the methods available online. A kernel panic soon followed and back to Linux I went.

Please don't discount Windows 7 Dee. It seems they have finally gotten things right. You just need a bunch of memory to support advanced applications like the Professional level Adobe stuff. Remember, PC memory is very cheap these days.

"APPLE CERTIFIED" memory is not that cheap. I know a bunch of people will say you don't need the memory to be "APPLE CERTIFIED", but if you are doing professional level work to turn a profit, why take the chance that one or 2 bits in a stick will fail when you need to meet that deadline? If you want to do advanced "hobby level" work, then go ahead and go as cheap as you want.

I do not agree that there is any ONE best hardware platform to perform any job, PC and Apple both do the same thing and you just have to find the one that feels best for you. It is very user specific how each feels to them. What "feels good" to one user will feel clumsy to another.
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