Stupid Newbie NFL Sunday Ticket ?

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Original poster
Aug 31, 2004
Got dfed up with my cable company and made the jump to Directv, just in time for the NFL season. Got my DVR Tivo and 4 additional standard receivers installed and activated. I'm really ignorant when it comes to satellite technology. I asked the installer if I need phone lines on all the receivers for the NFL Sunday package and he said no. After doing a search here I still have a couple of dumb questions.

The TiVo obviously is connected to a phone line. Am I right to assume the other receivers will recieve a mirror of the Tivo? Does this mean I can't watch two seprate games on two receivers with out paying additionally? (Steeler fan here and Wife's a Skins fan).

If a phone line is hooked up to the additional receivers does it have to be activated some how? and do I pay more that the 4.99 additional receiver fee?

Take it easy on me I'm a first timer....

Thanks in advance.
None of the receivers "require" the phone line unless you want PPV.

In your house yes you may watch 5 different games at once since you have 5 receivers.

No one here will nail you too bad, we are all newbies at one point.
No Problem!

A word to the wise, get the TV that has the Tivo on it! I wear out remotes during football and hockey season doing my own instant replays. Of course you could but another TiVo for like 70 bucks at Best Buy too.
Hmmmm, sounds like an idea.... The TiVo's for my wife's soaps in the bedroom....I'm out on the porch....

Another stupid question;

When do the NFL Sunday ticket channels become available? The day of the game?

Currently I only see 704 and 705...
NJstixx said:
Hmmmm, sounds like an idea.... The TiVo's for my wife's soaps in the bedroom....I'm out on the porch....

Another stupid question;

When do the NFL Sunday ticket channels become available? The day of the game?

Currently I only see 704 and 705...
The channels are active during the games I believe if you go to channel 213 on the bottom of the screen it will say "You are authorized for this program" indicating you are authorized for the Sunday Ticket. :)
By like Thursday of week one they will pop in there. You can tune to channel 220 (I think) and it will verify your subscription.

You may want to pick up a Tivo man ... nothing like your own instant replay. Also if you hook up both tuners and use the channel swap you can rewind up to 30 minutes of the game you weren't watching! Now that's a feature!

You will not be disappointed with NFL ST either way. It is the best sports package value despite the few games you get compared to baseball, hockey, etc.

Welcome aboard! Have fun!
Yep, 213 says I'm authorized Boba...Thanks :)


So I get another Tivo and what, hook it to the existing satellite receiver? Or is it another Directv Tivo? Or is it a stand alone? Do I need to pay for TiVo suscription?

I'm just full of questions, but I'm psyched and can see myself wearing out the remote like you said...I like the idea of the channel swap as I'm a big NFL fan with plenty of pools and fantasy action...
If you get another DirecTivo, you can remove and deactivate an existing receiver, but you would want two feeds to it so you can do the channel swapping I was talking about. You could have 5 DirecTivo's and you would only be charged the one DVR fee and the mirror fee they have on all receivers.
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