Streaming with Blockbuster Thread

Tried streaming The Social Network earlier, there was no closed captioning available which was disappointing. I thought as it was a newer movie than A Christmas Carol that it surely would have closed captioning. Does anyone know what the official word is on whether closed captions are supported for titles streamed through DVR's? I know Dishonline doesn't support it yet though I hope they do in the future since I'd like to be able to use it as well.
yes how much speed do ineed to download movie from blockbuster on line the one in hdtv i have 3.0 it come in sd not hdtv so what next
Tried streaming The Social Network earlier, there was no closed captioning available which was disappointing. I thought as it was a newer movie than A Christmas Carol that it surely would have closed captioning. Does anyone know what the official word is on whether closed captions are supported for titles streamed through DVR's? I know Dishonline doesn't support it yet though I hope they do in the future since I'd like to be able to use it as well.
There are CC on the BBMP stream of HDNet's Tom Petty concert. However, I DL'd it to the hdd and played it back from there, as the stream kept stopping to buffer. I don't remember if CC was on during the brief bits I watched while streaming.

There was no CC on the 3D VOD of Captain America. I'm not sure about the PPV version. But, there were CC on the PPV of Horrible Bosses.

So, technically, I know that CC is possible with BBMP and PPV. I don't see why it isn't technically possible with VOD, as well. It appears to depend on the title, and whether they were too damn lazy and inconsiderate to add the CC data.

BTW, Dish has a manager who deals with CC, which is actually pretty decent of them. More info at :
Closed Caption
BTW, Dish has a manager who deals with CC, which is actually pretty decent of them.
It seems that most TV related groups do, especially local channels. The skeptic in me doesn't think they have these people out of the kindness of their hearts though .... I'm guessing there's ADA related laws that are actually enforced !!
so no "instant" streaming? i finally found something worth watching but it said it would be ready to watch in an hour. in some ways this is better since there are no changes in PQ.
The BBMP streaming simply blows. I dropped my Netflixx DVD plan due to the BBMP DVD's-by-mail. But, I'm keeping the NF streaming for now. Plus, I've got Amazon Prime, as well.
I think a lot of this decision comes dependent on what you've had before..

myself.. never did netflix ... just not enough content for me to even spend 10 bucks a month for.. when I can by most movies on DVD for that after a few monts, or spend 19 bucks for the blueray fist week (not very often). I do hulu (free not paid) and now that its integrated into Dish Online, can see I'd be using that option more than hulu directly (direct has commercials)

Anyway.. so for me.. going into BBMP ... the disk by mail.. ok that's a perk .. but the real thing is the 20 or 22 shows you get in HD/Platinum pack .... Dish seemed to realize they didn't have enough value in the Platinum pack.. enter in BBMP and now you have 20 channels of HD (palladia - imagine that, an MTV network station that still plays Music Videos) and you get the added Disc by mail, and some releases by download.. not bad.

Not as good as any one component could be ... but not bad either.
The DVD-by-mail service is fine. That part of it is great. And, the in-store exchange is a big perk, if one is nearby. Plus, games.
The Platinum channel pack is also great. And, for me, as a new customer, I get it all for free. (Well..$5 for 2-movies-at-a-time.)
But, the streaming part blows. Pure and simple. I'll stick to enjoying DVD's by mail and the Platinum channels. I'll revisit BBMP streaming if they upgrade the UI and streaming performance.

As for NF streaming, it's only $8. And, there is certainly enough content currently to justify the $8/mo. It's also easy to find what you want. Much easier than BBMP, or even Amazon, Vudu, Hulu, etc. (Although, the Hulu app is pretty good.) If Amazon ever gets their streaming app as easy to use as NF, I'll drop NF too, as AMZN has been drastically improving their "free" Prime selection, as well.

As more channels' add online streaming, and make it available thru the Chrome browser in GTV or SmarTV apps for TV's and BDP's, it will probably render BBMP Streaming moot anyway.
Anybody having any luck with the "disappearing titles" issue? I still have 16 movies hidden under "my rentals"; however, they show up on dish online as well as DRA--no way to delete them though. Every couple of days, I have a random title show up through the menu I can delete or watch.
Look at thread above this one.
Just a point of order .. it would be better that you link someone there rather than "look above" ... regular threads get displayed in the order in which they last received a post.

so an hour from now, this specific thread may not have had anyone reply ... and 10 others might have had one ... even if you were referring to a sticky thread its best to mention "refer to the sticky <blah blah thread> at the top of this forum" etc.. because at any time another sticky could be created.. etc. etc. etc.
Is streaming getting better, that is, is it really streaming now ? We rented Johnny English last night and were able to watch it in less than two minutes.
I just tried the 2010 as you did. Selected one and it was Watch now, selected the other and it was Available in 14 minutes. And the Watch now was the first in the list so if that holds for every title it will make it a bit easier. Tried 14 minute one just for grins and it buffered enough to start in less than 30 seconds. I'm getting 29 down on a 20 down cable connection this morning but tonight will probably be a different story. Still that's better than page by page. At least in my opinion which may or may not be worth anything. :p The ones I tried a few days ago were obviously on the BB system because they were both Watch now and there was only one instance of the titles.

Hi. I tried this search and only came up with one title? Maybe I don't have the most recent update that provides the newer titles? I have a vip 722 receiver with L721 software. What receiver do you have and what software version?
Is streaming getting better, that is, is it really streaming now ? We rented Johnny English last night and were able to watch it in less than two minutes.
I'll answer my own question: It depends

I looked through BBMP and decided to watch "Airport '77". Selected it, it said 9 minutes or so and quickly dropped to 2m31s... Then jumped to 3m and some seconds, back to 2m, then 9 minutes again... I did something else for a bit to let it buffer and checked again. Now it's at 31 minutes. :( Drops to 20 minutes. Back and forth. I gave up and streamed Scarface (after bumping it to # 1 in the queue). Checked Airport '77 12+ hours later and still 20-30 minutes before available :)

Tried Airport '77 again tonight and same back and forth so far.

Can someone else try it ?
I don't understand why Netflix can start streaming pretty much immediately yet with BMPP it takes sometimes over an hour to start.
I'll answer my own question: It depends

I looked through BBMP and decided to watch "Airport '77". Selected it, it said 9 minutes or so and quickly dropped to 2m31s... Then jumped to 3m and some seconds, back to 2m, then 9 minutes again... I did something else for a bit to let it buffer and checked again. Now it's at 31 minutes. Drops to 20 minutes. Back and forth. I gave up and streamed Scarface (after bumping it to # 1 in the queue). Checked Airport '77 12+ hours later and still 20-30 minutes before available

Tried Airport '77 again tonight and same back and forth so far.

Can someone else try it ?

Just tried watching airport 77 per your request. After finding it selecting the HD version and clicking to watch it the movie started immediately. No delay at all. I just as stated had to click the proper buttons to start the movie. I watch it as it downloads is what's happening. Just like when you watch a You Tube video. Now the HD version said "10 minutes" while the SD version said instantly. I guess the variable in all this and why everyone gets to wait a different amount of time is ones internet download speed. I have Verizon FIOS which is running at 15Mbps. That is fast enough to do the job. I've been able to watch an game on my pc while my daughter streams a movie from Netflix on my Roku at the same time with no prob lem at all. No delays, lock ups etc.

I do agree with some who say the search method of finding a title better. Plus the amount of titles needs to be better. I suppose in time both of those things will be taken care of.
I don't understand why Netflix can start streaming pretty much immediately yet with BMPP it takes sometimes over an hour to start.
Most files delivered via progressive download seem like streaming in that they begin to play once you click the button, and they continue smoothly until the end. For example, YouTube, ESPN and CNN all deliver without a streaming server. However, when delivering via progressive download, you can encode at higher rates than you could when delivering via streaming, because even if the data rate exceeds the viewer's connection bandwidth, ultimately, it will reside on the viewer's hard drive, from which it will play smoothly.
Streaming vs. progressive download: Understanding the difference « Enterprise media streaming and content delivery - Mydeo Media Manager (m3)
That's one of the main reasons Dish needs to update their interface for BBMP ... an icon that indicates "Stream" verses "VOD" without having this ... dish can muck with the "starts in" labelling ... starts in 10 mins ... could be VOD, could be capacity on stream server, could be coming from Satellite (*the* most popular of titles) Play now ... can still hide that its IPVOD streaming of the "progressive" type...

the reality would be.. that users would tend less to use any service but the immediate "right now now" service as opposed to the "when will then be now" services except when they're planning for while they're away ... and the reality is that even the download later service is unrliable. :(

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