Streaming channels audio


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 3, 2017
Why is audio on all streaming channels so ridiculously quiet compared to satellites channels? and why does optical out (not hdmi to avr )not pass the DD audio to avr on any streaming channel. Picture Quality on most streaming channels imo better then most satellites channel picture quality, I actual rather watch streaming version of channels over satellite version, obviously there draw backs to that though.
I did more test last night, Every single Streaming channel (signal protector) of satellite channels, is half as loud at best as the satellite channel, even SD satellite channels are louder. These where tested on multiple tv using the h3/joey 4k and on everyone the streaming channels where all ridiculous quiet compared to ever other channels. I get that there leveling function on h3/joey4k but that dont solve the problem that just make steaming channel louder and satellite channels twice as loud.

Also ever single streaming channel ( signal protector) has better PQ then the satellite verison. These test where done on H3 and Joey 4k, connected to same tv using same input and same picture settings and i ask other people the same question, who are notice pq diffrences more then i do.
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Streaming, you get the full original resolution. With satellite it's usually downconverted to 720 and compressed.
Everything is compressed, be it OTA, Satellite, Cable and Streaming, but it depends on how much, also what codecs it is using for both video/sound.
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