Best of luck guy. You have been a valuable source of info here and I hope you will continue to be. Good luck in your job search!
Yeah I dont think Scott wants to piss off Directv in that way.
so if we may ask; on the HR form or during the exit interview what was the exact termination reason?
I will still be around and I still have "moles" at dtv to keep me up to date with what is going on. So I will still be able to help out where I can.
Yeah I dont think Scott wants to piss off Directv in that way. I still hope to see directv come here and provide the top quality support I know they can. If scott wamted to I have no objection to asking me anything.
I was fired for standing up to some internal issues at the company. Hey it happens and only thing i can do is get back out there and do good for another company.
That really sucks. I know you were one of the voices who actually made things happen there. I think they'd rather be blind and ignore their problems like Comcast. ... and hire people with insufficient training like Comcast ... and jack their prices every year like Comcast... they only thing different is they are a little more friendly when you call them and they have a better channel selection.
they also have no plan to address the Triple Play threat. ... Continue to proceed forward like a zombie since they topped 30M subscribers. What are they going to do when their growth flattens and their EPS are minimal?