Still having trouble picking up a signal...

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 26, 2005
Installation questions...

HI! My FTA system just arrived last week and got on with the installing.
But, while I was reading some posts, I had some questions.

I live in Calgary, AB Canada.
Longitude- 114.2354° W
Latitude- 51.1115° N
Azimuth (true north)- 158.3°
Magnetic deviation- 18.57

My equipments are:
- (1)Pansat 2700a
- (1)Fortec 33" dish
- (1)Fortec universal lnb - fsku-v linear!
- (2)Coolsat cs-lnbc (?)
- RG59 cable... not sure
- SG-2100 Motor
- DiSEqC 4x1 switch

1. Does anyone know what kind of lnb is cs-lnbc?
on the box, it says:
RF: 11.70/12.20GHz
Noise Figure:0.6dB
If its linear, what would the settings be? (lnb lo, frequency, lnb type, 22kHz)
Or circular.

2. Does RG59 cable work? I got it straight from my tv connection because it was long. I read from somewhere that only RG6 cable would work properly.
But I also read that says RG59 would work, but using RG6 is better. With RG59, I have been able to work the motor, and get 70~80 level with it. I know level does not mean anything important.

3. As my true south satellite, I chose Anik F1 because somewhere I read Satmex 5 is hard to get it where I live. And all other satellites in the area are circular. There is only one TP in the Anik F1 satellite in my pansat 2700a.
([1] 11850 H 15.554) How come?

4. I have gave up on using a compass because I thought might as well just fan the dish when I have right elevations. Currently, I have taken down the motor thinking that I would try without it. But! I was more confused. There was no way to turn the dish! The dish is screwed to the mast, so it is impossible to fan! (Please refer to the manual below.)

5. How would you know if the TP is active? Is there any way to find out other than going through each one? (This will not work for me because I don't even have the dish pointed.)

6. For my fortec fsku-v, the settings in pansat 2700a are:
Lnb type- universal 1
Lnb Local freq.- 9750/10600
22kHz- dash
DiSEqC- off
skew- 45
TP- [1] 11850 H 15.554
Positioner setting- off
Satellite Scan- FTA+Scramble
Is this right?

7. In the second picture, it says I have to face the mast to the azimuth before I install it. Does this mean that I can't fan the dish, and the only way to get the azimuth is install it on the right animuth?

I have moved the dish + motor so much that it scratched the mast. It looks old now... How can you move it without scratching it?
Thank you for your assistance in advance.

p.s. I can see the TV from the dish.


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Hello and welcome to the Satelliteguys.US FTA forum :wave

1/ Its a Universal (Linear) KU LNBF Set your L.O. to 09750-10600

2/ You NEED to invest in RG6 cable (2.2GHz if possible)

3/ I would use Satmex 5 Use an active TP. (ask here just before you install if you need confirmation)

4/ Remove that screw the dish has to rotate on the mast, you would put the screw through only when using a motor. (good idea to find your satellite before adding the motor)

5/ As above (Ask here)

6/ I have the Fortec so it does not have Skew other than that you have the same settings as I use for a Universal type LNBF (I use USALS as a positioner setting as my dish is motor mounted, and I scan ONLY for FTA channels!!!)

7a/ Yes you will need to be able to move the dish to find the satellite.

7b/ Too late now the more you move it the more it will scratch :(
1. No 22kHz tone.. this means off, right?
2. So, do I have to buy a RG6 cable? Do you know why RG59 would not work? Because I would use it if it's possible... Would RG59 pick up no signal?
4. I have already tried, but if you remove the screw, the dish would drop down! it would not hold it even if I tighten the screws in the elevation...Not even a second. Maybe its too heavy?
6. So, should I leave skew at 45? FTA+Scramble was a default. I was desperate to get any signals, even if it say scrambled :)

Thank you for your help! it has been very helpful.
1. - (auto)
2. It will work fine.......then one day you will wake up and it will no longer be working and you will blame the RG59, even its nothing to do with it. You have spent a lot of money on your system. May as well do it right. But it will work fine over short distances, for short a period of time : ) .
3. ?
4. Keep the screw through the dish mount then slide it onto the mast, the screw will stop the dish from slipping down the mast, and you will still be able to rotate the dish.

5. ?

6. Sure why not, just means you will have to delete all the scrambled channels eventually.
I left out 3 and 5 because I didn't have any questions about your reply above.
4. If I keep the screw through the dish, wouldn't it change the angle of the elevation?

would satmex 5 reach my location? I heard that its very weak from where I live... because it just drops down from the U.S.A boarder.

Last checking before I install. I have to set the elevation to Elevation = 31.4° according to the site , right? what about the skew? does it still work if I left it to approximate 0 (my lnb's doesn't have any scales) , then once I get a signal, turn it?

My postal code is T3L 2V5, if you want to check...
Thank you again! You were very helpful!
hmm...weird... No matter what, I can't find any signal. I get signal level from 70 to even 85, but nothing in quality :(
I am going to change the cable to RG6 today... to see if it makes any changes.
I am using fsku-v lnb right now... straight to the receiver.
I've tried to change the elevation 2 to 5 degrees on the dish, but nothing.
My mast is not perfectly leveled, but close. The bubble leans slightly to the one side, but still in the range of those two lines. Can't think of any more problems... Setting is correct(I think), Mast is level, cable connected directly to the receiver and connected properly, only problem I could find was the cable type. Does satmex 5 signal even reach here in calgary? Would it be easier to find it on sunny day? now, it's cloudy... I will attach pictures of my setup later :)
Any suggetions will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you! :D
I am right :) ? But this is not a good thing :( so does this mean I can't get it? :no Then what satellite should I use?

I have another question! My dad just bought a RG6 cable.. 2.2GHz. but it says indoor! He said there was ones that was 2.4 GHz and was outdoors... is 2.4GHz better?
My lnb's are facing upward now, so the output facing up. Is this ok? I think some water got into it. I hope it's waterproof!

I am amazed at your quick response! thank you! :D
If you are not in the satellites foot print (above) then you cant get it : (

The LNBF should be down.... (then skewed as needed) They are waterproof, but water can get in through the connection!

I would use Dishnetwork 119w to get in the ball park. You would have to use a DBS LNB and use 11250 as your L.O. Then you can switch back to the KU LNB.

The Higher the GHz the better. I would not go under 2.2Ghz.
So what satellite should I use for my true south for linear lnb? In my location, there is not really a choice of satellites. The satellites close to me are mostly No channels, or DBS. I just want to get at least a single signal to see if i am doing the right thing. sadly, I do not have any dbs lnb.
What is the main difference in bigger GHz? better signals?

What tp should I use with anik f1? there is only one...[1] 11850 H 15.554
thank you for all your help.
10 days of trial and error, I finally ran out of solutions.
I tried switching the RG59 cable to 32 feet RG6 2.4GHz cable, make sure the mast is level, and settings in the Pansat 2700a, but still 0 quality.
I posted a few posts here, and I've had great answers from everyone here. Thank you!

Calgary, AB Canada.
Longitude- 114.2354° W
Latitude- 51.1115° N
Azimuth (true north)- 158.3°
Magnetic deviation- 18.57

- (1)Pansat 2700a
- (1)Fortec 33" dish
- (1)Fortec universal lnb - fsku-v
- (2)Coolsat cs-lnbc
- RG6 2.4 GHz cable
- SG-2100 Motor
- DiSEqC 4x1 switch

I am having trouble aiming at any satellites. Now, trying AMC 4.
Today I took some pictures of my setup to help explain myself.

1. I installed my dish on the deck, which is about 3 meters high. Do I just calculate the elevation from online satellite calculator and adjust the elevation according to the site? While I was reading threads, I read one about offset. Do I have to take the offset and the height above the ground(3 meters) into account? If so, add or subtract?

2. Anik f1 is my closest linear satellite. How come in pansat there is only one tp for Anik f1?

3. My pansat is currently in factory bin. Should I upgrade the firmware?
I think my mast is leveled.. elevation set to 30.2... Fanned it (slowly, 1 cm at a time), still nothing. I can't find any problems any more...:(
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :D Thank you.


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anik f1 is mostly DCII, which the receiver won't decode.

Try Satmex5 at 116...its closer than F1, which is at 107.3

I wouldnt worry about upgrading the software...
I've got the level to go up a bit... now maximum I can get is 88; But still no quality... what would be the problem!?

It seems from your pictures that you do not have the motor attached as of yet. It might be best for you to simply try to hit any satellite (don't worry now about your true south satellite)... Galaxy 10 (123w) is a very rewarding bird, once you find the signal. And there are some very strong transponders there (the higher numbered ones)... Try 12114 (V) 4.444 msps... There are at least two channels there, they'll help you point the dish. Once you find the satellite, you can change to the lower powered ones to fine-tune your azimuth and elevation settings on your dish. Not sure how well an 80cm dish will work on the lower powered G10 transponders from Canada...

Also, since you don't have the motor installed yet, you would set the elevation (move the dish look angle up or down) from the marks on the dish mount clamp and use the settings for a non-motorized installation. You will also have to skew (turn) the LNB to get proper quality. If the satellite you're aiming at it west of your true south position, you'd turn the LNB in the holder clockwise (looking from behind the dish) or counterclockwise looking from in front of the dish, from center. Just loosen the bolts that hold the LNB and turn it slowly in its holder. Turn it a little at a time and step away from the dish to see if you get signal quality...

Height above the ground means nothing... Just make sure your mast (mounting pipe) is completely level.

ssy080 said:
- (1)Pansat 2700a
- (1)Fortec 33" dish
- (1)Fortec universal lnb - fsku-v
- (2)Coolsat cs-lnbc
- RG6 2.4 GHz cable
- SG-2100 Motor
- DiSEqC 4x1 switch

I am having trouble aiming at any satellites. Now, trying AMC 4.
Today I took some pictures of my setup to help explain myself.

1. I installed my dish on the deck, which is about 3 meters high. Do I just calculate the elevation from online satellite calculator and adjust the elevation according to the site? While I was reading threads, I read one about offset. Do I have to take the offset and the height above the ground(3 meters) into account? If so, add or subtract?
Up on your deck isn't really a factor aside from it helping with potential Line of sight issues. Looking at your pics it looks like you are fine for LoS.

ssy080 said:
2. Anik f1 is my closest linear satellite. How come in pansat there is only one tp for Anik f1?
Take the advice of not bothering with AnikF1. It's closest for me too down here in Phx and if I have ever hit it the results were mixed in with a slew of stuff from E* 6/8 at 110.

I ended up Aligning my motor to TS, setup the motor elevation as-per the instructions, I eyeballed the elevation knowing it'd be wrong, and USALS'd over to G10R. SatMex 5 will work as well and is closer to TS so it's really a better choice.

If you have the TS perfect you should be able to play with the declination (aka elevation at the dish) and nail the sat. This all assumes your LNB setting / TP settings are right. I'll include some screen shots from my CoolSat of the SatMex 5 config.

One thing I did notice is that the Skew setting is being used. You don't need that. Your LNB won't use it. That being said, I'm sure it won't effect you at all.

That Fortec LNB is universal:

So you'll want to use 9.750 / 10.600 when using it. I'll attach some screen shots - hopefully the information is usefull (I'm using a Universal LNB as well).

It looks like your LNB is setup right - try setting up TP1 (11749V) as per my pics.
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I would use one of the DSS LNBFs on the side and try for 119W. LO 11250

Good luck

ssy080 said:
10 days of trial and error, I finally ran out of solutions.
I tried switching the RG59 cable to 32 feet RG6 2.4GHz cable, make sure the mast is level, and settings in the Pansat 2700a, but still 0 quality.
I posted a few posts here, and I've had great answers from everyone here. Thank you!

Calgary, AB Canada.
Longitude- 114.2354° W
Latitude- 51.1115° N
Azimuth (true north)- 158.3°
Magnetic deviation- 18.57

- (1)Pansat 2700a
- (1)Fortec 33" dish
- (1)Fortec universal lnb - fsku-v
- (2)Coolsat cs-lnbc
- RG6 2.4 GHz cable
- SG-2100 Motor
- DiSEqC 4x1 switch

I am having trouble aiming at any satellites. Now, trying AMC 4.
Today I took some pictures of my setup to help explain myself.

1. I installed my dish on the deck, which is about 3 meters high. Do I just calculate the elevation from online satellite calculator and adjust the elevation according to the site? While I was reading threads, I read one about offset. Do I have to take the offset and the height above the ground(3 meters) into account? If so, add or subtract?

2. Anik f1 is my closest linear satellite. How come in pansat there is only one tp for Anik f1?

3. My pansat is currently in factory bin. Should I upgrade the firmware?
I think my mast is leveled.. elevation set to 30.2... Fanned it (slowly, 1 cm at a time), still nothing. I can't find any problems any more...:(
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :D Thank you.
I found out that Coolsat cs-lnbc was really a circular, so I used that to aim, and success! now I've tried 3 satellites. 110, 148, and nimiq 2 for some reason. I didn't want nimiq 2, but some how while rotating the dish, I got a signal :) ( I put the circular lnb in center)
But one problem still remains. I cannot figure out how to use linear lnb. I still can't get any signal... I've tried universal 1 for lnb type and standard in local frequency of 10600 with 22khz on. No signal. For fsku-v, some say that the lnb type should be standard with local frequency of 10600 and 22khz on, and some say lnb type should be universal 1. I think universal 1 is the right one thinking that it is a universal lnb.
Now, I am trying to get amc 4... having trouble with it. But maybe I will get lucky!
Once I get linear lnb going, I will try the motor, and then ask about how to aim at the satellite with lnb's on each side of the fsku-v.

Thank you!
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