Stay with Voom or switch?

I voted to keep Voom...although I'm not necessarily commited to Voom, just HDTV. If D* or E* were to add twenty some HD channels I'd jump ship. I just want as much HD programming as possible. No matter what the D* and E* folks say, when it comes to programming I'll take quantity over quality. Just put it all out there and let the viewer decide what is quality.
GadgetRick said:
If you're thinking about switching just do it and don't whine about it. Honestly, I'm tired of hearing people whine about Voom when they decide to cancel. Just cancel your service, sign up for whatever service you want and stop complaining. If you read the posts where people are leaving it's always for the same reasons...pq, rain fade, no dvr, yadda yadda yadda. If it bothers you that much just do it.

The Rickster

If you read the first post, Jimmy asked for comments. I'm not whining, I'm just commenting on why I'm leaving since he asked. At least I didn't start one of those "I'm outta here" threads. Those are almost as annoying as people who whine about other people whining.
Along with the Dish HD Pack, makes a great team. As far as a PVR goes, I sure miss my Dish 501, but now I use my Panny E85H and enjoy DVD quality playback. It's a great solution until the PVR comes along.
STAY WITH voom. bottom line there is no one else offering more in the way of high def. there workin on my OTA problem not complaining about coming out, so far 4 times, (next appt 29th). There workin on PQ, some channels are already at that Amazing level of HD, There workin on Bandwith ( possilbly mpeg and wm9 at same time very enterprising adventures co.) there working on new channel contracts. There working on a PVR(whole house networking solution ) :shocked ,there working on licensing new contracts for sat. space,

Rainbow dbs took a big chance with taking on DISH and DIRECTV, im glad to see the compitition, Ill will be staying with VOOM throug the ruff spots just like i did way back when with directv. was a in its infancy. (when they were the TEch advanced co. )sure i miss my Directv TIVO, (wife still complaing about that one) so I purchased a DVD burner for her and ill get her a regular sd TIvo by the end of the month, (she doesnt mind SD).

Here's my VOOM review after 12 days

I currently have E* and I had been following VOOM on various web sites ever since it was introduced last year. I hesitated to get it then because of all the installation problems I had read about, but finally had it installed on 6/28. Installer locked in on satellite right away and pictures came in clearly. He had to put off installing OTA antenna because he needed bigger antenna to pull in signals. Came back Friday with a 4228, but still no luck. After watching VOOM for 12 days, here's my unbiased assessment.

1. CONTENT: I was somewhat disappointed in the HD content even though I had done a lot of research and knew what was available before I ordered. Within 72 hours I came to the realization that my expectations were far way too enthusiastic, and I actually found myself searching for some captivating HD programming, only to wind up switching back to E*.

2. PQ: I have a 50" Pioneer plasma and was anticipating outstanding HD PQ with VOOM. While I did see some superb HD PQ, my viewing was usually limited to the few channels that I preferred to watch and several of them were not up my expectations. My installer was impressed with my PQ on E*. He said it was the best he had ever seen when he switched between E* and VOOM to compare Bravo and TNT HD programs that were showing at the time. I'm sure this was due to up converting of content as VOOM was a clear winner on Discovery. While VOOM SD PQ was good, it was difficult to distinguish any noticeable difference when comparing it to my E* reception. Also, I've recently noticed pixilation after my software was updated to 6.0

3. SOUND: I have a Klipsch THX surround system and the overall sound quality was equal to or better than anything on E*. I still have to adjust sound levels while changing to some channels, even though I read somewhere that the problem was supposed to be fixed with a software update to 6.0 which I now have.

CONCLUSION: I was overly optimistic in my expectations for HD quality programming from VOOM. While I'm sure it will improve with time, I can't justify spending the money on a second satellite system for the limited return that I'm currently receiving. The fact that I couldn't get OTA HD is the deal breaker for me because I probably would have kept VOOM for that alone. Since I'm receiving better than average SD PQ, it makes a compelling argument for me to wait until better HD programming is available from either VOOM or E* before I venture into HD again. This by no means that others won't find VOOM programing and PQ to be outstanding; it just doesn't currently meet my needs.
Here's my VOOM review after 12 days

I currently have E* and I had been following VOOM on various web sites ever since it was introduced last year. I hesitated to get it then because of all the installation problems I had read about, but finally had it installed on 6/28. Installer locked in on satellite right away and pictures came in clearly. He had to put off installing OTA antenna because he needed bigger antenna to pull in signals. Came back Friday with a 4228, but still no luck. After watching VOOM for 12 days, here's my unbiased assessment.

1. CONTENT: I was somewhat disappointed in the HD content even though I had done a lot of research and knew what was available before I ordered. Within 72 hours I came to the realization that my expectations were far way too enthusiastic, and I actually found myself searching for some captivating HD programming, only to wind up switching back to E*.

2. PQ: I have a 50" Pioneer plasma and was anticipating outstanding HD PQ with VOOM. While I did see some superb HD PQ, my viewing was usually limited to the few channels that I preferred to watch and several of them were not up my expectations. My installer was impressed with my PQ on E*. He said it was the best he had ever seen when he switched between E* and VOOM to compare Bravo and TNT HD programs that were showing at the time. I'm sure this was due to up converting of content as VOOM was a clear winner on the DiscoveryHD channel. While VOOM SD PQ was good, it was difficult to distinguish any noticeable difference when comparing it to my E* reception. Also, I've recently noticed pixilation after my software was updated to 5.68

3. SOUND: I have a Klipsch THX surround system and the overall sound quality was equal to or better than anything on E*. I still have to adjust sound levels while changing to some channels. I read somewhere that the problem is supposed to be fixed with a software update to 6.0.

CONCLUSION: I was overly optimistic in my expectations for HD quality programming from VOOM. While I'm sure it will improve with time, I can't justify spending the money on a second satellite system for the limited return that I'm currently receiving. The fact that I couldn't get OTA HD is the deal breaker for me because I probably would have kept VOOM for that alone. Since I'm receiving better than average SD PQ, it makes a compelling argument for me to wait until better HD programming is available from either VOOM or E* before I venture into HD again. This by no means that others won't find VOOM programing and PQ to be outstanding; it just doesn't currently meet my needs.
lostcause said:
My biggest complaint right now at this moment with voom is their signal strength. I'm buying a place and their weak signal strength has prevented me from getting several places I liked because there was a tree in the way. Dtv gets through the trees just fine. If I can't find a place with not a single tree in sight, I may have to switch back to dtv (ugh), but otherwise I will stay with voom. I'll be checking the LOS with a compass today at the place I put an offer on. Hopefully the one solitary tree there is not in the way.

To me it is horrible that anyone would make a choice on where they live based on their Satellite reception.
DBENE said:
To me it is horrible that anyone would make a choice on where they live based on their Satellite reception.

Not sure what you mean but basically it's like this...I work so I can enjoy certain things in life. HD and home theater and tv in general is one of them. Why would I want to voluntarily move to somewhere where one of my hobbies/diversions would be impossible for me to pursue?? I would go to work and deal with the misery of a 9 to 5 only to come home and be just as miserable since I couldn't enjoy certain things I've become accustomed to. What would be the point?? :confused:

I've made housing choices based on broadband availability, pet regulations, etc..etc... This is no different. I'm not sure I completely understand the point you were trying to make.

1:30pmPacific time-lost signal power,channels,etc.

Lost Signal Overnight - Blown Lnb?

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