Stay away from Value Electronics!

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Its really a 2 sided issue when you look at who is responcible. On one hand , Value Electronics should not be held responcible for the actions of one of their subcontractors, however it does make Value Electronics look bad since they where the ones to hire the sub-contractor to begin with.

The right thing to do for Value Electronics in this situation would be to credit the customer for the install the same amount they would have paid the subcontractor. Atleast thats what I would do if I was in the same situation.

Even at the Dishstore, this is one of the problems we have with selling new customer promotions and that is why we focus on selling to existing customers and very heavly promote self installs and sell a complete line of installation accessories.
Claude Greiner said:
On one hand , Value Electronics should not be held responcible for the actions of one of their subcontractors,
Actually, they should. It's not fair. And, they should certainly pursue recompense from the subcontractor. But, they are totally and 100% responsible to the end customer.

Seeing Robert's response definitely puts them at the top of my list for if and when I make the switch.
Quite the whining already "caterpa". We don't live in a perfect world and "just sometimes" there is a hiccup alone the way. You unfortunately had a hiccup. I don't think a company like VE goes out of its way to purposely screw up. Sometimes these things happen. I think the title of your post was a little harsh and unjustified.

I've had nothing but a pleasant experience with VE since 8 years ago to today.
Keep up the good work VE.
caterpa, I was in no way trying to say that you were in the "wrong" if there is a right and wrong here. only that you didn't actually tell the whole story in your post.

Certainly VE has the responsibility to take care of your situation, and as his post indicated he will do so, as soon as he is able.

I guess that my issue with this your thread in general is that it seems to me that you were rather hasty to begin bashing VE.

Just saying a bit more patience may have been called for is all.
I'm sorry if this all comes across as whining. By now this thread is getting tired but.......I agree that sometimes things happen. They do in my field as well.

The title probably was a little harsh but if I titled it '"'m upset" would it have generated the responses here? Doubt it.

I am upset about it though. Everyone here falls all over themselves to say how great VE is with customer service. I disagree. I just wanted people to hear the other side. Maybe if I told them from the beginning I was member here things would have been better, who knows. Everything fell apart after the install problems. The purchase of equip. and shipping of same went well actually. Arrived quickly as promised. That should be mentioned.

I'll just wait to hear from Robert I guess. I'll post when he calls me and the result just to be fair to all involved.

"That's all I have to say about that." -
Forrest Gump

In case Robert has trouble figuring out which order this is:
ph# 319-393-2727.

Jeffrey M. Cater
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