Do you know what the average data rate is per hr with the sling at a given speed?
With our limited 4G LTE phone family plan data plan with Verizon, how much more data would we need to purchase in order for her to access programs on the iPad? I would estimate an average monthly viewing total of 40 hours with several months having little or no useage at all. Perhaps it would make more sense to purchase data a la carte or pre paid?
I don't think 4 G is available at the cabin but 3 G is for sure.
With our limited 4G LTE phone family plan data plan with Verizon, how much more data would we need to purchase in order for her to access programs on the iPad? I would estimate an average monthly viewing total of 40 hours with several months having little or no useage at all. Perhaps it would make more sense to purchase data a la carte or pre paid?
I don't think 4 G is available at the cabin but 3 G is for sure.
As an experiment to see if you can get it working by putting your receiver in the DMZ and see if you can connect. Little risk to your network by having a media device in the open and not behind a firewall.
Err- no. You don't need to stream to the iPad. The new Hopper loads the program onto the iPad. You watch it off the iPad, not over 3G/4G. The iPad could be wifi only, for that matter.
Streaming to the iPad or other device is another feature altogether.
I'm wondering if I'm kidding myself thinking that the Sling is going to be able to do what I want?. Has anyone had success in streaming live programing ove the internet and if so, what upload speed plan do you have and who is your ISP?