Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

So, is "EA upgrade program for $1 and 2yr commitment" a secret program or is it an advertised promotion? Is it the Magic Pill to get a free upgrade to Eastern Arc so I can receive the new HD programming?

it is whatever dish tells you as an individual customer when you call them. if you are not getting all new channels then dish will help you get them via upgrade.
So, is "EA upgrade program for $1 and 2yr commitment" a secret program or is it an advertised promotion? Is it the Magic Pill to get a free upgrade to Eastern Arc so I can receive the new HD programming?

If you don't need the new HD that was added to 72.7 and you have a mixed arc installation, I'd consider waiting until E* decides to move all national HD off 61.5. I think they will likely start to contact subs with mixed arc installs for an upgrade. We probably stand a better chance for a free upgrade with no commitment at that point if past history is a predictor. As I understand the timetable, everyone will need to be switched over prior to the end of the year. Otherwise, I thonk anyone can get the $1 24-month commitment offer.
I'm inclined to call soon, and get it over with, well before any rush or more bad weather. Don't really care if it's $15 with no commitment or $1 with 2 year commitment. With my investments in EHDs, short of losing my job (or my wife losing hers), I'm not going anywhere.
I think a key factor is if it will be a straight-up dish swap, or if other equipment upgrades will be involved (i.e. receiver replacements). At least that seemed to have been the issue in my case.

As mentioned earlier they (Dish) seem to be going on a case by case basis. When I called about the new HD a month or so ago we agreed that they would send a tech out to fix the issue and I would be required to pay the $15 standard fee (I have the dhpp). The job would require that the tech put up a 1k4 dish and replace an older mpeg2 DP301 I still had on my account with a new mpeg4 VIP211.

When the tech got to my house he said the work order had nothing on it about the receiver replacement and, after calling his supervisor, he stated they would do the job but I would be required to pay an additional $40 plus sign up for a two year commitment.

It took an email to the CEO before I could get Dish to honor their original agreement.

So, based on my experience, if all you need is a dish upgrade you should be able to get bye with the $15 fee. Anything beyond that is anybodies guess.
I think a key factor is if it will be a straight-up dish swap, or if other equipment upgrades will be involved (i.e. receiver replacements). At least that seemed to have been the issue in my case.

As mentioned earlier they (Dish) seem to be going on a case by case basis. When I called about the new HD a month or so ago we agreed that they would send a tech out to fix the issue and I would be required to pay the $15 standard fee (I have the dhpp). The job would require that the tech put up a 1k4 dish and replace an older mpeg2 DP301 I still had on my account with a new mpeg4 VIP211.

When the tech got to my house he said the work order had nothing on it about the receiver replacement and, after calling his supervisor, he stated they would do the job but I would be required to pay an additional $40 plus sign up for a two year commitment.

It took an email to the CEO before I could get Dish to honor their original agreement.

So, based on my experience, if all you need is a dish upgrade you should be able to get bye with the $15 fee. Anything beyond that is anybodies guess.

I'm getting an EA upgrade on Thursday. They are replacing my 625 with a VIP Duo DVR for $15 and two year committment. I had to sign up for DHPP for $6/month.
I'm getting an EA upgrade on Thursday. They are replacing my 625 with a VIP Duo DVR for $15 and two year committment. I had to sign up for DHPP for $6/month.
Sounds good, I hope the install goes well.

It's a little interesting listening to everybody's experiences with the new HD. As far as the 110/119/61.5 people goes, and without trying to be too simplistic, there seems to be three main solutions (not counting some of the home builds and custom rigs)

1) Repoint the wing dish
2) EA dish upgrade without any additional equipment required
3) EA dish upgrade with additional equipment (receiver upgrade)

But everybody seems to be getting a different offer from Dish as to what is required to get one of those solutions.
Sounds good, I hope the install goes well.

It's a little interesting listening to everybody's experiences with the new HD. As far as the 110/119/61.5 people goes, and without trying to be too simplistic, there seems to be three main solutions (not counting some of the home builds and custom rigs)

1) Repoint the wing dish
2) EA dish upgrade without any additional equipment required
3) EA dish upgrade with additional equipment (receiver upgrade)

But everybody seems to be getting a different offer from Dish as to what is required to get one of those solutions.

Typical E* fud. No one's ever on the same page. One sees it in the Charlie Chats where Charlie seems clueless as to what's going on in his own company. CSRs offering different deals is just more of the same. They've had more than enough time to ferret the mixed arc subs out of the database and send notifications and solutions. Remember this problem only affects very few subs according to E*. :)
I ended up buying a DP twin LNB ($19) to replace the single that was in my 61.5 D500 wing dish. Going to do the 61.5/72.7 hybrid thing for now (have another D500 @ 110/119 w/ DPP44 switch) as I have 2 508 receivers as well as a 722. When dish is in the offering mood and wants to switch my antennas to EA and upgrade the 508's to VIP's for little or no cost, I'll bite. I'd even take 2 - 211's with the DVR enabling fee waived as a receiver upgrade. :) Repointing the 61.5 dish to 129 isn't an option due to LOS issues (lots of trees that don't belong to me).
I also have a 508 and am about to change over to EA (as soon as I finish recording programs off the 508, now in progress).

The question is, regarding the 508 DVR: If they replace each, even for free, and even if the replacements are Leased rather than Owned - won't we still be required to pay an extra fee each month for that/those "extra" receiver(s)? The 508s are, you may recall, grandfathered as far as the DVR fee goes. But now there's just the "one" DVR fee, regardless of how many. But their per receiver fees apply.

So if we accept replacements for the 508, won't we be paying more each month anyway, all other things remaining constant? Might be better to just sell or toss the 508 & do without, if it's little used.

I, for one, would not accept a non-DVR replacement. It would have to be, at a minimum, a ViP612, and be able to share EHDs with my two ViP722 units. The TV that has my 508 attached is a 36" SDTV, but that won't always be the case.
The question is, regarding the 508 DVR: If they replace each, even for free, and even if the replacements are Leased rather than Owned - won't we still be required to pay an extra fee each month for that/those "extra" receiver(s)?
I think it went from $5 to $7/mo, but you know better than I since I sold my 501 before this price increase. Therefore, if you go ahead and swap it for a 612, then you will pay $10/mo rather than $7. I have a 722 and 2 612s on my account, so I'm one of the lucky ones whose bill actually went down a little. ;)
OK, this is how it went for me. First read all your very informative posts to know what I was talking about. My setup: vip 622, 508 dvr, 2 dish 500's, 61.5, 110 & 119. Went to live chat on 3/23 & said I wanted the new HD channels. No problem, tech will be out tomorrow morn. He arrived 1st thing & after some wrangling, installed a 1000.4 for EA & swung the 61.5 dish to 110 for my locals. ( My HD locals are on 129- no LOS). I should have asked E* about the 508 before he came out, they said it would require a separate work order so limited to 61.5 on that receiver. Tech leaves & I contact dish about upgrading receiver. They gave me a vip 612 for no charge with a 2 year commitment. Tech came back later today with new receiver & I'm good to go. Total charge: $1 which will be refunded. BTW I have dhpp. I did have to go back to live chat later because a handful of new HD channnels were not showing up on my 622. They gave me a hit & all is well. (My monthly bill will go up $3)
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Executive resolutions finally came through with a no-cost upgrade of my 61.5 wing dish to EA. This is scheduled for Tuesday. I intend to keep my 110/119 Dish 500 for my SD receivers and the OTA antenna which is attached to the same mast. I don't have dhpp.
Just got off the phone with a very helpful Dish CSR, and a free EA dish will be brought with the tech tomorrow afternoon! So it seems that the upgrade will be free, not even the $15 co-pay with DHPP. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
Just got off the phone with a very helpful Dish CSR, and a free EA dish will be brought with the tech tomorrow afternoon! So it seems that the upgrade will be free, not even the $15 co-pay with DHPP. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Install went well, the installer showed up 30 minutes early, put up a 1000.2 dish and checked the install. All went well, although it took a little 'hit' from Dish put all the new HD channels on the guide. It looks great! Good job all the way around, and no charge!
so, if you have 119,110,118,61.5 is there a free upgrade??? to get these 9 hd channels?

not sure, but your solution would be unique, you would have to keep your current 500+, and have an EA installed as well. you would have 2 dishes about the same size.
edit : or have a 129 lnb isnatlled on your dish, very simple, but if your hd locals are on 61.5 you lose them.
Has anyone who got an upgrade when this problem first started tried to get a credit for any upgrade costs? I noticed a lot of people lately have been stating that they are either getting free upgrades or getting the upgrade for $1.

When I upgraded about a month or so back, I had to sign up to the service plan and was charged the $15 service charge plus $60 to upgrade a receiver. But now seeing all these people mention either getting free upgrades or paying $1, I've tried emailing Dish several times, but they keep ignoring me. I've only gotten one response from them, and it pretty much some generic fluff about sorry that I was not satisfied but they appreciated my feedback. :mad:
I ended up buying a DP twin LNB ($19) to replace the single that was in my 61.5 D500 wing dish. Going to do the 61.5/72.7 hybrid thing for now (have another D500 @ 110/119 w/ DPP44 switch) as I have 2 508 receivers as well as a 722. When dish is in the offering mood and wants to switch my antennas to EA and upgrade the 508's to VIP's for little or no cost, I'll bite. I'd even take 2 - 211's with the DVR enabling fee waived as a receiver upgrade. :) Repointing the 61.5 dish to 129 isn't an option due to LOS issues (lots of trees that don't belong to me).

How would I go about doing this? My front 500 on on the roof @ 110/119 and the installer left an extra LNB up there....I'm not sure what kind of shape it's in now. And my rear dish is pointing at 61.5 - I *think* it's a 500, but I guess it could be a 300. If it's a 500 and I can get my hands on an extension ladder, how would I configure this? I think the 61.5 goes into the 110/119 LNB, which goes into my only receiver, a ViP 722.

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