Ok...The reason why the install company in question does not carry 1000.4 dishes is because the Buffalo DMA gets it's HD locals on the 61.5 but NOT the standard def locals. Only Eastern Arc(1000.4) DMA's can install the 1000.4 dish.I had not bothered to check transponders and etc specifically because were were having no issues and I was lazyI did it this evening so I could respond to your post. As you know it is raining but I don't know how much cloud cover is out there or if it has changed anything. I looked at the 129 channel listing to try to see which transponders would be used by us most and from what I can tell my signal strength is better than some of my 61.5 reading were. It appears the transponders that would matter are 18 and above. Starting with 18 my signal strengths run between 50 and 65. 14 through 17 run between 40 and 48... most of these are spotbeams. Below 14 are all spotbeams and are all over the place... I did not do more research to see which of these (if any) matter to us. I do know.... (knocking wood) we have had no problems. I have a clear LOS to 129.
What leaves me scratching my head is the HD services that have been and those in future migrated to 72.7 leaves those in the northern latitudes like the Buffalo DMA hoping their property has a line of sight to the low in the sky 129 or I don't know what.