Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

I had not bothered to check transponders and etc specifically because were were having no issues and I was lazy :-) I did it this evening so I could respond to your post. As you know it is raining but I don't know how much cloud cover is out there or if it has changed anything. I looked at the 129 channel listing to try to see which transponders would be used by us most and from what I can tell my signal strength is better than some of my 61.5 reading were. It appears the transponders that would matter are 18 and above. Starting with 18 my signal strengths run between 50 and 65. 14 through 17 run between 40 and 48... most of these are spotbeams. Below 14 are all spotbeams and are all over the place... I did not do more research to see which of these (if any) matter to us. I do know.... (knocking wood) we have had no problems. I have a clear LOS to 129.
Ok...The reason why the install company in question does not carry 1000.4 dishes is because the Buffalo DMA gets it's HD locals on the 61.5 but NOT the standard def locals. Only Eastern Arc(1000.4) DMA's can install the 1000.4 dish.
What leaves me scratching my head is the HD services that have been and those in future migrated to 72.7 leaves those in the northern latitudes like the Buffalo DMA hoping their property has a line of sight to the low in the sky 129 or I don't know what.
The installer's coming out today. Should he not be able to aim my current 61.5 dish at 129, would 72.7 be a viable an alternative? (I'm in Athens, TX - 75752).

Our current setup:


Our HD LiL's are (We're receiving them via the 110 W, spotbeam 21 location:

6383 (WFAA rm to 8)
6384 (KTVT rm to 11)
6385 (KXAS rm to 5)
6386 (KDFW rm to 4)
6387 (KDAF rm to 33)
Ok...The reason why the install company in question does not carry 1000.4 dishes is because the Buffalo DMA gets it's HD locals on the 61.5 but NOT the standard def locals. Only Eastern Arc(1000.4) DMA's can install the 1000.4 dish.
What leaves me scratching my head is the HD services that have been and those in future migrated to 72.7 leaves those in the northern latitudes like the Buffalo DMA hoping their property has a line of sight to the low in the sky 129 or I don't know what.

Only under "special circumstances" can the 1000.4 be installed here. Some people have done it themselves.

My setup is probably only about 10 feet off the ground. The dishes are mounted to a wood storage shed in the back yard. I really thought it was going to end up pointed right at the roof of my 2 story home which is only about 30 feet away. I put the satellite finder app on my Iphone and it looked like it might work so I figured I would try. The installer checked for LOS but he had already said it would work. He checked the signal strengths with his meter and said they all looked pretty good and we should have no problems. Other people in Buffalo and Rochester are receiving 129 with no problems so I think it isn't as much of an issue as people thought as long as you don't have trees our houses in the way.
The installer's coming out today. Should he not be able to aim my current 61.5 dish at 129, would 72.7 be a viable an alternative? (I'm in Athens, TX - 75752)...

To answer my own question, I suppose the answer is "yes".

As to my experience...

The tech didn't even know what he was supposed to do, nor did he understand why. He showed me the work order which just said something vague like "change service". He had not heard of the new channels. So, I just simplified it for him and said "61.5 won't cut it anymore, I either need 129 or 72.7" He therefore took my word for it. I showed him the press release, but it was news to him. Due to the trees, he didn't even look for 129.

I guess we'll see how it goes when the leaves grow back this spring. I never had a problem with 61.5, but he said 72.7 is lower, so I don't know.

On a side note, after he got here, he didn't even start working for 45 minutes due to his arguing with his girlfriend or significant other on his cell phone. He didn't even try to hide the fact that that's what he was doing. Then when he actually started, he interrupted his work several times to talk to her on the phone or text.

All considered, his total labor time took less time than the actual check switch and guide download, yet he was here over 2 hours. A real shame...the work ethic these days.

I briefly considered reporting him, but he was a nice guy, and if he received any reprimand, he'd probably never appreciate the reason and just think someone was picking on him. Of course, I wouldn't want him to lose his job, either.
Uh-oh! Since aiming my 61.5 to 72.7, I no longer receive FOX NEWS in HD, I only have the SD version. What else is missing???

Now, I wish he hadn't taken my word for it...

Ideally, I wish he'd at least tried to look for 129.

He's supposedly coming back. If he can't find 129, I'll have to have him put it back on 61.5 because I don't want to lose any of my previous HD channels.

What other channels did I sacrifice by moving 61.5 to 72.7? (keeping 110/119).
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Uh-oh! Since aiming my 61.5 to 72.7, I no longer receive FOX NEWS in HD, I only have the SD version. What else is missing???

Now, I wish he hadn't taken my word for it...

Ideally, I wish he'd at least tried to look for 129.

He's supposedly coming back. If he can't find 129, I'll have to have him put it back on 61.5 because I don't want to lose any of my previous HD channels.

What other channels did I sacrifice by moving 61.5 to 72.7? (keeping 110/119).

DFW is a western arc DMA. They should just replace both your dishes with a 1000.2 for 110/119/129.

61.5 currently carries most of the national HD for the eastern arc so you're missing lots. Having 110 and 129 will get you everything.
DFW is a western arc DMA. They should just replace both your dishes with a 1000.2 for 110/119/129.

61.5 currently carries most of the national HD for the eastern arc so you're missing lots. Having 110 and 129 will get you everything.

Yeah, I figured that out too late.

I called DISH and was finally able to make them understand my issue (after having to go through a check switch, etc.). They said they would contact the installer and have him come back out today to resolve the issue.

I then received a call from the company for whom the tech works. The lady explained to me that he was "new" just having been put out on his own. (I didn't mention any of his unprofessional behavior, because, like I said, he was a very nice guy.) She said, it will be much later this evening, but he will come back and point my wing dish back at 61.5, putting me back where I was before he came. Then tomorrow, (had no idea they'd work on Sunday), she's sending out a "lead tech" with the intent of installing a 1000.2.

My concern is that they won't be able to get 129 due to my trees. Do I have any other options?
thats a shame. the time it takes is a reprimand itself, low productivity = less pay in some form or another.
also a shame he didnt know what the work order was for. i can relate to that. the only way you can tell these days is to read the notes on a customers account, and if you havent got access to those, you just have to show up and ask the customer what he/she needs.
so, with 72, you are now getting all your programming?

edit: just read your other posts. the fact that someone is sent back will also be a punishment to him. he should have called his manager for advice. still, its good to know that 72 does not completely replace 61.5 as 129 does.
that would make sense i guess as es carries both 61 and 72. i bet in the future you may have gotten the rest of your channels though, as it has been suggested that more will move from 61.5 to 72.7, with 72, you are now getting all your programming?

No, see my previous posts. He didn't even look for 129 because 72 was easier and I told him I believed it would be the same difference. As it stands, I wish he hadn't taken my word for it. Again, he had zero understanding as to why he was making the change in the first place. He's coming back tonight to point the wing dish back to it's original target, 61.5, thereby taking me back to my original setup.

Tomorrow, the installation company is sending out a "lead tech" with the intent of installing a 1000.2, which I have doubts will work.

Bottom line, I'm not that interested in the 9 new HD channels, but I don't think it's fair to be paying for something I'm not getting. Additionally, I thought I read somewhere in these forums that more HD is being moved off of 61.5.

If 129 is a must, I'll bet my only choice will be to have it installed on the tower, which I doubt an installer will do.

I guess the reason I'm doubting 129 is possible is because of all the horror stories I read during 129's early days. There's no question, I live in a heavily wooded location with trees all around my home. But, my 500 has never had a problem picking up 110/119---they've been rock solid for at least 8 years. On a 1000.2 dish, is 129 that far off from 110/119? Maybe I'm compulsing over nothing. In other words, if 110/119 is easy, is it a given that 129 is within the same "window" in the trees?

Here's my home. The picture was taken such that the photographer is facing east:


Here's a view from my porch facing west:


[sca, you and I are editing at the same time...heheheh]
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What a gorgeous setting!

Thanks, but you do see my problem, right? Our home is literally carved out of the middle of 20 acres of woods. I have a bin at the end of my driveway because UPS can't drive their tall trucks down my driveway. I like it that way.

So, any thoughts on this?:

120inna55 said:
...On a 1000.2 dish, is 129 that far off from 110/119? Maybe I'm compulsing over nothing. In other words, if 110/119 is easy, is it a given that 129 is within the same "window" in the trees?
If 129 is a must, I'll bet my only choice will be to have it installed on the tower, which I doubt an installer will do.

Usually not, especially if it means going above where a ladder reaches, but it depends.

I guess the reason I'm doubting 129 is possible is because of all the horror stories I read during 129's early days. There's no question, I live in a heavily wooded location with trees all around my home. But, my 500 has never had a problem picking up 110/119---they've been rock solid for at least 8 years. On a 1000.2 dish, is 129 that far off from 110/119? Maybe I'm compulsing over nothing. In other words, if 110/119 is easy, is it a given that 129 is within the same "window" in the trees?

Hard to say. 129W would be 10 degrees farther to the right (looking from behind the antenna) but lower in elevation so trees come into play quicker. The installer could relocate the 61.5 antenna to a location where it could see between the trees or maybe a 1000.4 install keeping the D500 looking at 110 for your locals as sca suggested.
Athens TX is at 95, so it is right in the middle of the 2 arcs, also far enough south that the elevations should be fairly high. 110/119 of course are going to be higher than 129.

There really is no way to tell without surveying. 129 will be about 38 degrees up from your location.
As I stated earlier, the installer is supposed to come back tonight to re-aim the wing dish from the 72.7 location back to its 61.5 location. However, it's dark outside now. Can they do this in the dark?
Well, he didn't call. He didn't show up. This was after the installer's office called me to assure me he would be back out to re-aim the wing dish to it's original target last night.

They're supposedly sending a "lead tech" today to try to install a 1000.2. We'll see.

EDIT: I just called the installer's office and explained that the original tech never showed. The person answering the phone didn't know the tech was even supposed to return last night. Additionally she says their "lead tech" has a stomach virus and therefore can't come today. I told her she needs to find a way to have someone re-aim my wing dish today. She's supposed to call me back. This is getting ridiculous.
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Only under "special circumstances" can the 1000.4 be installed here. Some people have done it themselves.

My setup is probably only about 10 feet off the ground. The dishes are mounted to a wood storage shed in the back yard. I really thought it was going to end up pointed right at the roof of my 2 story home which is only about 30 feet away. I put the satellite finder app on my Iphone and it looked like it might work so I figured I would try. The installer checked for LOS but he had already said it would work. He checked the signal strengths with his meter and said they all looked pretty good and we should have no problems. Other people in Buffalo and Rochester are receiving 129 with no problems so I think it isn't as much of an issue as people thought as long as you don't have trees our houses in the way.
That was not where I was going. The point I was making was because the Buffalo DMA is NOT eastern arc, contractors and DNS do not carry the 1000.4 setup as part of their inventory.
Right. 129 will work provided there is a lne of sight. Signals will be weak however.
...I just called the installer's office and explained that the original tech never showed. The person answering the phone didn't know the tech was even supposed to return last night. Additionally she says their "lead tech" has a stomach virus and therefore can't come today. I told her she needs to find a way to have someone re-aim my wing dish today. She's supposed to call me back. This is getting ridiculous.

She called back and said the reason the tech didn't return last night was because he was so late getting finished on his last job. A phone call would have been the professional thing to do, but professionalism seems to be low on their list of priorities.

Additionally she said there would be no one out today to re-aim the wing dish to 61.5. I therefore did it myself (I'd marked the points with a marker prior to the tech even coming out yesterday, so there was nothing to it. At least now, I have my original HD channels back.

I'm told the lead tech, the one who was sick today, is the owner of the company. He's apparently coming out tomorrow to install the 1000.2. Again, we'll see.

What I don't understand is why they're so hung up on installing a 1000.2. Wouldn't it just be easier to aim my wing dish that I already have?

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