Starz HD PQ is awful

My starz is my best Hd channels,

I think the OP was accidentally watching the SD Starz channel. When I had E* the Starz HD channels looked good. They look good on D* too. Or maybe he isn't using HDMI or Component cables. OP- are you using composite cables? Bad installers from cable and sat companies have been known to hook up HD boxes with the wrong cables. Unknowing customers often go months before someone tells them something is wrong.
Meet the robinsons right now had tons of macroblocking during the scene where he is in the spaceship going to the future. Terrible during those fast moving scenes. Lip sync is off as well.
Meet the robinsons right now had tons of macroblocking during the scene where he is in the spaceship going to the future. Terrible during those fast moving scenes. Lip sync is off as well.
I am watching it on D* right now, for comparative purposes, I see NO macroblocking.
As usual, a lot is in the eye of the beholder--or his/her TV. I watched Meet the Robinsons also, and did not notice any macroblocking. I also didn't notice any lip sync problems, but then who worries about lip sync on a cartoon?

Something isnt right for sure. He said it in a way that made it sound like it jumped out at you. Have you noticed that on any other channels?

IF no one else is seeing the artifacts ,pixelation etc in their STarz picture , his picture controls are set right , then I am deducing that either his receiver is going bad or he has some kind of installation problem causing dropouts in his picture like the 129 sat problem. It could be a problem in dish aiming also. Either way I am not seeing any problems on STarz off of 61.5 sat. I am betting that it is the tv itself. In my earlier post I talked about how my Toshiba 26"hdtv is made for 1080i but it only looks good when my receiver is set at 720p. When it is set at 1080i I see artifacts in the picture, lines etc- Not in 720p.
Cant forget about eyes and their connection to the brain. Sometimes we see what we want to see. And of course ignore what we dont want to see.

Space Mountain: The Movie??? Please God no!!!
Been a while since I posted on this one... it's definately not my tv settings that is making the picture look bad and perhaps its because I've watched the movie so many times on BD that it looks bad but even when watching it again last night Enchanted looked like crap. I plan on dvr'ing a program from stars and another channel to compare the two.

I don't get macroblocking and I am also in Philly so I'm not sure what the problem is but I do know the picture quality isn't what I'm used to at the very least.

Edit: Watching Ratatouille now and it looks phenomenal... perhaps it was just the two previous ones or a problem in my area but Ratatouille looks great and OAR.
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We watched Enchanted the other night when it first appeared on our 57" Toshiba hdtv in 1080i and the picture looked great. Didn't see any artifacts ,pixelation,macroblocking and we recorded the movie while we watched it. I say again it is either a receiver ,installation or dish point , or a tv problem that is causing the problems in the pq for some and not others. Especially when most people watch the tvs with the contrast , sharpness way too high that would show the artifacts and macro blocking that only some say they see in the pq. My dad thinks that sharpness should be turned way up on his picture so it looks better. It looks like SH*t ! Every bad flaw and artifact you can see is in his pq on his Toshiba Regza 32" hdtv. My dad has a cataract in one eye and had the other eye lens replaced from a cataract surgery he had years ago. So I don't think that he has a clue what pq should be. I always adjust it and get the pq where it looks great and you can see no flaws in the pq and he will turn it back to Sports mode and the picture looks like crap. Pq is subjective and most people are not very objective in picking their picture controls. I even used a calibration dvd for sd tvs to get the pq great on my older sd tvs. With the hdtvs I used the movie mode with the sharpness turned down to about 25 -35 out of 100, the warm tone and the automatic light sensor mode on, so the tv will automatically adjust the contrast based on how much light is in the room. This has given me the best picture quality on both sd and hd picture for going on 5 years now. OF course this is a rear projection tv that I am talking about. ON LCD or Plazma or tube top tvs the picture controls may have to be different. I know that my tube top hdtv is completely different controls for what makes it look good compared to my rear projection tv. If you sit to close to ANY tv you will see flaws that most won't at a good distance from the tv.
I saw no artifacts, pixelation, or macroblocking. I also saw no problems on two movies tonight. The colors on enchanted are just dark and it's just not as sharp as some of the places I've seen it (including the blu-ray.) My tv has been professionally calibrated, the receiver is fine, and I have over 100 on my signal. The PQ is just not up to par with other things I've watched. I realize that a BD and Sat don't compare but normally it is close. Ratatouille was damn near perfect on Starz. Same for Lost Boys on HD Net vs BD. Enchanted was just soft colors, very dark in spots, and just didn't pop. Perhaps it was a bad master but do a comparison for yourself from a BD to your DVR'd copy and tell me that the coloring is not off. Even my wife thought it was SD until we looked at the guide and it said HD and that was both times. That and Spiderman 3 were the only two that I had problems with (with spidey 3 maybe being in SD but I doubt it since I only have the HD channels programmed)

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