Starz HD HGTV HD NATGEO HD Uplinked!!!!

  • Server Issues.

    We are very aware that there have been system issues the past few days. In troubleshooting the system, it has been determined that the issue is at our provider and is hardware related. The provider was going to move us to a new server, however we are now told by the provider the issue is at the data center in St. Louis. They have offered to move us to a different datacenter on the East Coast or West Coast, however at this time we have declined the move to a different data center as it would affect the speed of connecting to about half our members.

    We are waiting for more information from our provider, however we are trying to ride this out to stay in the same data center, so that when the server is fixed all users in the US will get the fastest connection possible.

    If after some time the issue is not resolved we will be forced to move to another data center, if this happens there will be down time, as they will need to transfer everything to the new server and we will need to update the DNS and other settings for the new IP address of the new server. If we have to do this, the time it will take to move will be out of our hands.

    We are going to try our best to weather through this, so we thank you in advance if you encounter any issues.

    Sorry for the issue!
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Jeff_R said:
It won't be the near future, and I personally don't think it will ever completely happen. There is too much material out there that isn't able to be converted for one reason or another (many TV shows were shot on video until early 2000's when a lot were switched to film), and the content wouldn't lend itself well to being converted. I'd like more HD content as much as anyone, however I don't think we'll ever see "all HD".

Most episodic TV shows (not reality) have been shot on film, not video. This is why you're seeing some older TV shows showing up on several of the HD outlets, even though they weren't shot HD at all.

Examples include:
Hogan's Heros, Charlie's Angels et al on HDNet
Quantum Leap, Knight Rider et al on Universal HD.

These can be matted to 16:9 and scanned for HD, which is what they do.

John Kotches said:
Most episodic TV shows (not reality) have been shot on film, not video. This is why you're seeing some older TV shows showing up on several of the HD outlets, even though they weren't shot HD at all.

Examples include:
Hogan's Heros, Charlie's Angels et al on HDNet
Quantum Leap, Knight Rider et al on Universal HD.

These can be matted to 16:9 and scanned for HD, which is what they do.


There have been plenty, maybe not most, but a lot of shows in the 70's and 80's were on tape. All In The Family, Good Times, Family Ties, Cosby Show, etc. were all shot on tape, as are many others.
John Kotches said:
Most episodic TV shows (not reality) have been shot on film, not video. This is why you're seeing some older TV shows showing up on several of the HD outlets, even though they weren't shot HD at all.

Examples include:
Hogan's Heros, Charlie's Angels et al on HDNet
Quantum Leap, Knight Rider et al on Universal HD.

These can be matted to 16:9 and scanned for HD, which is what they do.

Those that you mentioned were shot on 35mm (which is HD to us anyway) The reason that they can be shown in HD now is that there you edited the old fasion way on film and physically cut. The newer serious shot on 35mm were all transfered to NTSC and electronically edited. In order to show those.... they would have to be manually edited again. A very costly process in today's market.

I have found that since DISH went HD lite it doesn't make much of a difference. There is not that "cutting edge" of technology anymore we had when it was VOOM. Letterbox, HD, SD all look pretty much the same on DISH. Since I also have Time/Warner Cable I can compare HBO, HDNET and others and believe me they look better on cable right now. DISH.......please fix this.........(is anyone out there listening..??????

Excellent point and it sums it up well - the "wow" is gone. Along with it is the excitment we once felt at the prospect of getting a new "HD" channel.

Sure it's always cool to get a new channel but, think about it; other than getting the program in 16:9 widescreen (and that's still not TRUE aspect ratio most of the time) and a slightly better than real good SD picture, what are we really gaining with something like Starz HD - or ShoHD & HBOHD for that matter? Is the programing on those channels any different than the SD version?

The entire media pulled a fast one on consumers.

First then gradually degaded the PQ of normal SD programing by cramming too many channels into the spectrum; then they come out with a new format that, at first appears to blow even the best DVDs away, only to have it end up just slightly better than a good dvd; all the while getting us to spend millions on new equipment and upgrades that, in the end, really only slightly better than replaces what we had before.
Tvlman said:

I have found that since DISH went HD lite it doesn't make much of a difference. There is not that "cutting edge" of technology anymore we had when it was VOOM. Letterbox, HD, SD all look pretty much the same on DISH. Since I also have Time/Warner Cable I can compare HBO, HDNET and others and believe me they look better on cable right now. DISH.......please fix this.........(is anyone out there listening..??????


Wait a second, wasnt voom down rezzed itself? and the channels that you speak off (HBO, HDNET) those are all full rez, with good bandwidth, so how would they look better on time warner cable? there is something fishy here I mean I could be off, but I think people are confusing issues, and believeing that HDNEt and Hbo HD are all downrezzed two, when its just the vooms.
stuart628 said:
Wait a second, wasnt voom down rezzed itself? and the channels that you speak off (HBO, HDNET) those are all full rez, with good bandwidth, so how would they look better on time warner cable? there is something fishy here I mean I could be off, but I think people are confusing issues, and believeing that HDNEt and Hbo HD are all downrezzed two, when its just the vooms.

Last time I checked, (week ago) both HDnets on Dish were still excellent bitrate. HBO and Sho from 110 are bit starved, but still full res. All of Dish's non-Voom, non-LIL HD's are full resolution. Hdnets are the highest bitrate (over 18mbit from memory) Discovery HD was a tad lower (16-17). HBO and Showtime though have been really low, sometime 9-10mbit if I recall, which is why I record those from cable.
Nothing But Trailers on HDNet still is my demo recording for those who haven't seen HD.

The Vooms just don't pop anymore, and the HBO shows are lacking as well.

Hey Kirby, HOW have you managed not to pick up any more gamerpoints since March. You playing THAT much Halo 2? Call of Duty 2 is a great game and worth playing to the end.....
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Bob, I have been doing nothing but halo 2, and is call of duty 2 really that good, I didnt like the online, but now that it has been updated, might trade in a game for it. also, not trying to hijack just want to know about call of duty2
I played it through twice. Once on normal difficulty, and once on Veteran difficulty to get all the gamerpoints (60 points a level).

COD2's multiplayer was actually kind of weak in my opinion. ESPECIALLY, if you are holding up Halo 2 in comparison, but the enemy AI is smart, the action is varied, and shooting nazis never goes out of style for me...... The DDay level especially was intense, although admttedly a little challenging for the casual gamer who may feel overwhelmed.... I needed to get up and shake off the tension when I beat that level....

.... apologies for drifting off topic...... Still waiting for the HD channels. Team Summit looms closer.....
Scott Greczkowski said:
A birdie says they will be up on Wednesday. :)

Thanks Scott! You're a great Matt Drudge!!!

See what that little birdie might chirp about Cinemax HD....

Thanks again!
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