Starving for C-Band

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 27, 2006
Pompano Beach, FL
Ok, I discussed this in the C-band forum a few days ago but now it has migrated here cause I'll be hitting the general side of things in a moment.

A local bar is willing to SELL me their torn dish, not give. So that kills it right there. If they we're gonna give it away, I'd steal it.

I've decided I don't wanna go through the hassle of renting the truck to pick up the dish, re-mesh it, let alone paying $100 for it, and cleaning it. Yea, I know. I'm not adventurous but I'd rather spend the money on a solution that I know will arrive brand new at the door and will work.

Now to the money side of things.

Want to know a bit more about the Geosat 2.4 Meter dish, and if the mount allows for a positioner/actuator setup. If so, that would be a great start. I'll go with that.

Next issue, if there is NO positioner available for that dish, then I'm going with a 1.2 meter and a reliable yet inexpensive motor to handle the dish. (Not sure if my HH90 can handle the weight) Just interested in some thoughts here.
Please keep C-Band topics in the C-Band area, the same people read the posts there as they do in the main Ku FTA area.

Thanks :)
No problem just trying to make sense of this mess we call the FTA area :)
In a thread somewhere on here, a couple of weeks (or so) back, Brian at Satellite AV said they were going to have actuator's for the 2.4m "soon". They may have them now? If they are not listed on the website, call them and ask? The dish does have a polar mount and any actuator should work O.K. with it. I think he also said they were going to start carrying the VBOX II also, so then you could use it for either an analog receiver or a DVB receiver.


Maybe Brian will step in here and correct me?
Yea, that would be good. Just don't quite have the energy or patience to clean an old dish. Let alone wonder if my line of sight on the ground is even there. That is why I'm considering even a 1.2 meter to replace the current 31" I have on the bottom of the 40 foot mast. LOS (line of sight) is excellent with my Ku setup, so I figure a 1.2 meter can't hurt. Worth a try?

Just would rather buy new. I hate buying used. Find my thread on the Uniden receiver I got from Ebay. You will then see why I feel the way I do about buying used products.
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What exactly can you get with a minibud?

Keeping the wasps out...

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