Standard LNB on a 18" dish. How do I attach it?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 4, 2004
Central NY State
I have been wanting to mess around with getting digital stuff off a 18" dish. I have received analog stuff my holding the lnb away from the 18" dish but want to try digital. I know this is REALLY pushing it but hay way not try?

How would I attach a standard LNBF to an 18" dish? I was thinking of taping it to the one that is on the dish. Would this work? Would I lose too much singnal? Should I just try to make a mount out of wood or something? Maybe someone makes something I could buy?

How does the guy who got G10R do it?

I done it recently with a Phase II DirecTV dish I will post a link here.
The LNBF will only work if its in the exact focal position on the dish, the DBS LNB has to be removed, and you will only get the signals with VERY high quality, but its a fun project.

Way too cold for projects here today, its -15 deg. C. here and dropping fast. Add the wind chill and you can forget about going outside unless you really have to. Got to love MN. :rolleyes:
I have many linear LNBF holders that you could experiment with. Is you dish a Dish 300 with a D tube or DirecTV with a rectangular tube?
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