Apparently last fall my Stab HH90 lost track of where Zero was. Knew something wasn't right then, but was getting everything I wanted so let it go. Last Saturday went out to peak it and WOW everything was wonky. Got to it yesterday and found that it was setting up for Zero about 8 degrees west of Zero. I could not find or figure out a way to get it to reset properly. Is there a way?
I went ahead and just changed over to Disque 1.2 (not sure I spelled that right). Was a large pain in the portion of the body we all sit upon. Especially when the operator makes a big boo boo and sets one satellite wrong, i.e. 87W is listed as 85W. Thankfully, was caught right after it happened.
I went ahead and just changed over to Disque 1.2 (not sure I spelled that right). Was a large pain in the portion of the body we all sit upon. Especially when the operator makes a big boo boo and sets one satellite wrong, i.e. 87W is listed as 85W. Thankfully, was caught right after it happened.