how to tell
The dishes are made from a large disc of aluminum.
It's chucked up in what looks like a big lathe.
I think they're actually called
spinning lathes, but ...
Behind the flat disc, is a male mold of the dish shape you want to achieve.
It could be made of wood.
Both pieces spin together.
The operator presses a long tool with a wheel on the end, against the middle of the disc to force it against the mold.
As they work the metal, they move from the center toward the outside edge, shaping the metal closer and closer to the curve of the plug.
The wheel on the end of the workman's tool spins to reduce friction and avoid damage to what will become the back side of the dish.
I've seen cooking pots made this way, but never a dish.
Will look for some links to dish fabricators, and post 'em if I can find some.
edit: maybe
these guys?
Basically, what the finished dish will look like has these attributes:
- aluminum
- one piece
- big -
- 'cause if it wasn't big, they'd just stamp 'em!
The solid Birdviews are spun, I believe.
They appear to have a support ring built onto the back side of the dish.
That is a separate piece, attached after spinning.
It's used for strength and mounting purposes.