This is agood example of the pizza guys brainwashing. This goes back a couple of months ago when I was still in Florida. My next door people decided to get modern and get a new entertainment system. They asked for advice and I pointed them to a Sony 52 inch LCD with 120Mhz. I also told them they needed an OTA antenna to get the best HD.They loved it, then fell victim to the pizza guys. They got a AT9 dish,the installer unhooked the OTA antenna they were sold a HD package with locals. All was good they thought they had the best.They even swore the locals were better looking.Well he is a speed chanell freak and one day he came by while I had a speed feed up. Granted it was a 4.2.2 feed but their symbol rate is fairly low.He was blown away at the quality. I switched to a DVB-S2 feed that was at 54Mbts a second and needless to say I was running a new OTA feed to his TV the next day.He compared the two pictures from the locals and said "They had me convinced this was better". I still can not convince him into a C-Band dish,but now he knows what HD should look like!
That's a good story