Not an entry, but having lived in Fort Lauderdale in the 80's and working at Penrod's on the Beach... How many hours do you have to listen to the spring break stories? LOL!
Spring Break? Ah yeah...that's when we would break up the fields while out of school. Had to have it ready to run off the rows before 'bacca planting time.
I heard rumors that city folks went to the beach during that time, but never believed it. Pappy always said those city folks stretched the truth.
It sure was fun driving that tractor with implements at 10 years old or less. Starting out with a harrow and drag, which didn't require perfect driving. Round and round all day long.
More experience and you were trusted to do the first plowing a couple years later. Plow and cross-plow... nothing worse than getting bounced to death when cross-plowing.
Later when you got REALLY good, they'd let you lay-off the rows. Then you'd start doing the cultivating and side-dressing... and you dang well better not damage any tobacco plants.
Looking back on it... they let me 'work up the ladder' until I was doing almost ALL the work. lol