Sports Section Awards


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Apr 15, 2008
I'd like to do a little awards thing.

It's been 8 months since I've joined, and I'd like to know what we consider the best of the best on this site.

I'll list some categories, and you tell me who'd you choose.

BTW, this isn't official- it's just for fun and to see what are some of our favorite memories from this site since I've joined:

Best Rivalry on this board between two members

Member who had the biggest meltdown over a specific game
(Example- Remember when I went nuts over the officiating in the Ball State/Buffalo MAC Championship Game?)

Best Avatar

Best Signature

Best Thread

Funniest Post

Best Sports-related Prediction by a member

Worst Sports-Related prediction by a member

Favorite Quirks of a certain member (Example- Have you noticed that Jimbo and Sandra always mention who they are at the end of the posts?)

The Impossible Dream Award, or the award for the one thing that a lot of us have been clamoring for (Examples- A couple of us have been begging Sandra to put up a picture of herself)

Best Running Gag
(Examples- Sandra's lusting over a certain Swedish goalie, my bashing of SEC offenses, Wozniak's Lion-bashing)

Best Moment on 'Sports Section'

Favorite Member
Careful...when you start playing that "favorite" card it can be hurtful to some people. The thought is great but it can cause ill-feelings if not played out properly. (Just my 2 cents)
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Careful...when you start palying that "favorite" card it can be hurtful to some people. The thought is great but it can cause ill-feelings if not played out properly. (Just my 2 cents)

I agree. Perhaps we should all agree our favorite is Ramy and take it from there. ;)

Doesn't the story I told about the high school football team that wore pink jerseys and had their field painted pink & black to raise money for breast cancer patients count?

Where's the "Oh, how nice" or "Oh, that's sweet" catagory? !protest

C'mon now, you all know better than that!
Careful...when you start playing that "favorite" card it can be hurtful to some people. The thought is great but it can cause ill-feelings if not played out properly. (Just my 2 cents)
You might be right. Sounds like a fun idea, but some people may be a little too sensitive for something like this. We've already had two meltdowns. ;)
as far as i know only 2 have posted their pictures here so a reward for the sexiest is in order. my vote is for hot n' spicy salsa! out of the 2 pics see who would look the best with a wig (of your choice) and lipstick (color is also your choice) ;)
as far as i know only 2 have posted their pictures here so a reward for the sexiest is in order. my vote is for hot n' spicy salsa! out of the 2 pics see who would look the best with a wig (of your choice) and lipstick (color is also your choice) ;)

Between Salsa and Sabres? Yikes! :eek:
Rwwrrrrww. Something has got salsa on the prowl lately.

JW....I have never been on the prowl.....LOL! Just that IF you have the testicular fortitude to insinuate up and say what ya wanna say. I hold nothing back when it comes to my opinion and I always like to give TRY to see both sides. ;)
JW....I have never been on the prowl.....LOL! Just that IF you have the testicular fortitude to insinuate up and say what ya wanna say. I hold nothing back when it comes to my opinion and I always like to give TRY to see both sides. ;)

I think we found our winner for the most hilarious quote award! ;) :D
That would take way to long and the forum has a size limit :D

PU-LEASE! I state my opinions and not afraid to state them. I don't hide behind disappearing for a few days like some. You don't like my opinions, so therefore, 'it MUST BE WRONG!' I have disagreed with EVERYONE here alot and yet those that have been here long enough, admit that some of my opinions have made them think....and in a couple of cases, they thought differently. I ain't gonna sugarcoat it nor do I try to rub it in your face. Nor do I put ANYONE on ignore....never have and never will. Why miss the chance of seeing a stupid post....?:cool:

SO, if you have a beef with me...state it and move on. I won't hold it against you nor will I throw it in your face. Don't tease like a girl at the prom that professes she innocent yet whispers the opposite in your ear.....:rolleyes:

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