Splitting OTA signal ?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 6, 2006
New Brighton, Minnesota
Currently I have my Zenith Silver Sensor indoor OTA antenna hooked up to my DISH 211 receiver to get my locals. The signal strength of all locals are in the high 90's ( I am only about 5 miles from the towers). I have a DVD/VCR recorder combo for recording purposes off the satellite reciever.

My question is can I split the OTA signal from the Silver Sensor and have it also going to the antenna input on my Samsung TV as well as my satelite receiver ? This would allow me to watch a live local program while recording a program off the satellite receiver.

If this would work, would the signal strengths which are in the upper 90's be compromised ?
You can split it with with out any problems,you will get some reduction in signal strength but it should be that bad.Just make sure that it is a good splitter
If you use a two-way splitter you will get slightly less than half the signal at each output. That may still be enough - just buy a splitter and try it. If there is not enough signal strength then buy a two-way distribution amplifier instead of the splitter - Channel Master have a range of distribution amplifiers.
I use a simple splitter to do the same thing. I am getting my signal in the 90's from 20-30 miles from my stations.
Well, my signal dropped to mess after splitting so I'm in the market for a signal amplifier solution. Any recommendations?
Splitting the signal cuts it in half (-3dB), so if it is marginal to begin with, it may be gone with a split.

Get a better antenna then if needed, amplify it.
Well, my signal dropped to mess after splitting so I'm in the market for a signal amplifier solution. Any recommendations?

Best solution would be a better antenna - what are you using?
Next best, an antenna preamp (best one depends on what antenna you are using)
If you can't use that solution, use a distribution amplifier. Channel master 3043 is a good two-way amplifier/splitter.

Tower Distance

HD Antenna Advice

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