Has anyone else noticed that starting around 8pm the shows begin to 'drift' out of alignment with the guide? And this is even taking the wonky start/end times they do into account. I kind of like Bar Rescue, and I've been watching Flip Men because it's one of those "so stupid it's funny" shows.. so I set the HR24, and not a single time they've recorded has it been a perfect 'start to finish' recording. I wind up with anywhere from 5-15 minutes of the previous show at the beginning, and it chops off 5-15 minutes at the end. I also noticed one recording had a scroll at the bottom : "We now join our regularly scheduled program, already in progress" after the previous show went 8 minutes into the scheduled recording.. It only seems to affect Spike. Is it a deliberate thing Viacom does to f*** the people who timeshift or is it a legitimate issue with the guide?