I'm not a Spielberg fan but believe him being the second most "important" (after Lucas) movie maker that is capable of swinging the perception of the "winning format" for J6P. And I think he knows that, too. And so does Lucas. And this is exactly why they won't pick a side until there is a real "writing on the wall", not an imaginary one the BD gang discovers in their haluciogenic dreams with strong regularity.
Same applies to other "important players".
Wal-Mart sells 40% of DVDs, singlehandedly can impose a time window between DVD release and broadcasting of a movie (and studios comply!) - and at the moment has hardly any say in the HD/BD skirmish. Because they lost it? Because they don't care, I think.
So much noise about Target's endcaps and how it is another "final nail in the coffin" ("Everything is on
Target". - Penton-Man), and they are the first to advertise the Chineese HD DVD player.
Point I'm trying to make: "important players" aren't playing yet because there is no money to be made. They ain't even warming up. And how good of a crystal ball we - stydying the specs and posting on forums - have, was cleared recently by the NPD report (Best Buy vs. the rest): we have no clue and whatever we consider logical is no better than guessing...