Another perspective on HD-DVD and Microsoft

In order to and get it adopted by SMPTE, Microsoft gave some of its rights away.
I'm not sure licensing fees for VC-1 were set before it made it into HD/BD, but it is true that both AVC and VC-1 have very low such fees (and capped) when compared to MPEG-2
The details are in MPEG-LA web site. But essentially, for all three codecs there are royalties for use of the codec in a player and for content using it. The fees in principal are per player. However, both AVC and VC-1 have maximum caps per company. Unfortunately, MPEG-2 has no caps so there, you pay forever and therefore the cost is strictly per player. We are a member of AVC and VC-1 patent pools
. In addition, MPEG-2 is far more expensive than the other two codecs ($2.50 versus pennies when you hit the cap for the other two).
How Will High Bit Rate VC-1 Compare to AVC - Page 2 - AVS Forum

Answer to first question is that the gist of the original post was the effect and cause of M$ business model as to being one of the reasons that HD-DVD was not successful. The question begs an answer because HD-DVD was a very nice platform and it never had a chance to succeed. The focus of the article was that the CE manufacturers and the Studios did not want M$'s hand in their back pocket. If that is true then Toshiba and HD-DVD were doomed from the very begining.

The answer to your second question is -- No I don't drink a drop. I run a business and the weekends and the holidays are when I have the most time to peruse the forum. It is amazing how you always ignore the main topic and try to redirect the conversation -- personal observations aside.

All of your responses to me are personal, do not address my questions with answers or facts and totally ignore the topic of conversation. That's okay, I know that with you this is all you are capable of when it comes to what I post.

And since I started this post the statement that I made was that M$ stood to lose more by the passing of HD-DVD so quickly then Toshiba. The article was a start on this theme and also stated that most of the CE's and studios did not want to be handcuffed to either iHD or VC-1. They wanted to be able to choose (they prefered BD-Java to iHD -- who knows why) and on BD they have the freedom that extra space allows them to choose the format that will present their product in the best light. I don't really see a problem with this.

Also, the only cost the consumer cares about is the cost to them, as was evidenced by HD-DVD standalones only selling well when heavily discounted. The consumer does not care about the cost to the CE manufacturer or to the studios as long as the product they want to buy is at the price they want to pay. If encoding using VC-1 or AVC-MPEG4 is considerably less expensive over MPEG2 then we should see those movies encoded in the less expensive formats cheaper then movies encoded in MPEG2. Let me know when that happens.
Thanks for answers, Joe.
If it isn't too much can you answer another question: how did this post of yours came to life and how would you qualify it yourself: smart, irrelevant, witty, useless, rhetoric, stupid, etc.
Wow, slaming the Panny BD30 that passes 7.1 DolbyTrueHD and DTSMaster HD thru HDMI to a receiver that can decode the codec. Something NO HD_DVD player can do:

HD DVD Product Information and News : Toshiba

The top of the line A35 can only pass the core of DTS HD and not the DTSMaster HD codec at all.

You HD-DVD fanbots really know how to pick your poision don't you. Now if the Panny BD 30 cannot be upgraded to 1.1 then that is something you should jump on but to meantion how it handles the audio codecs when the top of the line A35 can't even get close is a joke!
If it is too much, just ignore it. Thanks.

I'm tired of the BS and pontification of your posts.
Since Scott announced the date of closure of this forum, I won't be spending much time here anymore. Time to move on.
But rest assured, when the time comes I'll give you a chance to tell me "I told you so!" if/when BD trounces DVD.
I hope to be offered the same if/when BD surrenders to VOD/downloads.

Take care, Joe.

This post came to life because you and others had pointed out how Sony was the devil in the deal. Not one of you Sony and BD haters meantioned that Sony and M$ were working together until the BDA chose to go with BD-Java rather then iHD. It was not Sony that pushed this war onto the consumers but it was M$ after being turned down by the BDA - a war that I might add that Toshiba did not want in the first place. I find the history has a way of turning out the truth to those who seek it. While you have shown yourself to be rather intellegent you still will skew facts when it comes to Sony to benefit your point of view. I posted this article to start a conversation on how HD-DVD was basically used by M$ to not only punish the studios and CE manufacturers who did not want to get into bed with M$ but they also punished the consumer who bought into HD-DVD. It now seems that the format was doomed before it started.
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So HD-DVD died and now you are going to champion DVD over BD and VOD over BD. Gee, why can't BD succeed? You really hate Sony that much?
If BD fails, it will be because it never gets finished and/or the inherent benefits are never realized. It doesn't help that the recording media and drives are awfully expensive, but that would likely change if the market wasn't taking a wait and see approach to whether they'll make another jump in capacity.

Compare this with the various DDS tape standards for some perspective.
Thanks for answers, Joe.
If it isn't too much can you answer another question: how did this post of yours came to life and how would you qualify it yourself: smart, irrelevant, witty, useless, rhetoric, stupid, etc.
If it is too much, just ignore it. Thanks.

I'm tired of the BS and pontification of your posts.
Since Scott announced the date of closure of this forum, I won't be spending much time here anymore. Time to move on.
But rest assured, when the time comes I'll give you a chance to tell me "I told you so!" if/when BD trounces DVD.
I hope to be offered the same if/when BD surrenders to VOD/downloads.

Take care, Joe.

Did you read Joe's post about how BD java is superior to iHD???:rolleyes:

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