Spider-Man is now a part of Marvel's Cinematic Universe

Spider-Man Tom Holland on details on the new Spiderman Movie and Cast mates
JThe pair revealed as such during an interview with Vulture about their latest movie 'Vacation' - the soft reboot of the beloved Chevy Chase series from the 1980s.The interview reveals that this weekend (1-2 August) Goldstein and Daley (who I've come to realise is the leading kid in cult classic TV series 'Freaks and Geeks'!) will head to Marvel to watch the new Spidey in action."We hear good things," says Goldstein. "We might even get to look at the Spidey suit, which is exciting."He also responded to a reported cast-list for the rebooted film which had been circling online. Given the film is two years away and doesn't have a script, most people knew already it was a fake but Daley still debunked it anyway."We've discussed certain characters," said Daley, "but nothing is certain yet, for sure."The fake list head Holland as Spidey (as announced), Marisa Tomei as Aunt May (as hotly rumoured) and some bizarre made up castings - such as 'American Pie's Jason Biggs as Scorpion.The full Vulture interview also includes discussion of the prosthetic penis used by none of other than Thor himself Chris Hemsworth, who appears in 'Vacation'. The 'Spider-Man' solo movie will be released in summer 2017. Holland will first appear as Spidey in 'Civil War' - set for release on 29 April 2016.
Possible Spider-Man Villain Surfaces, Would Be Terrible http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Possible-Spider-Man-Villain-Surfaces-Would-Terrible-75377.html
Like you, we are starving for any new piece of information pertaining to Jon Watts' planned reboot of Spider-Man, particularly because this will be the first Spidey movie made with the cooperation of Marvel Studios. The director just told us that this will be a teen-centric, coming-of-age story, and said they are just now starting to work on the script. Who, then, will Spider-Man fight? Well, a new report has a suggestion, but we're taking it with a massive grain of salt.Marvel President Kevin Feige has said on the record before that their first pass at a Spider-Man movie will try to avoid any villains who have appeared in the previous five Spidey movies, which strikes a number of incredible baddies off the list of potential evildoers. So we're inclined to believe Heroic Hollywood when they quote a source as saying Kraven the Hunter is being considered as the first villain up to the plate for the solo Spider-Man movie due out in 2017. Here's where things get dicey, though. They say the reason that they believe this to be the case is because Karen Moy, the Vice President of Creative Affairs at Sony, bought a copy of the "Kraven's Last Hunt" trade paperback on Amazon.
Why Marvel's New 'Spider-Man' Will Not Be What You Expect http://www.cheatsheet.com/entertain...what-you-expect.html/?a=viewall#ixzz3i5TUkuO9
The new Spider-Man reboot will be very different from its predecessors, according to writers John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein. The duo recently teased several details about the upcoming movie's plot, confirming that fans shouldn't expect just another retelling of the hero's origin story.The movie is still in the "extremely early" stages, but it's slowly starting to take shape. As expected, the film will focus on a young Peter Parker (played by British actor Tom Holland) who is struggling to figure out how to deal with his abilities, while also facing plenty of high school issues. This time around though, audiences won't be seeing the all-too-familiar story of how Peter got his powers."I think that everybody feels like we know he got bit by a spider and know that Uncle Ben died and we probably don't need to revisit that," Goldstein told Grantland's Andy Greenwal in a new interview, captured in the video above.Instead, the film will focus on capturing Peter as a real high school student, who is struggling equally with navigating his teenage life and his superhero identity. "We want to explore that. Just because you get superpowers doesn't make you into a sophisticated, successful adult," Goldstein stated. "He's still a kid and he's clumsy and he's a geek and he's a bit of an outcast and in many ways the superpowers amplify that and exacerbate his trying to fit in."This new emphasis on Peter's high school experience – and not just his superhero one – is what made finding a younger star like Holland so important. "It'll be a fun departure from the Peter Parker that you've seen where now, he is truly a kid," Daley explained. "And I think the stakes are increased in that his struggle through high school is very real and isn't just a sort of side note. It matters now."
Rumour About New Spider-Man's Web Shooters http://news.yahoo.com/rumour-about-new-spider-mans-web-shooters-142849239.html
A new rumour has surfaced about Marvel and Sony's 'Spider-Man' reboot (I know, we weren't expecting any of those, were we…? Ahem.)Following on from Sam Raimi's original 'Spider-Man' trilogy and Marc Webb's more recent 'The Amazing Spider-Man' and its sequel, there are many questions to be asked abut how the MCU's Spidey played by Tom Holland will stand apart.One pertinent question (for the nit-pickers among us, at least) regards the new Spider-Man's web shooters. Will they be mechanical and of Peter Parker's own invention, as in the original comics and the Webb/Andrew Garfield films - or will they be organic, part of his spider-powers, as in the Raimi/Tobey Maguire films?Perpetual movie gossip-mongers Latino Review claim to have the answer - and, as you might expect, it's potentially a spoiler, so don't read on if you'd rather go in cold…
Spider-Man Spinoff Film The Sinister Six May Still Happen https://games.yahoo.com/news/spider-man-spinoff-film-sinister-114900255.html
This article, Spider-Man Spinoff Film The Sinister Six May Still Happen, originally appeared on GameSpot.The sheer number of superhero movies being released over the next few years means that it's easy to forget some of the casualties that have occurred along the way. One of those was The Sinister Six, a spinoff from Sony's Amazing Spider-Man movies, that was postponed indefinitely when the studio struck a deal with Marvel Studios to reboot the Spider-Man films.Now writer/director Drew Goddard has revealed that he believes his script for the movie could still fit into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As he explained in an interview with io9, his Sinister Six was very much a standalone story."My vision of that movie was a summer annual," he said. "So you didn't have to worry about continuity. It was just, 'We take Peter, put him on an adventure, we put him back in his life.' I intentionally wanted a movie that didn't have to worry about mythology and continuity."It was important to me to make a movie that could stand on its own. So the good news is, you know, it slots in very well to any plan anybody ever wants. We just need to let a couple years go by, I think."Goddard has himself worked with Marvel on their Netflix hit Daredevil, and while an appearance in 2016's Captain America: Civil War and the standalone 2017 movie are to be the webslinger's first cinematic appearances for Marvel, it's clear that The Sinister Six is not necessarily dead.The Sinister Six are a group of supervillains, each of them one of Spider-Man's arch-enemies. Originally organised by Doctor Octopus, they first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 in 1964.The closing scene of 2014's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 set up the spinoff film; however, its underwhelming box office led to the deal that would allow Spider-Man to appear in Marvel's own films. Despite the disappointment of the postponement, Goddard explains that as a fan it made perfect sense."I love that you get to see Spider-Man in Marvel movies," he said. "I think that's a great thing. I'm on board with that decision because as a fan that's what I want. So who knows what the future holds? This is Hollywood, man, you've gotta play the long game."
Kevin Feige Discusses Spider-Man's Future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe https://games.yahoo.com/news/kevin-feige-discusses-spider-mans-155700896.html
This article, Kevin Feige Discusses Spider-Man's Future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, originally appeared on Comic Vine.Ever since Sony and Marvel came to an agreement to introduce Spider-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, everything felt right with the world. Fans aren't the only people that are super-excited about the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige is also pretty pumped about all this going down.During a Q&A for the Blu-ray release of Avengers: Age of Ultron (via IGN), Feige opened up about everything Spider-Man and what it means to have him a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe."I think Spider-man can serve great purpose in our universe and that's where he belongs. That was what was unique about him in the comics was not that he was the only superhero in the world; it's that he was a totally different kind of superhero when compared against all the other ones in the Marvel universe at the time."Feige went on to say that this has been a "dream of ours for a long time." Continuing, Feige then discussed the future of Spider-Man's solo adventures."The most important thing as a standalone is relaunching Spider-Man in his own standalone movie with his own storylines that fits into this universe. That is job number one for us. ... The connectivity is great, but it doesn't drive the train."It's great to see Marvel and Sony coming to an agreement to really work on making Spider-Man a bigger part of this very successful world. For those looking forward to Spider-Man, he'll be popping up in Captain America: Civil War which opens on May 6, 2016.
Marvel Boss Hints At Huge Spider-Man Plans
It seems that Spider-Man is settling in rather nicely over at Marvel Studios… as studio boss Kevin Feige hints that they have big plans for everyone's favourite webslinger.During a Q&A event to promote 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' (via IGN) the Marvel studio boss...."The most important thing as a standalone is relaunching Spider-Man in his own standalone movie with his own storylines that fits into this universe," he explained. "That is job number one for us… The connectivity is great, but it doesn't drive the train."Although Marvel's new Spider-Man is set to make his first appearance in 'Captain America: Civil War', it looks as though a solo franchise is the main aim. And that's why it was such a huge deal to make an agreement with Sony."Making that agreement… was great," he said. "And was really amazing, and on a personal level making these movies, it means a lot because I think we can do great things with Spider-Man.""I think Spider-Man can serve great purpose in our universe and that's where he belongs," added the Marvel filmmaker. "That was what was unique about him in the comics was not that he was the only superhero in the world; it's that he was a totally different kind of superhero when compared against all the other ones in the Marvel universe at the time."Of course, Marvel's current Avengers line-up packs quite a punch – with heavyweights such as Iron Man, Thor and Captain America leading the charge. And with Marvel's Spider-Man heading back to high school, it's easy to see how this super-powered kid is going to differ from the usual Marvel big screen heroes.But while Spider-Man may be a little late to the party, they seem to have some big plans…"It's not about when you show up, it's about what you do once you're there," Feige teased.
Spider-Man Reboot Director Hints Miles Morales Could Appear
The director of the upcoming Spider-Man reboot has hinted to Yahoo Movies that Miles Morales – the mixed-race character who replaced Peter Parker as the webslinger in the comic books – may still be in the new movie.Jon Watts, whose critically-acclaimed thriller 'Cop Car' is available now digitally, seemed to suggest Morales – who was introduced in 2011 in the Ultimate series and whose parents are African-American and Puerto Rican – might appear alongside Parker (played by Tom Holland) when asked whether there'd been any serious discussions about him being the main character."I can't talk about that, because, you know, that will reveal too much," he tells us. "We're still writing the story…we haven't finished all the way through the story yet, so who knows."No denial that Morales wasn't part of the cast? Saying talking about it will "reveal too much"?
Sam Raimi 'Messed Up' Spider-Man 3, Wants To Work On Marvel's Version http://news.yahoo.com/sam-raimi-messed-up-spider-man-3-wants-to-work-023635896.html
'Spider-Man 3? wasn't everyone's cup of tea. In fact, most moviegoers downright despised Sam Raimi's third Peter Parker adventure.But rather than trying to stubbornly defend his work on the divisive blockbuster, Sam Raimi himself has now admitted to The Week that even he isn't too fond of 'Spider-Man 3?.Raimi insisted, "I messed up on the third one," when asked about his thoughts on the character and his various cinematic incarnations.But Raimi is hopeful that he will one day get another chance to work on a 'Spider-Man' film again, admitting that he'd jump at the chance to collaborate on Marvel's upcoming incarnation of the superhero."I think they're so complete now, Marvel," Raimi remarked. "They probably don't need me anymore. But if they needed me? I'd love to. It's great to be wanted."Sam Raimi's work on the three 'Spider-Man' films helped to legitimise the superhero genre. 2002's 'Spider-Man' was well received, but it was with 'Spider-Man 2? that Raimi showed the true potential of a superhero film.The 2004 action adventure excelled thanks to Alfred Molina's towering performance as its villain Doc Ock, while it also had a delicious mix of special effects with a human, emotional story.However, 'Spider-Man 3? wasn't met with the same response. It was criticised for being bloated with characters, and failing to resonate in the way that its predecessors did.
Spider-Man Actor Tom Holland Shows Off Peter Parker Haircut http://screenrant.com/spider-man-tom-holland-peter-parker-haircut/
But even when footage of the newest Captain America film premiered at Disney's D23 convention, neither hide nor hair of the mild-mannered Parker or the web-slinger graced the screens. However, thanks to Holland's presence on social media, fans now have a glimpse at what may be the character's haircut.On his Instagram, Holland revealed this intriguing look at his new coif. While he makes no direct reference to his character in this image, it does look suspiciously like Peter Parker in the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series and comic book. Check out the image below:
Tom Holland Teases His Ultimate Spider-Man Look On Instagram http://news.yahoo.com/tom-holland-teases-his-ultimate-spider-man-look-on-110114691.html
New Spider-Man Tom Holland has been flaunting his new look on social media, offering fans a glimpse at what his Peter Parker will look like.The 19-year-old Brit filmed his first scenes as Spidey earlier this year for 'Captain America: Civil War' but nothing has yet leaked giving us a glimpse of the character.On Instagram Holland showed off a new haircut which is very reminiscent of Peter Parker's in the Ultimate Spider-Man comic reboot back in 2000.Holland captioned the image with: "Hair cut or the Johnny Depp look?"Fans may not have to wait long to see the character in action, either in costume or out, as it has been rumoured that the first 'Civil War' trailer isn't far away.ComicBook.com reported a tweet from a Russian cinema chain last week saying that the first trailer would launch on 6 November to coincide with the worldwide release of the latest James Bond film 'Spectre'.We can only hope the trailer drops soon. Don't expect a glimpse of Spider-Man in action however, the character isn't expected to appear for a great deal of time and Marvel and Sony may want to tease his big introduction to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Looks like Tom Holland's Spider-Man will fly through the air with the greatest of ease https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/looks-tom-hollands-spider-man-172400983.html
Fans have to wait to see Tom Holland in his Spider-Man suit until "Captain America: Civil War," but the actor took to Instagram to give us a glimpse of what kind of moves he's been working on.It seems either Peter Parker eschewed gender norms to take gymnastics classes or being bitten by a radioactive spider gave him the ability to parkour. Either way, it's pretty impressive to watch!

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