Spider-Man Tom Holland on details on the new Spiderman Movie and Cast mates
JThe pair revealed as such during an interview with Vulture about their latest movie 'Vacation' - the soft reboot of the beloved Chevy Chase series from the 1980s.The interview reveals that this weekend (1-2 August) Goldstein and Daley (who I've come to realise is the leading kid in cult classic TV series 'Freaks and Geeks'!) will head to Marvel to watch the new Spidey in action."We hear good things," says Goldstein. "We might even get to look at the Spidey suit, which is exciting."He also responded to a reported cast-list for the rebooted film which had been circling online. Given the film is two years away and doesn't have a script, most people knew already it was a fake but Daley still debunked it anyway."We've discussed certain characters," said Daley, "but nothing is certain yet, for sure."The fake list head Holland as Spidey (as announced), Marisa Tomei as Aunt May (as hotly rumoured) and some bizarre made up castings - such as 'American Pie's Jason Biggs as Scorpion.The full Vulture interview also includes discussion of the prosthetic penis used by none of other than Thor himself Chris Hemsworth, who appears in 'Vacation'. The 'Spider-Man' solo movie will be released in summer 2017. Holland will first appear as Spidey in 'Civil War' - set for release on 29 April 2016.