Speed slowing down in Palm Bay


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 28, 2010
I've been having problems with videos posted on Facebook and You Tube. They generally run OK 'till they're about half done and then buffer like crazy. It's like being back on dial-up. Some (most?) web pages load slowly, but it's not as obvious as with a video.

I'm running speedtest.net and two speed tests I found from BH and am getting from 2-7 Mbps download. (RR Turbo) I ran a full McAfee scan. No errors. Called BH and they had me load Facebook on MSIE with my firewall off. She said that it proved that the problem was with some program on my computer that was interfering with my connection and I needed to get hold of a computer technician.

I inspected apps and processes in task manager and didn't see anything suspicious. Any thoughts?

I'm in Palm Bay, also. I just ran 4 tests (2 on speednet and 2 on bhn speedtest) and got 35.5 to 39.5 Mbps. I have RR Lightning and haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary. I had some problems a few weeks ago because some of the equipment in my neighborhood had been flooded from rain. They fixed everything in a few days and it's been back to normal since.
I've been having problems with videos posted on Facebook and You Tube. They generally run OK 'till they're about half done and then buffer like crazy. It's like being back on dial-up. Some (most?) web pages load slowly, but it's not as obvious as with a video.

I'm running speedtest.net and two speed tests I found from BH and am getting from 2-7 Mbps download. (RR Turbo) I ran a full McAfee scan. No errors. Called BH and they had me load Facebook on MSIE with my firewall off. She said that it proved that the problem was with some program on my computer that was interfering with my connection and I needed to get hold of a computer technician.

I inspected apps and processes in task manager and didn't see anything suspicious. Any thoughts?


Send me a PM with either your modem mac or current IP address (WAN not LAN) and I'll take a quick look and post back.
Thanks for your help. The tech was here this morning and replaced my modem. i've been running speed tests with good results, I watched a couple FB videos with no buffering, and I watched a live stream of a 1 hour show on Ustream. No glitches.

I'm going downhill with that ISPgeeks test. I can run the basic tests (sorta) GA is 29.72 Mbps, CA is 10.66 Mbps and TX won't start at all.
None of the Advanced speed tests work. I'm getting messages that JAVA needs to be enabled (it is) and I need to disable my firewall, P2P, anti virus, downloads and streaming. My poor head......

Chrome has gone further in reverse. I get a message that the required plugin is not installed. It's some sort of secret plugin.......

Anyway. It's looking good. he told me to watch it for a few days and bypass the router if I have more trouble.

Jim it sounds like someone needs to go through your system and get it properly setup. While we talked it became apparent you have multiple issues going on and its affecting your computing experience..just trust me on this. Something is inhibiting your ability cross browser to render some sites properly and thats a big issue. I wouldn't be surprised that McAfee is the issue.
I don't think it is all a "Jim" problem...

TX - Speed Test - Internet Speed Diagnostics, Benchmarks, Voip Diagnostics, Internet Bandwidth Forums - ISPgeeks.com
I tried that test site. Firefox fail. Chrome fail. Opera - worked. IE - worked.

There was a vertical scrolling one line info bar at the top of the blank results window saying all kinds of things were wrong, including the u need java one. One time it was showing that as the java spinning logo meaning "I am opening" was displaying in the box! Impressive when it works, but site does not correctly detect configurations.
I don't think it is all a "Jim" problem...

TX - Speed Test - Internet Speed Diagnostics, Benchmarks, Voip Diagnostics, Internet Bandwidth Forums - ISPgeeks.com
I tried that test site. Firefox fail. Chrome fail. Opera - worked. IE - worked.

There was a vertical scrolling one line info bar at the top of the blank results window saying all kinds of things were wrong, including the u need java one. One time it was showing that as the java spinning logo meaning "I am opening" was displaying in the box! Impressive when it works, but site does not correctly detect configurations.

It's not a sites responsibility to detect Java and how you have it enabled. The browser and it how it's configured will determine what msg you get back from the browser when it encounters an applet. In Jim's case and I know first hand because I worked with him directly there are several things going on that he needs address not just the Java issue. As for your issues with Chrome and Firefox I just tested the site with all 5 browsers (Opera, Chrome, Firefox, IE and Safari) and it works just fine...so it is a local issue for ya. This is a common problem btw. Firefox has a very strange process for getting Java to work properly and it just sounds like your Chrome settings are whacked (an easy fix).
I am not surprised my Firefox had problems...I am extremely security conscious and run MANY protective "things" especially in Firefox, which I use for 95% of my browsing. Chrome I use only for Facebook--so I don't understand why it failed since no filters/protectors are installed in it. Opera I use only for the chat client portion in it for some technical chat channels I participate in on freenode.

As for "It's not a sites responsibility to detect Java..." -- while it may not be their 'responsibiility', many sites certainly DO voluntarily run code to detect that it is installed (as the one under discussion does) and even the version. So, the opportunity for that to not work properly in some situations clearly exists.
I am not surprised my Firefox had problems...I am extremely security conscious and run MANY protective "things" especially in Firefox, which I use for 95% of my browsing. Chrome I use only for Facebook--so I don't understand why it failed since no filters/protectors are installed in it. Opera I use only for the chat client portion in it for some technical chat channels I participate in on freenode.

As for "It's not a sites responsibility to detect Java..." -- while it may not be their 'responsibiility', many sites certainly DO voluntarily run code to detect that it is installed (as the one under discussion does) and even the version. So, the opportunity for that to not work properly in some situations clearly exists.

You don't understand how Java works. The only detection that is made is IF you are running Java, not if its correctly configured and that site does that exampled by the fact that it tells you it needs Java to be working correctly before the applet will run. It is up to the user to configure their browser correctly to operate the applet however and unfortunately this is different for each flavor of browser you operate. Some easier than others. I have more to post on this but have a meeting...I will be back :)
OK. I'm back. I dunno who's responsibility (at least at that time) so see that JAVA is installed correctly, but I understood that bar to be telling me it WASN'T installed so I kept trying to fix it (JAVA)

The new modem failed after 2 hours. Cable OK, no internet or phone. I reset it and it hasn't bothered me again.

That Texas test is now running on Firefox and Chrome, but neither one is asking me for that SID code. I put a message on the ISPgeeks forum.
They say that I can click on the test results to get a detailed analysis and download that. It opened a new tab at connectionanalyzer.com but I don't see any option to download the data. I can do a capture tho:
[TABLE="class: border, align: center"]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD][TABLE="class: border, align: center"]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Test Type:[/TD]
[TD]Application Speed[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Download Speed:[/TD]
[TD]24500 kbps[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Upload Speed:[/TD]
[TD]1840 kbps[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Speed Consistency:[/TD]
[TD]92 %[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Round Trip Time:[/TD]
[TD]45 ms[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Max Delay:[/TD]
[TD]254 ms[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Average Delay:[/TD]
[TD]1 ms[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]24500 kbps[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Forced Idle:[/TD]
[TD]24 %[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Route Concurrency:[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Test Type:[/TD]
[TD]s / s[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]Round Trip Time Consistency:[/TD]
[TD]57 %[/TD]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TR="class: font12"]
2 connection problems found, click the
to learn more.
[TABLE="class: border, align: center"]
MSMD01: TCP is waiting too long for data
The test recorded a TCP maximum delay that exceeded the natural TCP forced idle delay as a result of the connection's trip time. This indicates that there may be problems with consistent data flow between the server and the client. A poor data flow QoS reading is also likely if the max TCP delay is much higher in comparisons to the trip time. Common reasons for this type of problem are packet loss and duplicates. The test graph view will show the TCP delay over the time of the test. Height and width of the 'orange' delay line shows the delay consistency.

Learn More

[TABLE="class: border, align: center"]
MSTR02: The trip time for this connection is too erratic
The test recorded erratic trip times between server and client indicating congestion/regulation difficulties on the connection. Erratic trip times will usually cause problems with data duplication which will impact throughput speed. This usually results in a lower speed data flow quality measurement.

Learn More
[TR="class: font12"]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TD]I ran 4 tests, Firefox and Chrome at TX and GA. Texas Chrome was 18.8 Mbps, the other 3 were over 21 Mbps. The difference was the quality of service results.

FF - TX 75% yellow dot 21.3 / 1.82
FF - GA 92% green dot 26.9 / 1.83
CH - TX 77% yellow dot 18.8 / 1.83
CH - GA 50% red dot. 26.1 / 1.83
[TR="class: font12"]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TR="class: font12"]
[TR="class: font12"]
You don't understand how Java works. The only detection that is made is IF you are running Java, not if its correctly configured and that site does that exampled by the fact that it tells you it needs Java to be working correctly before the applet will run. It is up to the user to configure their browser correctly to operate the applet however and unfortunately this is different for each flavor of browser you operate. Some easier than others. I have more to post on this but have a meeting...I will be back :)

You are right. I am not a programmer and I do not know how java works internally. My point about sites detecting "things" about java still stands--whether it is detecting presence only or configuration settings. In either case, the opportunity exists for that to be done incorrectly--or that different browsers respond differently thus confusing the questioner--if he has not accounted for that.

I am not saying that is what is happening; I am saying the opportunity for that to happen exists. And that the site did strange things both for Jim and me says it is either the site's cause, or both he and I have the same issue.

Since "java settings" seem to be critical (at least for that site--I have no trouble elsewhere) perhaps somewhere should be posted the settings we are supposed to use so that java is considered to be "configured correctly" and how to make those changes. When java installs, the only change I make from default settings is to not display the icon in the system tray (or whatever name Microsoft calls it these days). So I guess the default settings are not the right ones?
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Jim the reason it no longer asks you is because you registered at the site. It knows who you are from that point forward. Your test results are as expected from a turbo enhanced connection. The fluctuations in your datarate are as result of the turbo boost intiially and then ceasing during the middle of the test. It's not an indicator of a problem in your case.
You are right. I am not a programmer and I do not know how java works internally. My point about sites detecting "things" about java still stands--whether it is detecting presence only or configuration settings. In either case, the opportunity exists for that to be done incorrectly--or that different browsers respond differently thus confusing the questioner--if he has not accounted for that.

I am not saying that is what is happening; I am saying the opportunity for that to happen exists. And that the site did strange things both for Jim and me says it is either the site's cause, or both he and I have the same issue.

Since "java settings" seem to be critical (at least for that site--I have no trouble elsewhere) perhaps somewhere should be posted the settings we are supposed to use so that java is considered to be "configured correctly" and how to make those changes. When java installs, the only change I make from default settings is to not display the icon in the system tray (or whatever name Microsoft calls it these days). So I guess the default settings are not the right ones?

All that is moot to be honest. Telling me won't get that changed. Contact Bdwarr6 or Fortypoundhead on the site and request they make those changes :)

The only checking for Java that can be done is essentially version and if its running...not whether it's running correctly or not. If your browser replies back that its running when in fact it isn't running correctly there isn't much that can be done. As for your chrome issue can't help ya there. It's working fine for me on all browsers and nobody else other than Jim has posted about it over there (just checked)...sorry.
Since I have no problem with java anywhere except at that site, I think I will just drop it. I was participating solely to help narrow down Jim's problem.
Since I have no problem with java anywhere except at that site, I think I will just drop it. I was participating solely to help narrow down Jim's problem.

You have no problems because you don't go to sites that use Java applets which is fine...but really a shame considering you wont find a better or proper test for benchmarking speeds. Tell ya what...I'll prove it isn't the site. Go here...

MyConnection Server, speed testing, Video and IPTV testing, speed capacity testing, network assessment testing, network route performance, VoIP quality testing

Same testing platform but different sites. You can choose from any that you want other than the Atlanta, Dallas or Los Angeles tests because those are all Ispgeeks. I don't want you to think I steered ya wrong there.
At this site, Firefox with NoScript told to allow ALL JavaScript on the page (which I hate to do), = no problems, no messages.
At the original test site, Firefox with NoScript told to allow ALL JavaScript on the page, = displayed the test, but still had a bar above the results with {error messages|info messages}.

Chrome at original site does not run the java window of test results immediately, but has a message in the gray window saying, approximately, Java needs your permission to run this plugin; a rt click and OK let it go. I have never seen this permission request at other sites. On the other hand, I rarely use chrome at any site other than Facebook, so I might just have not encountered it.

The gray screen there was probably what I saw before when I said Chrome failed to run the site--I may have not focused on the words in it--just the fact it did not run.

Incidentally, I go to hundreds of different sites every week--lots of political commentary sites and news outlets. I feel it is totally impossible that I never encountered java applets before. Indeed, I remember seeing the rotating java logo many times as it loads. Also, I go to http://radar.weather.gov, which absolutely uses it.
Post a screen pic of what you are seeing please. Now you have me curious about something.
Which browser and which site?

As an aside, I am beginning to think that the bar above the test window at the first site rotates those messages automatically--that they are not based on a detected problem.
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Which browser and which site?

As an aside, I am beginning to think that the bar above the test window at the first site rotates those messages automatically--that they are not based on a detected problem.

You are correct...its only an information bar and does not display any error msgs. Its instructions on how to use the test. Its DHTML and should not be causing you any issues unless your browser is just outrageously locked down....totally unnecessary to be honest with you. Doing that breaks sites and makes them render in ways that kind of exclude you from the intended experience. I totally understand security is important to you...but...overkill is almost as bad as too little security. Send me the screenpic from just the geeks experience and that will confirm what I suspect.
"Send me the screenpic from just the geeks experience..."
did you mean ISPgeeks?

Attached two show
image with NoScript set to allow all js on the page
image with NoScript blocking

The bar above the results window, which was gray at that point, said "Java must be enabled to use this tool--enable java." (pic 2)
Trust me--that sounds like an error message to me, and that is the way I interpreted it. Turns out, that message appears even when everything is working right. Just my opinion, but that is highly misleading. I admit, I read the blue bar and missed the red part--because I was looking at a blank window and right above it, it said, well, what it said. And my mind concluded, well that is what it thinks the problem is, but I know I have java. The script blocking though was preventing it from running.


  • script-blocked.jpg
    11.5 KB · Views: 187
  • no-scriipt-blocked.jpg
    38.4 KB · Views: 197
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