Quite frankly, Charter/Spectrum has become impossible to get retention deals with since their bankruptcy and reorganization. They locked down and instituted a 'our way, or the HIGHWAY' policy, and rolled it out across all their systems. ONLY new subs can get any sort of a deal, and then ONLY for a max of 1 year. Then they knock you down, and take turns kicking you in the nads and screaming "YOU ARE GOING TO PAY OUR PRICE, AND YOU ARE GOING TO LIKE IT!"
This has not been the case for me unless the change you are talking about took place in the last 2-3 months. I have been on the new customer promo price for my double play for over 4 years now. Last time I didn't even have to call when my promo ran out to get it extended. I received a letter from Charter just before it ran out letting me know they were going to extend my promos for another year.
I have 60 Mbps internet and Spectrum Silver TV. This is very similar to Dish AT 250 except Spectrum Silver also includes HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime. I pay about $119 for this package after taxes and cable card rental.
Every year before my promos run out I look into the internet options and I can't find anything that significantly beats my Charter Spectrum double play. Playstation Vue would be the best option for me because of the channels offered and cloud DVR functionality. This is what it would cost me to switch to Vue.
Charter standalone internet - $64.99
Playstation Vue's cheapest plan $39.99
HBO Now - $15
Total - $119.98
I would be paying the exact same amount of money for far less channels and a less functional cloud DVR service instead of my Tivo Roamio and Mini that have lifetime service that already paid for itself. If I didn't care about HBO I could save about $15 per month but I watch far too many of their series to give that up. I won't factor in the loss of Cinemax and Showtime because I rarely watch those.
It's too bad that Charter has been a bad experience for you because they are by far the best deal available for me. The minute they stop giving me promo pricing every year I will switch to Vue or one of the other streaming TV services but they have given me zero resistance when I ask for deals so far.