Special Free System of the Week Contest Ends 7.7.2008 - Satellite AV

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I thought I'd seen some fantastic fireworks in my day....until I was in Kenosha, WI one year for the 4th. We went down to the shore of Lake Michigan where they were going to light them off.

We brought the usual....blankets, chairs and of course coolers with. For as far as you could see out on the Lake, there were boats of all sizes, from the 14' fishing boats to million dollar yahts awaiting the big event...what a sight.

Finally the show began. It was non-stop action...not just one or two going off every 5-10 seconds, but continuous action (like most finalies are elsewhere). This lasted for 45 minutes. When it stopped, spectators were starting to get up, when an announcement was made that they were just taking a break. About 10 minutes later it started all over again and went almost 30 minutes more.............WHAT A SHOW...I'LL NEVER FORGET IT
While growing up, my most memorable 4th of July was when ... our family went to a county park on the river for a picnic, swimming and the fireworks display.
My most interesting memory of July 4th was with friends, lighting and watching a screaming, whirling, smoking firework slowly lift off the ground and shoot horizontally like a missle out of hell, straight at my head about 60 feet away. Having missed me as I ducked, it maintained a serious velocity until something or someone else became a random target in another neighborhood. It all happened fast, with just a streak of dense smoke for evidence a few seconds later. I'd like to know what that insane thing was and if it's still available today, 36 years later.
While growing up, my most memorable 4th of July was in the late 1950's. My 3 friends & I went to buy some cherry bombs. It was not unusual for us to light some and throw them out of the car while we were heading back home from the fireworks stand. This time, when one of the guys in the back seat tried to throw the cherry bomb out the window, it hit the window frame & fell to the floorboard. All four doors opened at 30 mph, as we all tried to get out of the car, but before we killed ourselves by jumping out of a moving car, the bomb went off. No one was hurt, but we couldn't hear for a couple of hours after that incident. The car, a 53 Buick, belonged to one of my friend's dad. I'm glad, I didn't have to go home & explain why the floorboard & seat were burned.
While growing up, my most memorable 4th of July was when .......

I was about 13, there was a malfunction in the firework display in our town that caused them to all go off at once. I remember saying to my friends dad while it was happening that it was the best display i had ever seen, his reply was " i think something is not right and we better get out of here." and it was a good thing we did cause one of them went off and landed still burning right where we were standing. I was still pretty awesome.
Growing up, I used to go to my Grandparents house - they had a hugh field in their back yard that you could see the fireworks perfectly. My grandmother would make popcorn, and put it in a paper sack - I thought that was really cool! We would do sparklers, snakes and have a good ol time. Unfortunatley, my grandmother passed away when I was 12, and since then fireworks have never been the same. I only go now if my duaghter wants to see them - it just isn't the same.
I came to the us in 2002, that year a had a sweet slice of the american culture: the july 4th. I was surprise to see people talking about the celebration and how stranwous was to know that you can do fireworks but have to be bought out of state. that was shocking; so adventure is really the main part in the independence, with friends and family. was hilaryous.
I want to Win! Opps, sorry, wrong contest. The 4th I remember the most is when I was about 7 yrs old back in the 60's we had a bunch of adults over and they were lighting these big canisters of pop-up type fireworks. Very loud and very cool. But I remember one of the lighters lost a finger(s) when one blew up unexpectedly in his hand. The picture of the blood soaked towel wrapped around his hand has stayed with me ever since. It is why I only allow my kids to play with sprinklers.
My most memorable 4th of July was when....

Zambelli Fireworks Internationale was here in town at our Annual Homecoming Festival. They set them off here in Parkersburg across from Point Park on the river from a barge. We take the kids there every year to see the show but one year we parked at the city hospital to watch the show and fireworks went all over Parkersburg! Not the way they were supposed too. The show went horribly wrong when someone lost their footing on the barge and lit them all off at once. :eek:

We were standing by a huge plate glass window at the hospital and bang! That whole window moved about an inch and a half in and outwards! It did not break though. The explosion sounded like sitting in a tin metal small building and setting off a stick of dynamite! :eek:

We were about 1 mile away from the park also! So far, nothing compares to that 4th of July!
My most memorable 4th of July:

When I was a kid, my friend and I made our own "rocket" from fireworks we had taken apart.

The thing took off almost as soon as he lit the fuse (too fast)--hit him in the forehead and knocked him flat. Lots of blood.

Interestingly, the bruise left by the impact turned blue. Since my friend's last name was White, I guess we had a special version of Red, White and Blue.

After he went to the emergency room and got stitched up, we vowed to give up
on homemade rockets.
the fireworks at the beach, we would always drive to alabama because the good ones are legal there and come back and go to my buddies house who lives right on the beach where the city shoots the fireworks off and us and all of his neighbors would all see who got the biggest fireworks and who could make the citys display look like bottle rockets compared :) hehe
While growing up, my most memorable 4th of July was when.....The finale at our local firework display went off on the ground on accident.
While growing up, my most memorable 4th of July was in 1970 when mom and dad took the family to see our new house.
And then, we discover that the city's annual fireworks display is done right at the top of the hill about 1/4 mile away.
Man what a view!
Talk about front row seating!
It was awesome!
My most memorable 4th of July was going to South Padre Island, Texas to watch a fireworks show over water. It was great seeing the fireworks and the sounds of ocean waves in the background
I also was not born here ...

... however this past week i took my final oath and finally became a US Citizen.

Its been a long hard journey to get here .. but my most memorable 4th of July will be this one ... my first as an American Citizen.


my most memorable 4th of July was when.....The next door people throwed a birthday / 4th party. the fireworks where in paper bags stting on the table buy the cake. someone was smoking, droped ashes in the the bags, the went off. all i could remember is bottle rockets sticking up in the cake and firecrakers popping all around it. Messed the cake up, had big holes in it and burn marks. it was funny.
Our most memorable 4th of July, was with our young daughter, Laura . She was just 1 year old and terrified of loud noises. We took her to the Lansing fireworks festival and put my "shooting" earmuffs on her. She loved it ! It was also the most memorable because we were close to the firing pits, and many of the mortars and rockets seemed to leave their debris right on top of us. It was our best 4th of July.
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