I usually go to the following site to see when the ISS and Shuttles are viewable.
Human Space Flight (HSF) - Sightings
Of course you will have to change your City if you aren't in the DC area. Funny, before it was cancelled they had both the ISS and STS up on the page, now the STS is absent. Check back of course later.
Since this mission is going to add even more Solar panels to the ISS it will now be brighter in the sky than Venus. Last summer I used to look for the ISS regularly. One time a few years ago I was able to see both the Shuttle and the ISS when they had separated but were sitting close to each other. It was cool seeing these two vehicles racing accross the sky together.
I try to get friends and family out to watch the fly overs, but no one is ever interested. What is wrong with people?