sound dropping for a second?

started after switching to Dish 1000+

Just wanted to share my experience. Previously, I was using Dish 500 (110 and 119) and Dish 300 (61.5), and everything looked normal on all channels - VIP722. Last week they upgraded my system to Dish 1000+. Since that I noticed that the quality of international programming become worse - audio dropouts, poor picture quality, etc. So my impression is that this has to do with Satellite 118/Broadcasting. And I am talking about the exact same international channels I was watching from 61.5 (it was great there).

Since other people experience various problems on different channels, this could be satellite problem as well.

As experiment, I am thinking about reconnecting 61.5 back instead of 118.
Just wanted to share my experience. Previously, I was using Dish 500 (110 and 119) and Dish 300 (61.5), and everything looked normal on all channels - VIP722. Last week they upgraded my system to Dish 1000+. Since that I noticed that the quality of international programming become worse - audio dropouts, poor picture quality, etc. So my impression is that this has to do with Satellite 118/Broadcasting. And I am talking about the exact same international channels I was watching from 61.5 (it was great there).
Since other people experience various problems on different channels, this could be satellite problem as well.

As experiment, I am thinking about reconnecting 61.5 back instead of 118.
You may be right. My problems seem to be limited to 118. I don't understand how channels are broadcast, but most of my watching is recorded news feeds. Local I presume is uplinked from the local news affiliate. But the national news and GMA where the problem also is evident are presumably uplinked and processed differently.

With the attention that this problem has gotten on this forum I still am unclear whether it is a problem with only certain combinations of circumstances and whether Dish is working to rectify the problem. For me I know that it is only recorded or rewound material and only HD. Maybe also limited to 118, but I'm not certain on that one. But there is other programming on 118 that apparently never presents the problem. So is it limited to a definable set of programs? Maybe to a time of day?

One scenario that I have considered is that Dish CSRs are humoring those of us who fall into a narrow category and that there is no cure defined or being worked on. If this doesn't get addressed soon I'll assume that I'm part of that small population that is more expensive to service than to ignore and I will switch to another provider for my programming.

There have been reports of discussions with CSRs who report that Dish is working on the problem. But I've been misinformed by CSRs in the past, either deliberately or from ignorance. Can anyone identify a URL managed by Dish or Echostar that acknowledges or discusses this problem?
Having a new DVR wouldn't be all bad, except if you've recorded a lot of shows you want to keep a while it wouldn't be all good. If the new DVR fixes the problem for you, we'd certainly appreciate hearing about it since most who've checked with Dish tech seem to be hearing it is a software problem. (???)


Update - My replacement 622 arrived last Friday and I installed it over the weekend. As expected, it DID NOT fix the sound blip problems on recordings and paused shows from my local ABC station (WTVD 11 in Raleigh).

The thing that irks me most about this is that before I spent an hour installing the replacement unit, I actually went online and had a chat with a Tech Support Specialist, and asked if they could tell me when my zip code or region is scheduled to receive the L615 software upgrade (she couldn't; said only the engineers know that, as it it is top secret info), and if the replacement unit would come with the L615 upgrade. She said it would...that she'd been there seven years and knows that new and replacement units will launch the latest software when activated. Well, it didn't load L615 when activated; instead it loaded L614 just like I had before! So basically I have same box, same software version and same results...go figure!
asked if they could tell me when my zip code or region is scheduled to receive the L615 software upgrade
New information here (to me at least). Implied in your post is that the sound dropout problem is fixed and will be delivered with the L615 software update. Am I interpreting this correctly?

Not surprisingly since we're both in the same geopgraphical area, I still have vL614 also.

Can you or someone address my interpretation of your dentifying L615 as the solution?

New information here (to me at least). Implied in your post is that the sound dropout problem is fixed and will be delivered with the L615 software update. Am I interpreting this correctly?

Not surprisingly since we're both in the same geopgraphical area, I still have vL614 also.

Can you or someone address my interpretation of your dentifying L615 as the solution?


Yes, according to other posts in other related threads, the L615 supposedly fixes the audio issues. See RTCDude's post on page 2 of However, I understand that the L615 load has created new issues for some who have received it, like an increase in pixelation on certain channels. I get the impression it is work-in-progress.
Yes, according to other posts in other related threads, the L615 supposedly fixes the audio issues. See RTCDude's post on page 2 of However, I understand that the L615 load has created new issues for some who have received it, like an increase in pixelation on certain channels. I get the impression it is work-in-progress.
Thanks, Pakbaker for the confirmation of my assumption and for the referenced URL. I hadn't been following that thread but will now.

FYI I have been noticing more pixelation as well and I still have v614 so this issue may be unrelated to the v615 sound fix. It may be that since the pixelation and v615 arrived concurrently for some users they are blaming it on the software update (as I would). I thought the pixelation was strange since I have a slight LOS problem due to trees, but the leaves are now off the trees. I haven't kept a good record of signal strength, but I'll keep tabs on that as well.

Thanks for your help.
Thanks, Pakbaker for the confirmation of my assumption and for the referenced URL. I hadn't been following that thread but will now.

FYI I have been noticing more pixelation as well and I still have v614 so this issue may be unrelated to the v615 sound fix. It may be that since the pixelation and v615 arrived concurrently for some users they are blaming it on the software update (as I would). I thought the pixelation was strange since I have a slight LOS problem due to trees, but the leaves are now off the trees. I haven't kept a good record of signal strength, but I'll keep tabs on that as well.

Thanks for your help.

I think I have noticed more pixelation than usual recently too. But it is not as much of an issue for me as the sound blips are. Lets stay in touch as we progress through this!
How do you check for this software update, and if I don't have it, how do I get it? I have really bad sound dropping issues with the locals on DVR...
Yes, according to other posts in other related threads, the L615 supposedly fixes the audio issues. See RTCDude's post on page 2 of However, I understand that the L615 load has created new issues for some who have received it, like an increase in pixelation on certain channels. I get the impression it is work-in-progress.

In my case, L615 did infact completely fix the audio drop out issue. However, it appears I also started to see more pixelations (This is still not proven. I'm still gathering data). It appears that Dish only rolled this out in specfic Zipcodes (didn't know they could do this) that complained the most.

I've seen other posts that claimed Dish is being very consertitive rolling this fix out. I can only assume that this fix relates to to some very core, time sensitive parts of the firmware, and Dish wants to make sure this fix doesn't break something else. Those few of us that got L615 get to be the guinea pigs (I'm actually OK with this since this is actual progress), and the rest of folks have to wait in the meantime. Better this way instead a mass roll-out that causes new problems for 10x the subs.
I think I have noticed more pixelation than usual recently too. But it is not as much of an issue for me as the sound blips are. Lets stay in touch as we progress through this!

I completely agree. If I had to made an ugly choice, I'd rather have occasional pixelations instead of constant missing audio.
It sounds like Dish Network finally got it together enough to address this issue. To all those that had this problem, I know how annoying it was and I really hope its finally fixed for you! (It's three months too late but at least they tried.)
How do you check for this software update, and if I don't have it, how do I get it? I have really bad sound dropping issues with the locals on DVR...
Menu/Installation/System Information, I think. There may be another branch on the menu tree, but the screen that you want is "system Information." There's lots of information there, and one of the boxes provides software version. Yours is probably L614 which is what the rest of us experiencing the sound problems have.

You will get the update (L615) automatically downloaded to your receiver if you keep it plugged in.
I'm getting dropouts every 22 seconds in my U-Verse set-up. It's connected via optical as my DISH was, but DISH never had that problem. Three techs have come out sime Monday's install and they can't figure this out. Anyone have any suggestions?. Thanks, Dave
Yes, according to other posts in other related threads, the L615 supposedly fixes the audio issues. See RTCDude's post on page 2 of However, I understand that the L615 load has created new issues for some who have received it, like an increase in pixelation on certain channels. I get the impression it is work-in-progress.
I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. I have version L615 and still get the occasional 1-4 second audio dropouts. Notice it mainly with CBS transmissions.
I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. I have version L615 and still get the occasional 1-4 second audio dropouts. Notice it mainly with CBS transmissions.
This sounds like a different issue. The dropouts experienced by most of us with L614 are <1 second - just a syllable or two. Best description is a bad cell phone connection. I haven't experienced the longer dropouts that you describe.
FWIW, just checked my sys info. I have version L616 and the problem is worse. Any local HD broadcast gets the "cell phone" drop. More going into and coming out of commercials. Very irritating. Would go back to DirectTV, but the 30 second skip with DN is much better.

For now, I'll record network broadcasts in SD until Dish gets it fixed. Sucks, but don't really want to go through the hassle of switching and dealing with another 6 hour install.
FWIW - IWAL (Meaning it's worth a lot). I'm keeping up with this issue and am where you are mentally. Close to switching to DirecTV. I keep checking for L615. Now I guess it'll be L617 or later before this problem gets cleared up.... if ever.

If I figure that Dish is unable to fix the problem I'll switch at that point. I use my time watching TV to relax, and these days it only brings frustration. It seems to me that as big an outfit as Dish/Echostar is they could at least do some reverse engineering to figure out how their closest competetor is doing things right. I had some friends over to watch bowl games because of my "superior" A/V setup and everyone noticed the dropouts. I wound up apologizing throughout the games.

One thing that I haven't figured ot yet is whether the dropout problem is limited to one satellite or all, and whether it is only certain transponders. My problems seem to be mostly with 118, but I don't know if it is exclusively there.
I just got a new rcvr... with Dynamic Volume control, to handle all the stupidly loud commericals,.... but the sound drop problem is a magnitude worse with it (the audio gaps must hose the dynamic volume algorithm).... to the point where what was annoying to watch before is now really impossible to watch and this becomes a true deal-breaker.

Does the same problem occur if we record these shows OTA? Or is SD recording my only option (short of switching to someone besides Dish).
Mine seem limited to CBS and Fox using 118. The other HD channels seem ok for now. I have a co-worker that hasn't had any issues at all. He's going to check tonight to see what satellites he's pointing to.

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