"Sorry, we have no HD"

They probably get the same amount of money installing a standard box or a HD box. By not installing HD boxes, they saved themselve a lot of trouble. HD customers are generally more picky and installation takes longer?
Some retailers don't want to carry anything higher than a 522 (811 tops) as they feel they don't break even or that the HD equipment is less stable than the "bread and butter" units such as 510, 311 and 111s. Now that's fine, except the sat tech arena is based on new, bigger and better toys. Essentially, the retailer is putting themselves out of business. Now DISH does train retailers, but the retailership has to actively seek training, usually through their local DNS office or sales reps. I agree something sounds off, but it could just be a low-flying retailer that doesn't do many activations.
A Little Update

I thought I give them one more chance. They called me a few times to give them another shot and I finally said go ahead. I told them I have 2 HD, 2 SD sets an would need the 622, 211 and a everyday run of the mill SD box and the sales operator agreed.

Well, they sent out another installer and guess what? I sent them away. This time they did bring a HD Box, the 622 only and 2 SD boxes. When I told the person it should've been what I described in the first paragraph, he showed me his work order and it showed the 2 SD boxes. Anyway out of frustration I told them forget it.
I wanted an 2 HD boxes, one with a DVR, other without. I got ONE HD box and 2 SDs. I don't an additional SD box. So I told them to take a hike. I'm just not having much luck with them.

I understand your frustration, but when the second installer came couldn't he have set up everything for all your Recievers and then have dish mail you your additional sd reciever? All you would have to do is plug it in and call dish.
Dish doesnt give out 2 622's at once and probably doesnt give out a 622 and 211 at once either. You'd have to buy the 2nd one or wait a year. I'm so glad I don't ever work with you.
Wrong channels at E*

Your going thru the wrong channels. Email ceo@echostar.com. They can set you up for the install that you need. It is possible to get more than 1 HD receiver. It's the exec resolution team. Tell them your story and they can get you fixed up.
Well, being tired of Direct's crap, I thought give Dish a try. Well, the installers came out and told me what was being installed. When they said four standard def boxes, I told them that was wrong. There should've been a 622, 211 and 1 std def box.

The guy said their company (local install company in our area) does not handle HD set up and it would something I would have to arrange myself. So I simply told them to cancel the order and I'll go with another provider. The installer appoligised and said he goes through that all the time and wish Dish would either train them to handle HD or tell the prospective customer that it can't be done in their area.

Well, I may stick with Direct for a few more months as the local Telco is intalling "FIOS" in our area and have a summer 2007 launch date.
I'm dumbfounded...I find it difficult to believ Dish owuld use a company to subcontract through that did not do what is now a standard install....I owuld call dish and ask to speak to Executive Resolutions..Explain to them what you posted here...If possible get the name of the company..They need to be eductated to do HD or if they refuse, run out of the business...IMO sounds like the installer gave you a BS story....JMO
I'm dumbfounded that someone wouldn't go with a company with a stellar reputation like Dishstore. I've refered friends nearly coast to coast and every single one was happy as a clam with no issues whatsoever.
'local' installer here prolly means the regional guy.
(and sure they can install HD)

Go to the dish website or your phone book and find a LOCAL RETAILER - period!!!
I've installed a 622 and 211 many times!!!!!!!!

btw, Dishstore isn't sending installers all over the country, they simply collect the commissions after they take the order and the regional guys do the installs.

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A co-worker delt with the Dish Store and had a very bad experience with, so I ruled them out from the start.

'local' installer here prolly means the regional guy.
(and sure they can install HD)

Go to the dish website or your phone book and find a LOCAL RETAILER - period!!!
I've installed a 622 and 211 many times!!!!!!!!

btw, Dishstore isn't sending installers all over the country, they simply collect the commissions after they take the order and the regional guys do the installs.

I would just call back Dish and tell them what the local installer told you. There is no difference installing for HD or SD, except that you'll need to look at a third bird (129 or 61.5) and the type of receiver. Sounds like a lazy installer to me.

A couple months ago I had to have my Superdish replaced because when it got hot, I lost my 119 satellite. They replaced it with the 1000, which I guess makes it easier for this installer since it points to 129.

Upgrading on the 18th. That late since my TV isn't arriving until this week.

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