"Sony owes me $14,000"

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The Wii is the fun but low-horsepower little Corolla, the 360 is the fun, more powerful but unreliable Camaro, and the PS3 is the full-up Lexus. The one's most adamantly proclaiming it 'overpriced' are just not recognizing it's intentionally setting itself in a different league--its designed better, has way higher potential, is most probably going to show itself as much more reliable a platform...of COURSE it costs more. Its got more invested in it. But to go purely by numbers on an initially more expensive option is not entirely without parallel--as a parallel, cheaper cars always sell in greater volume than the nicer more luxury models. Always have, always will. But that doesn't mean they're better. Just cheaper (and anyone who adds up the 360 cost will know, it's NOT really less expensive, just 'cheaper', all things equal--I can show you my receipts, w/ HD-DVD its as much as a PS3, and waaaaay louder and no HDMI and online is extra). Proof that its price, not features, that's driving these tirades and sales. Besides the new Wii, look at all those PS2s flying off the shelves still...more than 360s (as well as PS3s).

My Xbox 360, purchased in late Nov '06, at 7 weeks old (and only min-to-moderate use), had its optical drive totally fail. They sent me, as is the VERY common story, a full replacement/refurb unit. These things are fun and Xbox Live is great but they were designed and built on the CHEAP, pushing the tech only so far as they had to with the cheapest components they could get away with. Like most of the PC world...its all about cutting some corners. Sony decided NOT to do that and they get villified by the tightwads who seem to loooooove playing it conservative and living last gen. A few folks want to really see a leap forward and know that 'you wanna play, you gotta pay.' Be an adult, things cost money. A/V is an expensive hobby, unless you're buying last years tech...

We'll see what folks say when there's software out there that really takes advantage of whats under the hood of the PS3. So far its not really shown its potential. I'll bet you when it does, some out there will have to eat a bit of crow.

As another more literal tech parallel: Let's see--circa 2001. Its the same as the original Ipod...it was looked at by the USB/flash MP3 crowd as "ridiculously priced". But you get what you pay for folks. Those that bought it and actually USED it found out it was a whole different beast than the cheaper alternatives and knew it was worth every penny.
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I notice that the Xbox 360 is outselling the PS3, but not by a large margin. That doesn't strike me as anything to be proud of. A fully mature, year old machine with plenty of games that make full use of the equipment is "only just" besting the new kid on the block, with an admittedly limited game selection- none of which make full use of the equipment's capabilities.
Indeed, 'navychop'. Indeed.

I have to say I've really enjoyed the entirety of my Xbox 360 experience so far (save the equipment breakdown), from the A/V quality to the media center functionality, even the HD movie download system is nice. Only the game selection slanted towards 'playing soldier' leaves a bit to be desired, imho. That seems to be changing, though, as Microsoft admits they need to move beyond their hardcore (read, meathead blowemups) base.

But the PS3 will give it a real run for its money IF (big IF) they can get up to speed w/ the software fast enough to dispel the FUD of the naysayers. Seems there's a heee-uuuge agenda to turn Sony into the 'evil empire' this round.

I don't get it...I loved my PS2 from day one. I have lots of their products and don't feel 'oppressed and abused' at any turn. I also have Microsoft and Toshiba products...they're no better at all, let me tell you. But I like them alright--no harm, no foul. I have my preferences of 'user experience' but to each their own.

Some people just need to let out aggression and anxieties somehow/somewhere, even when they don't really stand the light of day/logic/facts. Why folks can't take a step back and see how this thing unfolds without demanding that you 'choose sides' is beyond me.

You know, I read in the paper the other day that studies were done by the US military back in 1919 that showed that the average mental age of the American citizen is 13 yrs old. Despite our leaps in technology, I don't think that's changed.
I find it hilarious people still can't digest it's arrogantly overpriced, the fact the only reason it fell behind 360 in sales already is the price.

No, it's not worth the price, regardless of Blu-Ray and a (currently fairly useless) gaming console functionality.
And no, it's not full of "fantastic features/hardware capabilities" (sic!:D).

It's a machine that is supposed to compete against an equally if not more powerful, similarly HD-enabled competitor with halved entry pricetag or ~$100-200 cheaper (w/ HD-DVD), sporting tons of games.

Usual Sony arrogance, nothing else - they will screw it, screw it, screw it so far they won't have any chance but to bite their own sh*t even deeper and lower the price. :D
Apart from the scandalous-pathetic late PS3 launch, postponed many times, remember what all these idiots did to Sony's other business: the Trinitron creator lost the entire TV business to others, they have been marginalized in home electronics - heck, the Walkman and Discman creator entirely missed the mp3/music player boat, thanks to their pigheaded arrogant stupidity!
And let's not forget the non plus ultra of arrogancy, the secret rootkit installer on Sony audio CDs which provoked worldwide outrage yet this Chief Retard Officer came back as "most people don't know what a rootkit is" - bang, congrat, retard, you just put another dozen of those nails into your own company's coffin...

Oh man, that will be a nice day when all these clowns at Sony will be booted by the shareholders after Sony shares crashed... :D

T2k keep bringing in ur hate threads please...keep us entertained.

PS3 has Wi-Fi
PS3 has Blu-ray drive
PS3 has HDMI built in
Blu-Ray won the formar war son.

I am telling you the facts, quit crying and *$$$$** about the system.

If you do the math you get a better deal on the PS3 than the 360.
I own both consoles and all i gotta say is Xbox 360 has the advantage of xbox live and more games out now that is all.

Have a nice day.

Neutron please don't delete this reply, id like everyone to read this reply.
Afterall he started.

Funny people make threads and start bashing in their own threads.
Yet they sold over 240,000 of them in January with only 1 really good game and a few B games. How many XBOX360s were sold in January of 2006 when the XBOX360 didn't have any games?

Come back in March after Motorstorm hits the floor running and we will revisit those sales numbers.
Yet they sold over 240,000 of them in January with only 1 really good game and a few B games. How many XBOX360s were sold in January of 2006 when the XBOX360 didn't have any games?

Umm.. when xbox 360 released I couldn't find an xbox till around march.. they were sold out everywhere.. even then I would see them for a day or so and they would sell out.. similar to the wii, not even remotely like the PS3...
They needed any extra supplies of the 360 during launch to cover all those overheating lauch consoles that were coming in as warranty service/returns, that's why you couldn't find them in the stores...;)

Seriously, neither the 360 nor the PS3 had horrible nor stellar launches. They were both given quite tepid receptions by the market, aside from the extreme fanboys lining up. It'll be interesting how things stack up come this holiday season...then the real war of mature next gen will be in full swing. Big title launches that really show what each system is capable of; enough time so that Sony and Nintendo's online offerings better show some maturity. No excuses.

But it looks like lowest priced system is winning. Whether Nintendo can keep solid titles coming (esp. w/ 3rd party) remains to be seen...
Let's hope someone makes some good games for the PS3. As My wife just purchased me one as a surprise. :)

Havent hooked it up yet, but will tommorow. :)
Need better driving games (Gran Turismo 5 - end of 2007, Formula One Feb 2007), and an official support for a steering wheel with feedback support. The only reason I did not get one is because my logitech driving force pro wheel simply did not work with my friends PS3 - even when using old PS2 game like Gran Turismo 4. Untill the wheel works (firmware upgrade), or until they release an officially supported steering wheel for PS3, I'm considering getting XBOX 360 instead and their force feedback wheel when the Forza Racing comes out for the 360 in May 2007.

That xbox steering wheel is a must have. Forza 1 was awesome so Forza 2 should be that much better. I love my xbox. Even playing Project Gotham Racing 3 is awesome on the Xbox. My friends all love that game. I personally would like to see some awesome offroad racing games for xbox 360. Like ones in sand dunes, dirt, and real offroad. Not cheezy MX vs. ATV unleashed. I have that game and it's fun but I think Microsoft needs to come out with a game like Motorstorm.
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Even though I have a ps2 already. I'm happy to see there are plenty of ps3's to go around. Maybe nintendo will get there fingers out there ass and stock the store too.

I was at my local walmart and there was 3 of them sitting in the case. As I was shooting the breeze with the cashier. A guy came up and brought one.

Shocking thing is he was not complaining about it was to expensive. Nor was he was talking about waiting to the price drop.

You may not believe this, but the shortage on items does come to a end and you going to see plenty on the shelves. When the consumer, that can afford one is ready to buy. They're get it. Some of you guys and the media thinks, as soon as the ps3s gets carried from the truck. People are going to run and snatch them up like a thief in the night. That time has past.
That xbox steering wheel is a must have. Forza 1 was awesome so Forza 2 should be that much better. I love my xbox. Even playing Project Gotham Racing 3 is awesome on the Xbox. My friends all love that game. I personally would like to see some awesome offroad racing games for xbox 360. Like ones in sand dunes, dirt, and real offroad. Not cheezy MX vs. ATV unleashed. I have that game and it's fun but I think Microsoft needs to come out with a game like Motorstorm.

I like to see a new Rallisport Challenge game for the 360. I love that game on the xbox and the ice maps graphic was so realistic. I always thought Rallisport Challenge graphic was better than Project Gotham and so was the game play.

Forza is a Gran Turismo want to be, but worse. Test Drive Unlimited for the 360, sucks. The best Test Drive game is the first one on the ps1.
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Sony owes me $14,000


I was looking at the photo again and I notice those ps3 are bundles. No wonder there not selling quickly. If consumer is crying out, saying $600 for the ps3 is too expensive. You know damn well, there broke asses can't afford a ps3 bundle.

Some of them couldn't afford a ps3, if the "Good Lord" provided a way for their broke asses to own one free.
The Wii is the fun but low-horsepower little Corolla, the 360 is the fun, more powerful but unreliable Camaro, and the PS3 is the full-up Lexus...

This is where I stopped reading not only this powerful stupid post but this whole topic - these utterly useless, retarded car analogies clearly shows the level of its posters... no need to get involved at that level.
These are consumer products w/ target demographics, T2K. Analogies are relevant. Do you fall in the casual/practical/cheap, motor[meat]head hardcore/gearhead, or loaded/luxury market seqment, was what I was mapping out--each is initially going after a specific slice, hoping to broaden its appeal later. But you didn't want to think, you wanted to be a troll.

Brilliant and well-spoken as usual. What was the point of THAT post, other than to be insulting? Another one for the books.

Oh, I remember...you were the Apple troll way back who said I was (I think literally, again, your eloquent words) 'stupid' thinking they would A) get into content distribution or develop a set-top box for your home theater to view said distributed content, and B) that they mattered as a company in the first place, as they were just a niche player. You know, the "iPod is just a fad" sort of thing. Hmm, and then there's the intelligence and tact of dogging the thread when you're the OT poster who starting the damn thing. Nice. It's obvious you're just out to spew FUD.

But what the hell...I'll bite.

Do tell, what are your brilliant insights into the console wars. I'd love to hold your assessments and prediction up to scrutiny. You've got a good track record so far...;)
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These are consumer products w/ target demographics, T2K. Analogies are relevant. Do you fall in the casual/practical/cheap, motor[meat]head hardcore/gearhead, or loaded/luxury market seqment, was what I was mapping out--each is initially going after a specific slice, hoping to broaden its appeal later. But you didn't want to think, you wanted to be a troll.

Brilliant and well-spoken as usual. What was the point of THAT post, other than to be insulting? Another one for the books.

As I said your car analogy is just as relevant as it would be vica versa - it is simply laughably simplistic, your "mapping out" reveals you obviously never studied anything relevant in your whole life, just a copying some of the million crappy articles available online.

Oh, I remember...you were the Apple troll

Me? Apple troll? :eek:
You A) don't have the slightest idea what a troll means or B) don't have the slightest idea who wrote it and/or what I wrote.

You got links, I hope...

who said I was (I think literally, again, your eloquent words) 'stupid' thinking they would A) get into content distribution

Which they still have yet to get in, right (sans fairly pathetic downloadable TV or even more pathetic music video offerings in a single Apple store but that's obviously pretty far from content distribution, I'm sure you're aware of this.)

or develop a set-top box for your home theater to view said distributed content, and B) that they mattered as a company in the first place, as they were just a niche player. You know, the "iPod is just a fad" sort of thing. Hmm, and then there's the intelligence and tact of dogging the thread when you're the OT poster who starting the damn thing. Nice. It's obvious you're just out to spew FUD.


I have no idea which Kool-Aid you drink but the use of the old, preposterous, long-discredited car analogy - first widely used by Apple fans a decade - points into the direction you probably suffer from Apple-related RDF effects so let me enlighten you about my relevant views on Apple, my misinformed/confused friend: ever since they switched to Intel - had they done it a decade ago they wouldn't be still in the single-digit ghetto, in the error margin of computer market share - Apple should have subsequently given up the hardware development - as they obviously suck at it - and should focus on multimedia content development industry instead, providing all the tools and softwares for it because they already own the OS, the platform. Keep the industrial design if they still itchy to sell their branded hardware but stop developing such piece of crap like Mac Mini and focus on applications as OS X is clearly behind any* OS when it comes to applications, despite their RDF-spinned, KoolAid-drinking 'artist' 'consumers' like "webdesigners" (aka bartenders), "graphics designers" (aka messenger boys, better case bussers) etc.
When you have only one or two choice for editing, literally only one useful choice for authoring (though it's an excellent one) then it's not a professional platform, it's still a limited platform.

But what the hell...I'll bite.

Oh, c'mon.
But what the hell, bite or whatever, you already lost your credit...

Do tell, what are your brilliant insights into the console wars. I'd love to hold your assessments and prediction up to scrutiny. You've got a good track record so far...;)

Yes, I do, even without fposing with some old, retarded, stupid analogy as something new.
There's nothing more pathetic than using this really old, zillion times used, truly idiotic car analogy in any online debate as your post - most of the teenies don't do it on console forums anymore it's so embarrassing kind of cliche.
Anybody over 20 - and I'm much older - could read it on some Apple forum decade ago. AFAIK it was first used by Mactards, in the 90s when I visited the first Mac-related BBSes - it was just as hilarious and useless as it is today.
So when it comes to track record I'd rather remain in deep silence if I were you...

*: OS X used to be better for audio editing but it's not the case anymore, XP offers just as much choice if not more. Also linux apps are incomparable when it comes to user-friendly - most of them console-based apps so OS X certainly has this edge over linux.
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Sorry about that folks, I think I'll let this thread get back OT. Now that I'm totally 'exposed' for the creditless fraud that I am, I'll go skulk in a corner for a while ;)

Thanks, T2k, that was, uh...

(But, oh, as far as those links, T2k, just do a little archive search over on AVS for starters, y'know just for s***s & giggles.) Here's a link, though, for old times sake:


Oh, and it looks like you might want to tread a little more lightly there, too. Seems you've been threatened w/ being banned recently...

Sorry about that folks, I think I'll let this thread get back OT. Now that I'm totally 'exposed' for the creditless fraud that I am, I'll go skulk in a corner for a while ;)

Thanks, T2k, that was, uh...

(But, oh, as far as those links, T2k, just do a little archive search over on AVS for starters, y'know just for s***s & giggles.) Here's a link, though, for old times sake:


ROFLMAO, just another example of your own ignorance - did you notice that the subject over there was Quicktime 7 and I was talking about VC-1?


Blowing your own link makes you look really silly, indeed. :p :p

Oh, and it looks like you might want to tread a little more lightly there, too. Seems you've been threatened w/ being banned recently...

Why am I not surprised you are wrong once again...? Tsk, tsk tsk - how about asking instead of embarrassing yourself with posting where you're trying to sound like somebody who knows something yet you obviously got it wrong?

PS: BTW I am still right there, as QT7 was and still IS truly inferior to VC-1 when it comes to hw/pq ratio (assuming now you are able to understand at all what I'm referring to 'cause you obviously did not understand over there).

PS2: and ah, do you watch tv on Apple TV or anything? If so you're probably high on KoolAid - because there's no such thing, the hilariously named 'AppleTV' is actually a lot less than most of the upconverting networked DVD/media players, it's simply a quite pathetic answer to HTPCs.
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