Sony misses PS3 shipping targets in Japan


Gaming Guru & Pub Member
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Sep 8, 2003
Birmingham, AL
Not just a little, but by 20%. Japan is now launching with 80,000 PS3 consoles. Sony sold 1 million PS2s in Japan at launch.

October 30, 2006 - What's worse than 100,000 units at launch? How about 80,000? The Nikkei Keizai Shimbun morning edition reports today that due to component shortages, Sony will have only 80,000 units ready for the PS3's 11/11 Japanese launch. This cuts back by a fifth the initial launch target of 100,000.

The lack of digits in that number is even more staggering when you consider that the PS2 sold out of nearly a million units when it launched back in March of 2000.

Having lived through a few weeks of attempting to obtain a PS3 pre-order, we're not too surprised by the lowered shipping numbers. Allocations disappeared quickly at online retailers that were brave enough to start pre-order programs. The online arm of media retailer Tsutaya ran out of units in 6 minutes according to Nikkei (it felt more like 1 minute to us).

Major electronics chains like Yodobashi Camera won't be taking pre-orders, Nikkei reports, so there's only one option left: line up the day before launch. Although with fewer units to go around, we're considering getting in line starting from the week prior.


Sony to Sell PS3 Rainchecks
It's just like the real thing, except....

by Anoop Gantayat

October 27, 2006 - We can see it now. Little Tarou-kun wakes up on New Years day expecting a new, next-generation gaming console as a gift for having endured a year of intense cram school sessions. But oh the disappointment when his parents hand him not a box containing a new console, but an envelope with a raincheck for one.

Mainichi Interactive reports today that Sony, anticipating potential PlayStation 3 shortages for the year-end sales season, has come up with a means of keeping from missing out on potential sales. In place of actual systems, potential PS3 owners in Japan will be able to purchase a voucher guaranteeing a system early next year.

Specifics were not provided from Mainichi, which cited as a source a speech given yesterday by Sony's Chief Financial Officer, Nobuyuki Oneda.

As far as we can tell, this plan concerns only the Japanese market. A good thing, as the whole raincheck thing probably wouldn't go over too well on our shores.

Yes it is a serious article. Those crazy Japanese. I don't think something like that would fly in the US or Europe.

My question is, Will Sony have to cut US shipments by 20% also.

PlayStation 3: What's with the watts?

PS3 momentum takes off BABY!!

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