I bought a Sony 42 in tv in May of 2005. Picture grew darker and loss of great
clarity on HDTV. Sony replaced my "optical engine". Tech said problem was caused by cigarette smoke. I smoke, but I dont blow smoke in to the back of my TV.
Same problem occured again last month. I had to rant and rave to have Sony give me a new optical engine.....When we get our new engine I would like to sell it to
a non smoker some where in the north west suburbs of chicago.
I paid $2500.00 for it in May of 2005. Set weighs 67 pounds. If interested my
email is thomasmaly@msn.com
clarity on HDTV. Sony replaced my "optical engine". Tech said problem was caused by cigarette smoke. I smoke, but I dont blow smoke in to the back of my TV.
Same problem occured again last month. I had to rant and rave to have Sony give me a new optical engine.....When we get our new engine I would like to sell it to
a non smoker some where in the north west suburbs of chicago.
I paid $2500.00 for it in May of 2005. Set weighs 67 pounds. If interested my
email is thomasmaly@msn.com