Yea, I'm not talking about making it a 'rule', again this is about fun, here is the idea (suggestions or improvments, welcome):
Ok, here goes, we have to each post TWO songs each time, the 2 songs must have one word in common, which will be denoted in all CAPS (2 letters minimum, to avoid capitol A's and I's in titles confusing matters), the next poster has to pick any word from the previous posters 2 songs, EXCEPT the word the previous poster matched for example:
poster #1:
Some SONG Title - Performer-A
Secong SONG Title - Perfomer-B
poster #2 (cannot use SONG as the anchor word):
SOME Other Title - Performaer-C
Title of SOME Song - Performer-D
poster #3 (cannot use SOME as the anchor word):
Here Is A Title - PERFORMER-E
Anchors In Author Title Still Ok - PERFORMER-E
Too complex/stupid/lame?
Maybe just a few of us (or just me, if noone (the OP) minds) could try, i.e. if you want to post the same way intermixed with this idea, it'd be fine, afterall it's about fun, not rules right? just thought it might be an interesting twist, or I could bugger off and watch the air go by.
On Topic:
Soft Dog - Peter Gabriel
Ok, here goes, we have to each post TWO songs each time, the 2 songs must have one word in common, which will be denoted in all CAPS (2 letters minimum, to avoid capitol A's and I's in titles confusing matters), the next poster has to pick any word from the previous posters 2 songs, EXCEPT the word the previous poster matched for example:
poster #1:
Some SONG Title - Performer-A
Secong SONG Title - Perfomer-B
poster #2 (cannot use SONG as the anchor word):
SOME Other Title - Performaer-C
Title of SOME Song - Performer-D
poster #3 (cannot use SOME as the anchor word):
Here Is A Title - PERFORMER-E
Anchors In Author Title Still Ok - PERFORMER-E
Too complex/stupid/lame?
Maybe just a few of us (or just me, if noone (the OP) minds) could try, i.e. if you want to post the same way intermixed with this idea, it'd be fine, afterall it's about fun, not rules right? just thought it might be an interesting twist, or I could bugger off and watch the air go by.

On Topic:
Soft Dog - Peter Gabriel
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